22 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 11, 1999 D tln Outdoor benefit concert supports hospice axin Mark Curtis and fniends will perform at kilometre north of Hwy. 7. The show ia being sponsored by Communications. not an outdoor benefit concert in Acton Organizers are asking concert goers tor a Archer's Poultry Farm Ltd., Wallenstein The rajîs date is June 27. 878-4943 Sunday. minimum donation of $ 10 pei&car. Feeds and Supply Ltd. and WordSong For more infornation, cati 876-3379. MîIton's popular singer will offer up bis Concert goers are also aaked to bring Ministry of Transportation musical stylings in presenting 'Songs on Iawn chairs. ONTARio GovERNMENT NO ICE the Water'. Proceeds from the show will go to Rose on ocr ilbehl t3pm at a hrr' Hoe local hospice for tenni- ( ) Q f ~ l U LCIF R A INC N R AMIL Lotsand TruckInspection Sain The Community Care Ac es e tr CC A )The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario hO as initiated a Class Environmental seint CCAC of Halton and You on the proposed Highway 407 WestThe proposed locations for these facilities are: sain HALTON Commuter Parking Lots: Dundas Street (Regional Road 5, formnerly Highway 5); Appleby Line; R.R. Dia1 i~u to Impr ve ervces25 (formerly Highway 25); and Trafalgar Road. A D ao t m r v Se vc sTruck Inspection Stations: east of Tremaine Road (westbound); west of Tremaine Road (eastbound). :niCommunicaition BACKGROUND The proposed Highway 407 West was exempted formn the provincial Environmental Assessment Act in Hiave you ever connected with the the 1970's and early 1980's. These exemptions, however, did not include ancillary facilities such as Comnmu t Gare Access Centre of Halton? commnuter parking lots and truck inspection stations. Commuter parking lots are proposed along ulut)rHighway 407 West 10 provide for the safety and convenience of car-pool users. Truck inspection sta- lions ensure that trucks using the highway aysîemi are being operated safely and in accordance with regulations. Proceeding with the environmental assesament for these facilities aI titis lime comple- ments the Provînce's recent privatization of Highway 407. THE PROCESS This sîudy will follow the Provincial Highwaya Class EA proceas approved for projecîs of tbis type. If you are a current or former member client or a family/friend caregiver, There is opportunity througbout the Provincial Cîsass EA process for public input. If any person feels, then we are intereaîed in hearing from you. A community forum is being after consulting wiîh project staff, that serious environmental concemns remain unresolved, il is their held on Thuraday, june 24, 1999. The purpose of the forum is to right 10 request that the pmojecî be subject 10 an Individual Envimonmental. Assesament. The decision gahe ipu rgadngyor xprincswith our agency with the resta wiîh tbe Minister of Environment. With the exception of personal information, all commenta wîll goal of improving communication for aIl. eo profteubircrd PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE jDate: Thursday, June 24, 1999 The Ministry of Transportation invites members of the public 10 attend an Information Centre 10 view and comment on the proposals for these projecta. Ministry and Consultant staff will be present 10 talme: Refreshments Served: 9:45-10:00 amn answer questions, discuss the study and receive your commenta. Community Forum: 10:00 arn - Noon Date: Tuesday, June 22, 1999 Location: Auditorium, Halton Regional Offices, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville Location: Community Roorn (Upper Floor), Loblaws Tine: 4 p.m. 10 8 p.m. 75 Nipissing Road (at Main St), Milton If you are unable 10 attend the PIC, and wish 10 obtain additional information about the study or make any commenta, please contact: Please RSVP by Friday, June 18, 1999 to: Karla Kolli, Environmental Planner Phone: (416)229-4647 ext. 354 Mary Siegner, Community Relations Manager at 639-5228 ext. (8966) Dillon Consulting Limited Fax: (416)229-4692 .4; I 1-Oflé*L1flJiflf lm'J Çh- a< Ave East 3ri1 Finor E-mail: kkolli@dillon.ca Toronto, Ontario M2N 6N5 ...-. I. UO Sessions wilI be facilitated by CCAC volunteers and staff.