Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Jun 1999, p. 14

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r 1 4 - C a n a d i ff C h a pion , F r i d J u n e 1 1 , 1 9 9 9 Gas leak disrupts core By IRENE GENTLE Park was being fingered as the cause of the Ieak. The Champion "Halton Region were dîgging here," said Mr. A natural gas leak shut down Mill Street from Cross frum the scienie. 'Thcy've pulled a fine while Martin to James just before noon yestcrday. they were diggmng that trenciL" Thse leak forccd the evacua- flic Ieak was discovercd afier tion of tic Dickens Restaurant thei flow of gas bcgan buckling and Sargent Farms, as wcll as tic pavement. Uiree homes on thc norUiwest "Thse pavement blistcrcd side of Uic street, said Milton becausc of thse pressurc," said Pire Dcpartmcnt spokcsman Mr. Cross. "It started leaking in Mark Cross. two or tliree places." Evacuation was judgcd Pire, police and ambulance essential duc to Uic nature of .~workcrs jammed the scene, as Uic lcak. Union Gas cmployees managed "Our concern is that it is to pinch off Uic leak. flowing underground," he -..s WiUi Uic leak closed off, fic said. department officiais began test- In nornal conditions, natural ing nearby homes and business- gas will risc into the atmos- es wiUi detection equipmcnt. phere and dissipate. "We'oe going to have to get in But when thegas is leaking th Uerc and make suoe Uieoe's no underground, it creates a risk gas in low-lying arcas," said of explosion. Captain Cross. "You could have a big Milton Fire D.partment If any gai is dctectcd, thse boom,'" said Captain Cross. spokesmnan Mark Cross. buildings would be ventilatcd At press time, work by before the evacuation ordcr Halton Region cmployees at thc entrance to Rotary could be liftcd, he said. Drury don nybrook erupts one more time e roin SPAF on page 12 Despite. bis opposition, the vote was called, during wisicis five councillors raised Uicir banda in favour of Uic recon- sideration. Thcy did not include Councillor Ron Furik, who bcd carier declared a conflict of interest. Those five votes were not enougis to pusb Uic motion through, said Town Clerk Helen Liii. "It is my opinion that the motion to reconsider did not carry," she said. That conclusion was angrily cballcnged by Mr. Maîbocuf, resulting in the third controvcrsy of Uic cvcning. Five out of seven counicillors wiso could vote did so in favour of tise reconsiders- tion. Tisat comes out to a 71 per cent majotity, argued an irate-sounding Mr. Malbocuf. Mmi motion was dcfeated fairly, said Mr. Cisallinor. "This is ridiculous. Let's pus if until we get whiat we want," he snapped. "Ibe clerk Contactcd the following day, Ms Lisi said she was attcmrpting to get a videotape from Uic local cible station showing what really bappcncd during Uic vote. Ms Liii said se is also, hoping to bring Uic issue back to Uic July 5 council meet- ing, potentially allowing counicilloi'i to have another stab at voting. -1That's juif to givc everyonc a comfort level," se suid. "Tisat way it will give eacis member of counicil and Uic applicunt (Uic developers) a fair shake." Some of Uic confusion may have comie from Uic fact Uiat Uic chair, Mr. Melanson, didn't vote, said Ms Liii. "It waî donc rather quickly. The chair was able to vote. He didn't," se recount- cd. "No raised hand indicates Uic vote is in Uic negative." Aftcr thc mceting, H.D. Invcstments majority osener Dave de Sylva allowcd that bis company may appeal councîl's actions "AnyUiing is possible at thus point," he said. IWould Christ consider you IY2K ready as a Christian? Corne to hear a talk on this subject on SUNDAY, JUNE I3TrH 2:00 pm (God Willing) Hugh Foster Hall, Victoria Square Milton 123 MAIN ST., MILTON, ONT. Minlsters: R«v Bob Hyde 1110% Jlohn 1141181111 Diroctor of Music Judyw Huier SUNDAY JUNE 13,1999 10:30 a.m. WORSHIP Sermon TIll: TRUSTING GOD'8 PROMISE Daptilrm NwrYCu*waAene vFm«fmua ê,IoaaoRMnl Viai oui VAWbt:htJwwgcaae.OJSPifht Prayers for' Pouce In Kosovo d@ly In the Ssnctuary 1:00 -1:30 p.m. 1 Exchitn Ne Churcl Sahool Progran boomi $uplm"m12 HOLY ROSARY PARISHLx S87845M5 (T.T.Y. 878.904) HOLY ROSARY CHURCH 139 Martin Street Mass at 5:30 pm Saturday 9:00 arn, 10:30 arn & noon Sunday OUR LADY 0F VICTORY MISSION Milton Heighta Mass at 10:30 a.m. Sunday ST. PETER'S CHEURCH Sth Imne & Britannia Mass at 9:00 a.m. Sunday Rv. Earl Talbot, P.P. YOU CAN LEAN ON ME There's a nsan standing on the corner lie lias no honse, Hie lias nofood and his btue skies are gone Con t you hear hm crying out And theres a girl searching for afatlier and afaend Praying diat the starmn sonseday will end, But instsad of walking away. open up your heart and say. 1Iam here, Yau don't bave ta worry. 