Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Jun 1999, p. 29

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The Canadien Champion, Frlday, June 11, 1999--29 1- you have ndcing expenience and enloy people, then yoa coald bu the person wo'ro Iookng for. Bahr Sad- dlery in Homby reqairea tulitimu sales help. 905- 878-8885. INSIDE Sales requlred by leading Industriel Wholeaer af pipe, vatves, ftttng, hydrauîic hase & connectons, Experlence In aur industry e definfte as- set. Fax resume: Runnatis Industries Inc. 905-453- 8293. PART TIME Cosmetician required tor eveninga and weekends. Exqedence preterred. Apply in persan to Shoppers Drug Marg, 265 Main Street, Carniage Square, Milton ta the Cosmelica Department LIASilE ONO. We are a full maintenance lease campany, specializîng in Clasa 7 and 8 units. Due ta cantinued grawth we require: e LIc.ased Clase "A" Heavy Truck Mechanles Applcans muet have a minimum 5 years experlence. *Mobile Mechanics wlth truck and traiter experlence ta aperate new service trucks a Roofer Mechanice wMt 3 ta 5 yeara experlence e Waeh Bey Peusonnel Full and Part-Uime posiaons avallable tar aIl positiarns If yau are Interested In lning a grawing campasiy that pravides top wages, bene- fils and flexible warkdng canditions please ceIl aur Service Dept. 905-693-0505 or Fax Résume ta Da». Thomas at <90) 693-9157 Required for nightshift. We offer 4 day week $23/br fiat rate Company Benefits & Pension. For a confidiential interview. (905)4844-3990 Grry Manning Srvice Manager CAB Opsiatsrl TochnICIafl The leading Canadian Lessor ai speciaized rail cars and services tes an opernn in aur Engneering Departreent for a Cari Operstan/ Tarlinician. Tias position wili ha responsibie for assembty and detail drasings fore roagh sketches or layouîs. OMMn dalas b$dm 0 To assist Proiect Coodinator an assignmants as part of a proiect teara. Ci To prapare finisheri sorking drasings in accordance sith design sketche or teyoats on CAO eqaipreent. * To produce alementary layouts tram reterence drasings or sketches. * Ota relitd dattes as oequired. This position raqaires knooserige ai Drafiing and CAO Microstatien. Applicants shautri send their resame aatiining aducatien, expenience and salary hlstory la: PROCOR LIMITED Hum@a Raeurm easO artmast 2001 Speer Rd., Oakvlle, On tiJ 5El E-maill: IOO 5r.OeI Fax:(905) 827-7735 m MIlT - 5 years efdsperle qulred wlt Bar- ing & MmIg expeience prefeixed. Cal Flambarc Machine Shop aI90-5-44 OFFICE HELP PERMANENT PART-TIME Sergent Farms In Milian bas an apaning for a paritime boaldceeper ta do accaunlting and ge nermI office dulies. Must be rellabte, trustwar- hyandi have goori computer andi analylcal s Idls. 4 bours par day Mon. - Mr. ta stsrt wilh acsOtial full risys ta caver for ailiers. Pieas fax resume ta: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLFJ ORDER PROCESSING We are looking for a highly orgaxized individuai ta work ia NB and order processing. Preterence wiII be giveri to those candidates eih: " Exixerience on Accoants Receivabe/ Order entry " Experience worldng ýwth PC spreadsheets " Accunting education We otter a competitive salary, comprehensive benetits and a qaality wort environment. Please sabmit resumne ta: Afin: M. Ted Stanton. KPM laudua Ltd. RD. Box 699, 3385 Harvester Rd Bariington, ON L7R 3Y5 Fax: (905) 333-3730 ACCOUNTINO SUPERVISOR Reqaired tor accouxting office ot twx. Mast be able ta do tutl set ot cxmpaterized boxkx to tinaxcial statements ioctuding ai goveroment remnitiances. Stronfi computer skilis ix Microsxft Excel, Word, atong with hands an experience in a Microsoft net- worked system are a must. Experience in Business Visions Delta would be an asset. This positiox ix avaitabte immediatey. Please forward yoar resame ta: Nor-Am Patient Care Products Limited 2388 Speers Rd, Oakville, ON, L6BL 5M2 FxU(95)-825 0501 THE BURUNGTON law offie oI Michael Darling le in need af a part MIme secretaiy wlth experlence In Family Law and Cii Ligallon. PIases tax masume ta 905-639-8017. SYSTEM COORDINATOR Muet have gaad telephane ekilîs and be computer literate. Knawledge ai A.D.P. computers an esset. Training will b. given ta the succeseful applicant. Fax resumes ta: (905) 878-0960 Aft'n: Sam MoAlpine Flxed Operatons Manager youtage nutritlause lunes 8, bae fuel- $39 13, asw Joy Pogran. (05)3 ed.b 905-45-571 Stec came.905 878-240. crieft, s&l ta lesC Resurchenaeve2 &ent yCana. Me a a Ro ree rs,d ~ ~ s cerin.s N utrltio eas3 sotse avai-ab0. CaIled. 