Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Jun 1999, p. 28

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3TWBKIUES ImmuzB ROMAINE At 'rTIE PARM" - De Paoli JTARTS JUNE 10> Pi~pew esen -Ready piekdl.leau cali> NP8l73-2050 e, a77-7976 MoithM "-, Sait. 8-5, Sma & Ht. 8-12 ..Cii for avalluhItt 15 Sidiread, 1 km. West of Trafalgar Rd., Pb*a farm on nortla aide, Stewart- VOLUNTRB NEEDErI. At MliTiathlon July 10 for regWstiml, bodymarlthtg rater stops, tratfic contrai etce Cail Kay 878-4122 or Harry 519-856- 1154. 1 ULL & PRT I Fo etyrnvae aîltes lyo r oio Fonfieny rnovd ersonal, me Ifoud arke ta meut you. "Trahln %vi bu given." Pieuse deile or tax your rosane t10 Alen: Executtive Chef, Alan Beoneti RR#3, 9196 MU LIno, Fax #905-4M0 POSITION AVAILABLE WitIt a manufacturer af quality specialty construcion praducta lacated in Milton. We are seeklng an individual for aur Insîde Sales Tearn ta provicle product support and custamer service ta aur distributars. The candîidats will also bu responsiblu for pro- cusslng, of custamer ordera, inventary coni- trot and progec qualitiying toephanue catis. Candidates shauid posss goad interper- sonal and tlephane stilis. Bilinguaism would bu an asset but le not a requirement. The succesaful candidate wouîd start immedtatey, saiary rel . bel praportiorsate wvith uxperience. Please send a resurne, slating salary expectations ta: KM' MELVIN, W. R. Meadowes of Canada 70 Hannant Court Milton ON ILOIT SCi reqluires CC>UNTER IIELP Ali Shtil Peut tralinig. Unulomis suPplled. Apy ln pemS ot: 850=Hw 25 North, Miton 575 Ontario S, Milion Blue Beacon Truck Waoei le nare hling. FuI i&Part lme 8 amn - 4 pe and 5 Pm - 12 pen. The succesaful applicats Muet bu able to woek wuekends. Sterlng wage la $7.0Q/h. wlUu bonus Incenivui avuraging your reape up ta $8.50-$9O0 Per Nour. NO Phone ceilsa plusse. Plumes apply in per- san beh~ Fiftt Fuil timies &-uiI ;,t a indi- vidual with buU çoyI and/or Hardware salas expum.m Must be oustomer 8lVCe Oriented, neat and weIl groomoed. Application forms may be picked Up at Schuyler Home Hardware 385 Steeles Ave., Milton 228Mai St,870-4496 Due to, future expansion of our DoN & Bakery Depat'tments we require Full/Part lime Staff. Expenience la an asset, however training will be provicded ta ail non-experiuencud applicants. Pluase apply within. SUPER A VIDEO 550 ONTARIO STREET FULL TiM HELP WANTED Must bu able ta work days & evenings. Apply in persan Monday, June 14, between il Apl ean itresu.ta 161 CHISHOLM DRIVE MILTON MILTON AREA AGGREGATE PRODUCER REQUIRES THE FOLLOWING PERSONNEL *Experienced Crushing and Screening Plant Operators SExperienced Loader and Backhoe Operators **Experienced Dispatcher Please reply in confidence to: Manager Aggrégate Prodlucts 582 Bowes Rd. Concord, Ontario Telephone (905) 738-6133 FUE eELaAeItR 15â Mawiln to:tan PlaentnTr Manager 805 SeeueA*,ing Lin Milton, Ontario L9T 508 TORONTO AUTO AUCTIONS are expanding their facility and have the following positions available. GENERAL OFFICE POSITIONS 5 days a weslr with some flexibiity in 'houra. Switchbaard experience wautd bu an asset ýPART TIME BLOCK CLERKS Thtis part-tinte position is faat-paced andi roquirea an indivduel ta work Tueaday dur- ing te day and posalbly