Drury hammers nemesis By STEVE L.BLANC The Champion Revenge may be a disb best servetu cold, but E.C. Drury Higb Sebool was red-bnt when it came trne for payback in girls softball. At Lions Sport Park Tuesday, thc Spartans avenged tbeir regular season defeat to Oakville's T.A. Blakelock Tigers in colossal fasbion - bammering tbem 12-2 in quarterfinal playoff action. The local ladies flexed tbeir scoring muscles in Uic fourth and sixUi innings on tbe way to a ninUi season victory and advancement to Halton Region's final four. EC's plate pop was 10 say Uic least grand, but il was reliever Melissa Park's star Uiat sbone brigbtest. Th'le diminutive pitcber blanked Uic visiting Tigers througb Uic last four inninga, surrendering juat twc inconsequential singles - botb coming after Uic gaine was a dead issue. Sbe fanned five battera and made four putouts bier- self thUi most impressive of wbicb was a line drive s7gni e sixUi. Milton goalie Marion Jamieson and Melissa Parcels delivered sin- gles in the fourth that each scored a pair ot runs and tumned a lie gante int a comfortable 6-2 advantage. From tbere tbe Spartans bit around in the sixth, cusbioning their lead with a baîf-dozen runs on as many bits. Overall Uic teamn registered 13 bits. Providing Uiree of Uiese was Kristen Roberge, wbo scored twice - as did Marion Jamieson, Anne Jainieson and Nicole May. Starting pitcber Lindsay Harrold gave up both mons on five bits in a solid - if not spectacular - sbowing. She received ample assistance in Uie field, particular from centre flelder Aince May, wbo caugbt tbree fly balla, including one to end Uic second inning wben Blakelock liad Uie bases loaded. Drury took a four-gaine winning staeak and 9-2 sea- son record mbt yesterday afternoon's semnifinals againat Uie equally talenteci Georgetown Rebels. Results were not available at press time. If victori- oua, Uie Sparbans will compete for Uic regional crown gets a ful ride The Carsadlan Champion, Frday, June 11, 1999 - 26 Afraid oF getting an emissions test? Campbellville's Jamide Van de Spyker bas "I've seen Jamie play for two years. He bit a gusber. has a lot of tools," Barnett rernarloed. The 18-year-old, formerly with the Van de Spyker figures tbe Qulers' bench Burlington Cougars, recently accepted a boss was most impressed witb bis play at full-ride scholarship with the Ohio-based last year's Newmarket Sbowcase Findlay University Qulers, becoming the Toumnament, during which hie guided tbe flrst local netininder in quite some turne to Cougars to tbe cbampionship finals and graduate to tbe NCAA. fared weIl in a 4-3 loss to Milton. "It's a big relief to know wbere I'11 be Tbe local cager was also a key factor in going tbis falI," bie said. Burlington's overaîl resurgence tbis past One of the Jr. A Mercbants' most spirited s season. Besides Georgetown, tbey were tbe rivais over tbe past few years, Van de most irnproved team -in tbe West Spyker will now compete in the Buckeye Conférence. State under the tutelage of Craig Barnett - Jami. Van dO Findlay University will be moving up to an ex-goalie birnself froin tbe Oakville SpykOr tbe Division 1 Intercollegiate Hockey minor systein wbo once got 10 start an exbibition Alliance tbis fail after going 23-5 last year at tbe gaine witb die NHL's New York Rangers. Division II level. We don't biome you. At Goodwrench air can't gudrantee rvery veiride ahii puis, but we cdfl guarantee we'ii oniy recommend fixing wirat reaiiy needs Fixing. Cii 1400o GM DRIVE for aGoa»dwimncli DiresCitron Facility naer yoa. An honest approack ta cleaner air. W-ft 41rAn otal mark ut thre Prouince We lW of Ontario usad with parission. Bill Walace Dealer PrInicIpal and Pete Smith -Ganeral Manager wauld ite ta aclaiwledge tir 1998 S nura. Ths allta cdas la made up ai amy the top 15% oflal sales people acrosa Canada. Ta have 4 mer ment. Prom la Pater Smlth, Mal CasraItt Bob Ferguson, Cheryl Minialil, Demnis Steela and Bill Midds W. at Wallae wauld Ilke ta thanik ail aur customars for supporting each and every ana ai aur salas staff. Bili Wallace, Dealer Principal, Polaer Smith, Ganeral Manager, and Samn McAipine, Service Managar would lika bo iat and con- gratLate theïr areard winng technicians. Evary technician raceived Master Techician Guldc statua tram Ganerai Motars In 1998. Prm lait as Peter Smllh, Ed Hodgln - Genaral Motars, Technican; George Brown, Jarry Franco, Alan Lagaca, Slave Thornpson, DaMl Currla, Richard Ralph, Service Advlsors; Tony DiCkicl and David raser, and Bit Mibroat - Genarai Motors. This service toam has incraasad aur customar satisfactian, wtiict iea resulled in icreaaed business. Thank yau Ililan for yaur support. 1