The Canan Champion. FridaY. June 11. 1999-119 ROBERT (PIE) LEE, B.Sc., B.B.A. LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY Life - Disability - Annuities - RRIFs - LiFs RRSPs - Mutual Funds (Lic. with M.S.I L) &Miltowne IuaneAgency t Group Uts rË HuMs&W anSt .245 Commercial St, Milton U9T 2J3 Office 878.5786 - Fax 878-3692 Ris. 878-1150 email address: robertlee@aztec-net.corr FIF1- WI-IEE TMU ÇFOPÇ 40 Chisholm Dr., Milton 878-8441 NORTH END NISSAN SALES e SERVICE LEASING S SERVING MILTON AND AREA FOR OVER 38 YEARS" j878-4 137 Milton, Ontario CO-STEEL* RECYCLING] WE BUY ALL METALS I Angle, Stnmcturehes, Rober, .. s npig, B -s.etc. IAluminum, Brase. Tape, EWction Wre, ICamtAZlurnu, Doors.Leedl AlunmSdige CO-STEEL REÏCYCLINO . million Division - 1 km. nortis of the 401 on Hwy. 25 (905) 875-4800 wnustniat, commcrcial, residentbal and agricuIhw" inquinres welconie. TED CMUDEIH, M.P.P. Hallon 192 Main St E. Suite 200 Milton, Ontario L9T iN8 Tel: (905) 878-1729 Fax: (905) 878.5144 B iid)ni r , We Can't Help The Community Wihout The Help 0f The Community!, Please Give Blood!, THURSDAY, JUNE 17 Milton Senior Centre. 500 Childs Drive, Milton Please cali 1-888-871-7201 ext. 4253 for more information or to book an appcointment. SPONSORS DONATING REFRESHMENTS: Domino's Pizza & Subway $..and moral 100 Nipissing Rond, Unit 9 Milton, Ontario L9T 5B2 (Behlnd MHMtan)t "Graphic Design & Typesetting " Multi-Colour Printing " Finishing & Bindery " High Speed Copier "Fuir Colour Laser Copier Tel: 876-4647 Fax: 876-110W This~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mesag Is bruh VOub hs omuiymne uies cmputer CANON Services *EPSON - LEXMARK M- e MICROSOFT ,M Authonized ServiceDepot * Netwrk lnstalling .Full Training Contracts - Sales & Servce -Software & Accessoes - On Site Service 751 Main Suait Eust Suit 2, MILTON Phono 878-40l e Fax 876-1013 * 1400-268-003 Mondey - Fniday- 9-5:30 e Saturdayl10 - 4 Air-Ride, Drop Decks, Double Drop, Service 495 McGeachie Dr. Tel: (905) 876-1511 i *800n563u1 507 jLETRIC INDUSTRIAL e COMMERCIAL 24 Hr. Service 400 Morobel Drive, Unit 1 (905) 876-2519 ÇSF ATER SER VICE SC.H. Norsworthy Ltd. 623 Main St. East (905) 878-2474 Milon District Hospita 34 Derry Road E. 878-2383 Chnis Neweii Audrey Neweii Sales Rep. Broker CRES, RMM. ABR* Main Street *eIer Reaity - Reaiter rr H àoI -Each Sre kbdsemndOuy offld & opsrae 167 Main Street, Eust Malton, Ontario L9T 1N7 Office: (905) 878-4444 141OO-6a-3268 Fax: (905) 878-9556 E-Mail: chris@new-aiLeom internet: http://eew-WLeom 1 :30 M 8:000 PM EDflE DIU~VI ID A. flCI IVPflV 1 1 ý 1 1 0001 marc piivi ta à. nici ivippy