Thuraday uvenings, when trained possibly alter days as required. If you possess strong interper- sonal akilis and the ability ta adapt quickly ta new situations please cati or fax resumne: Kathy MacDonald et (905) 875-2915 or Fax: <905) 875-2910 Resurnea wilI b. accepted until June 30, 1999 NO TELEPHONE CALLS ACCEPTED ON TUESDAYS FOR THE ABOVE POSITIO We've got great things in store for you! PART-TIME BAKER STOREFRONT STAFF ABl ahifts - Full lime, Part-tlme Paid training -everythmng you need for a great future. Vatuable Experience - everything you need for a great future. Good tintes - what maties aur customers happy lu what motivates our employees - Honesty, caringe. and a workplace that reels like home. Apply taday: 7502 Trafalgar Rd., ttoraby An employer you can caunt on. AZ DRMVRS REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Milton HEREIS WIIAT WE CAN DO FOR YOUt " Competitive wages " Comprehensive full range beriefita " Local or. U.S. " Nights/Weekends/Overnight HERE'S WHAT YOU NEEDI " Verifiable experience "Professional attitude " Willing ta work " Dependable 7q Cali Bob at 1-800-661-6718 Fax: 416-253-6034 e-maiI:tapgQtag-4etaff.cosn SCIIOOL BUS DRIVERS MEEDED ~ito a Georgetown Train now for Septembur Ideal for homnemakers & early retirees 877-2251 Lealêe muk is ean equel oppailSity emplfyer 20 people need lmmudlely " PICKERSI PACKERS " ASSEUILERS " SHiPPERS/ RECEIVERS Milton, Ueeilgdu, Gakille locateons. Saiety boots required, car needed. Psy rates S9.Ilur. Apply at 2289 Fairview St.. Unit 106, Burlington or cail 634-444or fax 634-Ml1 Â~Olsten lStaffing Services -Eqaal Oppetedl Empl'g - DESIGNER/SALESPERSON Gakville's most op te date retail showroom is seeking an experienced, qualitied, protessional kitchen and bath designer/ salesperson le help handle our in- creased volume. Mid te high end cabinetry, high vo- lurne, busy showroom. Top commissions paid. 20/20 computer design a plus. Send resome te: OAKVILLE KICHEN CENITRE 599 Third Lins, OakviIIe, ON LOL 4A8 hi STOCK On &We Jumniy of Lmau~ Join Our Dynamlic CUSTOMER SERVICE Drlving Team! anoga a .... .,A Stay at home parent w, The « tise young to retire"« w, Those wIUl other part-i-me work If you are fiendly, cheertul, reliable, good wih cidren and enîoy drîving Tiren dniving a school bus may be for you! u Ralle part-Urne hoer ueMonte FrI " upteJem laierested appîloanla pieau oeil: (905)829-2040 or 1-800-822-3732 -FREE Treaining wll be provlded- NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR SEPT, 99 SHOP SUPERVISOR Required for busy automotive dealership. Must bu able te direct ait fondcions et service repair eperatien. Cluos A ticense and Ford experience a must. Cail Frank Celbrwee Service Manager et 561-8171 Gemini Mercury Salue (Hamilton) ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLEI ORDER PROCESSING We are leoking fer a highly organized individual io wurk in A/R andl order processing. Preference wiît ho glen le these candidates with: " Eeperience in Accouels ilecuivable/ Ordur entry " Eeperieece werkieg with PC spreadshenis " A£ccunting edecatien We ofler a competitive salar, comprehensive benelits sod a quality werk enviresment. PIeuse sutimit resuime te: Aile: M. Ted Stanion, KM ladustres LWi. P.D. Box 699, 3385 