9578,00011m., or Rosemays 87-2387 ne, rat shapie lrrE requhireîn aur 872 70 hom ers Mst eralne 90EGEVse Seteanpr Cahe 874 sped 4D,6 3743 aftrpm manger $1.50 ar Scod 199 YNAI Ex t Re-erceues ee 876-236 Tomst 878-8000.stvee Make it RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOB11111111ILE Ta lease or purchase your car or truck Hwy 25 S. et Oerry Rd. 878-2393 GORRUD'S SAILES à LEVASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAIMILY BUSINESS WIT1I FAMILY VALUES WE - 88V - SELL - LEASE jLARGEST SELECTION OF USED VEHICLES IN MILTON ALL PERSONS having clalms against the estate ai JOHN BARTHOLOMIEW NIJNAN. late ai 6136 910 Une in the Town af Milton reho died on the 2nd day ai March, 1999, are hereby requlred ta send fult partlculars of such dlaims ta the underslgned executor on or before the 3010 day ai July, 1999 abter which date the estate's esses sut be dis- tnlbuted havlng regard only ta dlaims thal have been recelved and the underslgned wl I not be hiable ta, any persan oi whose el dlaim he shail not then notice. in Dated et Milttan this 1let day ai June, 1999. FRANK HALK 6150 9thUne Homnby, Ontario LOP 1 EO ? %S 1 > '7- ex ai- as- stl CD W0. SHARED hause, $326 per month. Cat 873- 4680 boivieun 10 a.m, & 1 P.M 3 BEDROOM Apari- ment in Fourpiex, close ta dosntown, Milton. $900 + bating & hydro. 905-459-1592, sitar 6 p.m. ACTON, 3 bedroom Victorien semi $1.000. Large 2 bedroom apart- ment re/basement, $725 plan utitiea. 519-853- 5080 or .519-853-5352. LARGE 1 bedrcom, nevty renovsted base- ment wih 2 - 5ft wide windowa. No smok- ing/no pets. Sultable for 2 adulte. Reserved parking, aIt utiities. $850./month. 878- 2567, Mobile 691-3123. LARGE 3Bedroom Aprmet 950/month + utidtes. No pets. 878- 3489. MILLSIDE TOWERS 2 7MLLSIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 1 Bedrooni avaltable on bus moute, tresly decorated, 2 appli- ances, on-site saun- dry, indludes ait utili- fies (except pOne & cable.) Free parking, no pets. References requiwed. 9W5-76-1249 By appointrreent only SPACIOUS 1,2 & 3 bedroame. Freshty painted, bright. Com- aeitv ranI. Buiingto hîah nse lli main tand- Canvereent la- cation. (905)333-9846 Noon - 8 p.m FIJLLY fumitIned office, shered ladîltfies. Fax- kidchen-reception. $350. 69 Main Street Est. Jim Grdon, 875-1771. MLL PRIVATE OF- FICE beeutitully ap- pointed, Hwy. 25 & 401. 1-905-277-9347 or 905- 275-6834. PRIVATE HOUSE SALE. Large 4 bed- room, numerous up- grades, finished base- ment & offic on Claver Park Crescent, Milton. $265,000. 878-9180 (No Agents please.) 29 REQIJES? FOR PROPOSA& Bîd documents for the contract or servtce ltsted belos, addressed ta the Manager ai Purchasing, 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE, ON L6M 3L1 will be recerved untri 2:OOpm. Oaiville ttme on the specfied closing date. Btd documents cao be seen or obtarned through the Purchasîng Dtvtsion of te Corporate Services Department, same address as above (905)825-6000, extension 7031. Documents wili be available for pick up on and aller Mehdai, Jae 7, 199. There is a non-refundable deposit of $25.00 pils $1 .75 BUT. Under no circumstances wili facsimite or late bids be accepted or considered. MOI- FUEL flEQUIflEMENTS FOR THE HALTON REGIGNAL POLICE SERVICE CLOSIN: THURSIAT, JMU 24, 1M9 E. ALGAR, A. MINDENHALL, CPPB CHIEF 0F POLICE MANAGER 0F HALTON REGIONAL POLICE SERVICE PURCHASING SERVICES set intemet: www.ntbids.omf on.halto.nc/evcD enaflr bppuasiD Celebrating a Birthday Wedclng AnnK«osary? Did you hava A Baby A Graduation? Are you 1oolng for a new job? wantig to hire? Do you hava Something To Buy? To Sel? To Trade? Areoyau looking For a New Home? an apartrnent? a townhouse? Want to Soil Appliances? Fumriture? Treasures? Did you lose your pet?7 or mayte you fourld a pot? Need a now car?7 truck? boat? troUer Phone dia Oakfiods 875-3300 ROOM for rent. Snare $400monh. 05-93-room Townhoaxe, fin. 8492. isherl basomool, C/W ROOM near Milton Mal, extra bedroamn and suitable tor woreing maie. No shfn workers bathraaen. Immacutate please. $1oOIweek. condition. Clone to 878-0882. - choata. 741 Woodward ROOSIS for ranI. $365 Ave.Unfi 5. Please cati par monlth. Please cati 875-0472. Tony Hiii, 876-1617. TWO roome in town- 327 house in Christian O MNuf home, non-smoking. 878-2083. OPEN Hause, Satur- 810 day, June 12 & Sunday, *o*Jtapi Jane 13.1 - 5p.m. 151 Resod'- Satok Crescent, 4 bed- room tint houue, 1-1/2 WATERFRONT Geor- bathroams, central air. gian Bey, western expo- $186.900. For detais sure, dock, sandy cati. 877-3462. beach, acreened roan, large dect, open con- cept kitchen and living- mare, 2 bedroama and LCOME tait, 3 place bath. Close AG N to ski his. 1-1/2 hours tram Toronto. Move in - New In ton? condition. Very dlean. - ohi ieaeteIn 3 Muet be sean. Oniy aianfhorarea? $121,000. Cai 705-538- * ang a baby? 2164. *Eatabllalilng a 315 naw buaines? Cemmsty Weîceme Uinda ..54-1563 REASONABLE Indue- Marilyn..875-519 trial Units tor rent. 1,200 aldal - 3,200 sq. fi. Loading Shirley..878-7046 docks & drive-in. 1-905- lb 277-9347 or 1-905-275- Tracy L ...876-4330 6834. *uîusinoseleasleehîn CL . at ...... 876-4040

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