-ooage orom the sscunty camnera ai the store shows a suspec. Duo robbed convenience store in Acton Detectives seek information that could heip track down the two thugs responsible for the hold up of an Acton conve- nience stooe at the end of May. At 3:45 a.m., Sunday, May 30, two men walked inta the Beckers store on Queen Street They confronted the cashier, striking him in the face and pushing him ta the floor. One took money from the clerk's wallet while the other emptied tie tili. he cierk was then put in a back niom before the suspects fied. he men saught by police are both white. One was described as 20 to 30 years aid, five-foo- 10 ta five-foot-I1 iwith long, dark hair. He wore a black cap, black jacket, black shirt and black jeans. The second culprit was 30 ta moueasce Hed wi ore a aIl a ousacldheH oghaanda cap, black jacket and ight blue jeans. If you have any information that leads ta an arrest in this or any other case, you may be eli- gible for a cash reward of up ta Crimie Stoppers 0 F H A LTO0N $1.000. You need not give your naine and your information can be taken with complete anonymi- ty. Crime Stoppers does flot oui> scribe to cail display. Cail 1-800-222-TIFS or 825- TIFS. Crime Stoppers of Halton is operated by a board of direc- tors made up of 18 civilians from ail areas of the region. The reward fund resuits from the financiai support of busi- ness, industry, service clubs and private citizens. The board of directors raises the money, decides on the amount of rewards and actually pays the rewards. Crime Stoppers is incorporat- ed as a charitable organization and donations ta, the reward fund are tax deductible. Fun is big in this w orthy fu ndra ilsler A fundraising event by a chanity formed ta help deliver health care in Canada and thse Caribbean promises ta have sometloing for everyone. The Dr. Daphne DaCosta Foundatian wiii hast the Anthurium Summer Sizzle in Milton on Sunday, June 13. From a stand-up comic ta pony rides, the evelit will fea- turc a variety of activities, entertainers and food for peo- pie of all ages, said Mary Long, the foundation's volunteer-in- chief. Playing music wiii be a steel band featuring keyboardist Lloyd Deiprat, who formerly piayed for the Piatters and Bob Marley. Door prizes and displays wil also be part of the foun. The event will take place from 1 to 5p.m.at 10097 Hwy. 25 North. Through thse fundraiser, foun- dation members hope ta attract support for ito Prostate Sensitization Awareness (PSA) project, iaunched in Ontario at the Metropolitan Toronto Board of Trade in 1998. For more information, cal 878-8484. 'original, vanilla, strawberry or chocolate ma5_2 S Natura Soya Bleverage 1 L Ri ea j ws eblB Pyridoxine, eSwiss Herbai Cod Liver Dii, 90 caps................. 3.35 ea e Swiss Herbai Natural Unbleached Lecithin, 4 1,200 mg,O90caps.......... 5.11 ea Parsley FIakeS07 0b l'P Swuss Herbai Co Enzyme 010, 0P 30 mg, 30 caps............ 9.11 ea " Herbai Select Ginkgo Plus, ë 60Omg, 60caps ........... 895 ea "Herbai Select Valerian Root, 400 mg, 60caps ...........3-USea 4 .4 ON WEN- sENOR SAVE 10 White supplies ast. On advertised tem w reserve thre nght to tîmi quantties No dnalers piese. 12 pre retors t0 alit ar eonryttay ow pores* sONLYcAi AT e"L Mviilonl M 55 Ontario St. S. (95693-9207r