Minor.Mavs can 'tfieldfull team, but they stillplay well enough to gain tourney finals Milton's intermediate lacrosse teamn is ready for bat- tde - that is, if they come packing ail available ammunition. The Mavericks weren't quite able to do that last weekend in Brampton, where they were severely shott-staffed for their firat toumament appearance of the year but still managed to reach the championship finals. Once there, however, the boys were physically drained and felI 11-4 to Markham Sunday evening. "We ran with only two lines and a couple of substi- tutes for Most of the weekend. Fatigue eventually caught tip with us," said head coach Peter Hassall, who due to work and personal commitments was missing several key regulars including captain and backbone Blair Beaulieu. "By the third period of the finals, the guys just couldn't run anymore." Bobby McDonald led offensively in the title match, steppmng up bis gaine to score once and add a pair of Sister act Ti with a Scarborough elite teamn and leading a Burlington squad to the highly coveted WAGS (Washington Ares Girls Soccer) Tournament title. But as impressive as past accomplish- ments have been, the Johnstons are focused on the future - one that includes the opportunity to get theinselves on an F0«& even sounder footing, botb on and off the playing fleld. t0 "It's great to have our school situation squared away. It's nice to know ail the gidt bard work has paid off," said Chrystal. Ad~Ç /rem faeag assists. Milton's other marksmen were Matt Shepherd, Matt Ventura and Jeif Hohendorf - who was gîven the captain's 'C' and played extremely well with it. The Mavericks gutted out a 9-8 decision over the host tearn in the semnifinals. They but up a comfort- able lead through the early going but, because of -a lack of bodies, bast steain and their cushion down the stretch. Shepherd notched the gamne winner while standing tail with two goals and two assista was Matt O'Meara. Milton triumphed in only one of thoee round robin gaines, but advanced because of their goals for and against ratio. Their lone victory came against London, whom they downed 9-4 on the strength of three-goal efforts by Hohendorf and Steve Chuchmach. Losses came to Brampton (11-6) and Whitby (7-6). The intermediates held a 2-1-1 league record head- ing into last night's home gaine with Markhamn j'lm Macinnon à>Waterfalls & Ponds f4w w~e.9~o0e a</4I" pé;V0«iVý e t4e Plorkinq liard towSay Vour 111 PoMid Store WPN i P~A VS A4 wrXIc The Canadian Champion, Frlday, Juno 18, 19M9-21 Marathon clinie starting The Running Company of Oakville will host an 18-week training program for marathon runners starting next Wednesday, June 23. Conducted by Marathon Dynamnics, the development clinic rns each Wednesday night at Cedar Springs Racquet Club, located at 960 Cumberland Avenue in Burlington. It is open to aIl runners, including begin- ner and veteran marathoners. Featured dur- ine the course are seminars and lectures from guest speakers on subjects vital to runners. Each participant receives a detailed guidebook and logbook as weil as ongoing help and instruction. Members also have an opportunity to train with Marathon Dynamics' teain - which usea the Canadian International Marathon in October as a fundraiser for leukemnia research. To register for the clinic, or for more information, cail Steve at 815-1952 or 847-9508._______ Faiho~ Pay b 201h Soturday Junior Clinics starting at 9:00 amn held by- Clarke's Golf to register eaul 878-1818 6621 3rd LUne (3rd Une South of Derry) 3DàRdLi 693-0303 724 ain t. E, MitonAt the (liut W st o th GO taton)Milton Leisure Centre 11114111 a BURUNgTON3300FvwsI<SO5)0.74a ERiMILLS314IDUnhsStW (000117431 0 H@'irS.MCfl oFn lOa0mto9pmn Sat:9:3Oam t53pl Sun. 10 am l5pm liii The Board of Directors and Staff of HALTON FAMILY SERVICES are pleased to INVITE YOU TO ATT7END OUR 45TH- ANNUAL MEETING Tuesday, june 22, 1999 at 7:30pm at Oakville Public Library 120 Navy St., Oakville Guest Speakoer. Dr. Derric Tapper «Our Cukure, Our ami&s, Our Regrets!" 1ý