1 can see your tsars l'il lie t/sers in a hurry When you cal Friendt are t/sers ta catch you whsn youfal There's a child who is sick and lsegging ta be free, But there is na cure for his disease, He looks up ta his mother as shte holds his liand Praying diat sonseday dis sun will shine again. And tihe pain will end. Tell nme haie con!I love Jesus When Vve never seen His face let 1 see you dying Andi1 turn and walk away Sa bald my band Let me take you ta afrisnd of mine He's waiting just ta case your troubled mind These insprialional wocds were penneti by conlem- porary Christian artisi. Kirk Franklin, and supply a motivational chalene tu evcry believer la become the type of peeson who cia be leancti upon! AIl around us arc hurting individuals in aeed of lise hsealing tha1 only Jesus eus bring! Who is willing ta take tise gospel message and confront tise culture? Remember tise words of Jesos in Matthew 25:40 "In as. ,rnch as you have dons il to the iesu of disse, my hrodisers, yon have dons Ut unto Me: Subnsited by Reverend Dan Ragge. Senior Pastor of New L4fe Cliurch, Milton. Il _______________ MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-2022 10:00 a.rn. - The Lords Suppor il1:45 a.rn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.rn. - Gospel Service Wodnesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Jesus said, 1 am thc ligisf of tise world: ise that folloseetis me sisall not walk in darkness. John 8. 12 Milton Afiance Chureh 1850 DEIRD l. <bets du ire HU end Hoital> Sunday Sdsiool for aIl ages 9:45 a.m. Worehl Service: 11-00 ama <wilh chIld cmr provlded) This week'u sermon titie: "UEING DISCIPLS DEFOSRE MAIING DISCIPLES?" ***Please join us this Sanday as we continue our «5( Day Spiritual Adventure» entitled "Promises Worti Keeping: Resolving to live wbat we say we belies'e.- Oui services will include dynassie worship themes, humnorou! dr'ainas and lively singing. We look forwacd to seeing yoi soo. For more info pleas cail aur office at 878-5664. _____ The Salvation Army Church BAHA Milton chare YU al tat achoneOOl on100 Nîpissinq Road, Unit 3 concentrate all thse Ihou0its of your heurt on~ love end unlty... Thoughts of war brlng................. destruction te cil harmnfy, weIl-belflg. SUNDAY SCIHOOI - 9:30 AM reslfinea and content. Ihoughts of love ore constructive et brotherhoed. peuce, MORNINO WOlRSHlIP - 11:00 AMd MendWall bel ng#ns."" frmth IaolWM9t$U Weld Progrnmming for ail aps LOCAL: ~For mom Information pléase G IOAL: ...... .1ww..............32842 Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Milton thse Church on tise HiU 878-2411 Rev. Dr. Mark McDermnott SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 s.m. - Holy Communion 10:00 a.m. - Sung Essebarist (Nursery Progroms, Churcis Scisool & Pro yera for Healimg) 10:00 a.m. - Holy Communion El~ WiiEELCIWUR ACCESS TIIROUCII P'ARKING LOT DOORS Worship -Mr*. Esthser Kaier 1Youth - ov. tOurd Clork 10:-45 a.m. 6:30 p. National Chlldran'a Worahlp Leander, Dey Esther Keasiar CAPTAIN H E R E SIEARTGUARD MEETS THE LVIN' COMlES 11E KCING R il Worshlp & Music by Our BRD cisildrmn Kid'a Prunse Choir rA.ft glft for Omey chilti Reheumal MILTON Corne share in a Christ centered,bil believing, friendly U fellowship at the Hugh Foster Hall Brown and Mary Streets. SATURDAYS Bible Sohool - 9:30 arn Divine Service - 11:00 arn 905-846-729 Has churcis just been a waste of time for you in the past? Has church ever answered the real issues and qucstions of life such as jobs, marriage, families or finance? VBC is a cburch where you can not only know how to get to heaven, but where you can also know how to bandle the issues of life here on curtis. Cbeck out Pastor Charlci Boyce Wedncsday cvenings on Cabs1eworks 14 in bis "Wisdom for the Week" segment on Uic cable tv show "Plugged In!" (5:30, 6:30,7:30) 10:00 A.M. - MORNING WORSHIIP MILTON LEISURE CENTRE (BOARD ROOM> (sepirate services for childeen 9 ycaz andi usider) "Living A Vicionious Life Dy The Word Of God" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 a §ýIR1 1 T. e N U *11 a

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