Harvester Rd Burtingtan, ON L7R 3Y5 Fax: <905) 333-3730 Our Client NAMAC TRANPORfTTONI. a progressive bulk carrier bas immediste openioge for for iull-iîtime positions " AZ Lîcens e Clean Abstract " Crimînal Search e 2 years et driving exp. RIIIER *Top rate of heurly pay e Excellent hennfi s package *Employee incentive plan e Uniteos supplîed IManamtn ta Esaelae lnterested drivers should contact Ted or Paul at 1-1111118211 5 GENERAL HELP PERMANENT PART-TIME Salas Clent, Service counler position availie nnmediately at Sargent Farms Relail Store. Must bu rellable, trustwertoy sud have good interprsonnel skiis. 4 te 5 houas per day reit accasional fuN days te cover for athurs. Plusse fax rosante te: Acoountlng Manaller CM0) 878-U98 1 or oeil 878-4401 fer IntrvIew HELP WANTED 1 Summer Itelp reanled unlil Suptember 1210o prup yearlings for lte Fait Sale. Full time unployment alsa avallabie. 2. Lab Technician for Brueding Fana. Duties include firuezing semun, vacci- nations, wornting and record keeping. Please mail or fax rusumu ta: Glengete Ferma P.O. Box 220 Camieilville, Onturio LOF 180O (905) 854-9991 * Fax: (905) 854-0650 BUSY lealher goods manufacturer in Hornbi (Steeles/Trafalgar) requires filitinte worker. If yoî are seti-motivsied reith a wilingness fa tuant cal 905-878-8885. M are leatio fer Wéod% to le mrtI tht estul rebatl îndeislry heurs. Flexibility is amust. tf yea are a plaasani, hoiphui & retliabte persou, Plesse fue DZ DRIVERS & OWNER OPIERATORS for LTL Pittsburgh/ Ohio hue maksei Miteage & Mort. U.S. teperieuce. Ph: (905)>639- 0539 Fax: (905) 639-1547 DAY CARE openlng Au- gu 99 ECE needed. Pliefxreaulte 1a 905-824-1106. DONNOI Pizza re- ~ra Inside Staff. ta 17 Win Derive, Mailtoin, aler 4 p.m. diel- lei FANMà HelpWated. ai -for mle. main- teance nd eseried fart nd outdoor chores. Nouo-eoklng environnient. eIlf 905- 827-2234. FLILLTIIME esperiunced Line Cook required. Ap- ply in persan ta Wimpy's Dîner, 525 Ontario Street, Milan. HAIRSTYLIST expert- enced or rent your own chair. Alsa Apprentice l-airstylast required. Great location. 878- 8637. HOUSEKEEPINO help wanted p art tinte. Summer. Near Kilbride, CampbethIie ares. $8.Softoour. Phone 905- 875-4739. LOCAL computer tonna manufactaur requiros trainse. Permanent tait tinte poito. Job un- taila bindeiy/finishing, shipping & rocuiving. Experience uot ru- quired, employer wil train. Candidates should poaseas soe ntechenlical aptitude. Cal 878-892. LOOKII for Labu techinician nd Car De- tailers. Satil ruane in person le Auto-Latte It, 925 Sein Si., E., Uni 1, Milaon, Oeil L9T 4HIlI or phone 878-859. Posmows availablu for Part & Fu# Tinte Housekeepes.A i person ta: Queily rt 161 Chioslr Driv, Mion. PRIVAT!, triondly sta- ble requires part time Itulp reit horses & larens. Horsu!lawn eqin enteperience prfre.Cati Wendy 877-7081, bolreien 8 arn. & 4 p.m. STURIDY Posier Unes Ltd. Itas ful & part tie positions ape for Pare- er Une Mainteiners anc custamer service rupre- sentatives for an ares rest ai Toronto. Applc- ants muit Itold licenaed Poreer Une Maînlainur Certificatu and a valut -cîass DZ license. yPlusse catI Glenn at u905-955-0088, Lame al t905-958-6029 or fax ru- sante 10 905-775-8274. Î_

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