12 - Tho. C'*In ~ r. ,d.k.4 ê anree asaxoîîary ornîcers assigned co Kemipffer ot o3urlington anda Marsna Milton are asnong 14 new recruits to joso Lundy of Burtingtoo will votuoster their the Haho RglPo le Service, fi=s< to he1p kop ftue l" oeXObteaity Amuod Weltms of WaterdowuL 'fr4 sd. Councilors spar as developer shot down By IREME GENTILE The Champion H.D. Investments bas tout another round in a battle over dèvelopment at the EC Dnury school complex. But pmocedurat wrangling and sniping among bitter- ly divided Milton counicillors clouded the controver- sial decision Monday night. A throng jammed the chamber as counciltoru backed a committee decision quashing an in-depth report on the proposed devetopment. It involves building a seniors' retirement subdivi- sion on tic site. That would effectively kibosh the proposai at the Town tevel, though developers could launch an appeal to the Ontari o Municipal Board. A O 80-bed nursing home is still under conuideration for the 33-acre parcel of land, the largest remaining green space in urban Milton. The first fracas erupted after Councillor Art Melauison held a vote approving the committee dcci- sion witliout liearing from 10 detegations listed to speak on thie issue. Mr. Melanson was scrving as acting mayor in the absence of Gord Krantz, away at a conference. The vote infuriated Councillor Rick Day, who said that it should have been called onty affer tbc delega- tions had been heard. "I've neyer scen this before, wben someone was tisted as a deputation and was told they can't spcak," he said. "tt's unlueard of, Mr. chairman. Unheard of." The detegates had ail been given that chance at a May 26 public meeting on.the issue, retorted Councitior John Challinor. "Everyone who is listed bere bad an opportunity to come forward, it was a public meeting," he said. "Counicif for Day is grandstanding on this. Procedure bas been followed." Once the vote bas been caat, the case is closed, said Counicîllor Bian Penman. "After five bours of deliberation (on May 26) there was a resolution voted on," he recalled. "Att we' ve done is approve the labours done the other nighb. It scems to, me this is due process." Counciltor Rick Malboeuf called for a new vote after accusing bis colleagues of rushing Uic tirst one. A new vote was vehemently opposed by Mr. Chalfinor. "If you want to listen to the delegations, that's one thing " he said. "But we voted on Uiis." At Uic suggestion of Councillor Wally Hunmer, delle- gabes wcre invited to, speak provided they added new points to the debate instead of simply covering old ground. No sooner had the 10 delegates wrapped up Uian a second concroversy exploded over Uic possibility of reconsidering thse earlier vote. A reconsiderabion - which would require a two- thirds vote to pass - would effectively re-open the issue, atlowing counicillors to vote again on the matter. TIse vote was fair and square Uic first time, said Mr. Challinor. "The videotape is righb there," he said, pointing to the cable television crew. "We voted on this tomùght." *s.e DONNYBROOK on page 14 ODU"A&" RM MUESEal DIT UESCUSO MA.-IEMNTa Jacqudfls MB ma Grade "A" News at MDHS By Jacqueline Bass and Marssa Cheskey if's the end ot anothîr hazy, humid and HOT week here ut M.D.H.S. Students havt prohably bten noticing how much mort enjoyabf e math class is with Mr. Murray lately, flot only since he is such a wonderful teacher but maybe also because of tht air condifioning in his classroom. Even tbough tht weather bas been s0 crazy lately, students at MD have still masagtd tu persevere and let their talent shîne fbrough, much like tht sunlight we have been experiencing. Recently, thirteen ut our Senior Biology students went te tht National Biology competifion spossortd hy the University of Toronto. Tht top fhree students ut our school were Kate Miller, Nick Stirling and Josie Taylor. Kate also ended Up leaving tht compefition in tht 86 percenfilef Wow! Congratulations and thanks f0 aIl who parficipafed. With sumnmer Iusf around tht corner, you are probahly pondering 0usf what you should spend ail thuse long days doing. Since you won't ho in school, why sot funther your educatios; your drivisg education that is. Milton District High Scbool is now offering a Driver Education Program f rom tht Centre ot Skills and Developmesf Training. If you would like further defails or would like fu sign up for tht sumnmer session, please go lu tht office, pronto as there is only limited capacity for tht program. Attention ail you Arfsy Fartsy people. E ven if ooly tht first word menfioned applies f0 you, tbf Arts Banquet could be for you. "JusI whes is tht amazing event?' you ask. Well, if will be held on June 15 from 5:30 tu 8:DOpm. If will he quille and entertaising evening and you may even have enough points for your Arts crest. If you wish f0 attend, please set your favorite arts feacher with $10 for a ticket. Lasfly we would like f0 update you on tht Girls Softhall team on a great season. Their last gaine was os June 11h and they ended up lth overaîl, almost tying Blakelock. Mrs. Grimsey and Ms. Milter alosg wifh tht rest ut tht school would like f0 congratulate tht girls os a great season and an amazing effort. Wall thaf covers enerything for this week. We hope thaf everynne esjoyed their Wedsesday attersoons off and remembers that seat Wedsesday is a full day. Sorry f0 remind you! have a greAt weekeod and rtnlmmhr 10 read seat week since tl will he our last week bef ore sommer! E.C. D.O.T amI SCUOOL Dateline Drury - June 4th, 1999 by Jessica W.lust.ad and Katie Murzin Hello readers! Welcome f0 Ibis. aur second aest edition of Dateline Dnjiy, for the yeari tl cerfainly is bard ta believe that the end of the sobool year is upon us, but bere we are; one week f0 go an E.C. Drury is buzzing vWht exaitement! And wbat exactly are we buzzing about? Here's a small sampling... First off, congratulations go out f0 Colin Carroill and Graham Ferguson, two of Drury's ltnest OAC tennis players, wbo represented out school at the OFSAA championsbips Ibis past Monday, June 7th. The guys played great bu unfortunately 10st a difficult match in the semi finals. Congratulations Colin and Graham, you've made drury proud! Other congratulations are in order f0 the girls' soffball teamn which continued ifs quest for the championsbip wiIb a 12-12 win over T.A. Blakelock this past Tuesday. The girls also faced an unknown, as of press time, rival on Tbursday, June 10. Drury vvishes the girls the best of luco in any future games and tbank Ibem for an excel- lent seasonl Onto future events, the annual Drury Recognition Assembly is taking place next Tbursday, June lltb. Tbis assembly celobrafes and recognizes the many different accomplishments of Drurys students this year and runs from 10:15 arn f02:30 pminIbe boys'gym. Parents are also invited f0 attend the assembly s0 we hope f0 see you ouf there' Recognition was also given ut the annual Co-Op Breakfast Ibispast Wednesday moming. This semester's Co-op students invited their employers f0 breakfast f0 Ibank tbemn for providing a placement and helping Ibemn f0 leamn wbaf tbe woslc-world is really like. E.C. Drurys co-op programn certainly wouldn't be a success witbout the support of the Milton business community and we tbank the employers for getting involved in tbe education of the student s. And a quick reminder f0 grads Ibaf Ibere are only 18 days left until Prom '99. Corsages and boutonnieres %vill be available for purchase af the scbool on the days of June 16-18 and the pick-up date will be June 29tb at the scbool. Finally, yes, if's Ibat lime of yea again: Exum. Exams at E.C. Drury begin on TuesdaI, June 22 and contin- ue tbrougb the following Monday, June 28. If tbere are any students ouf Ibere wbo don t yet know wben fbeir exams are, please check the schedules posted in many of the classrooms or pick up a scbedule in the main office. And remember, ifs neyer f00 early yo starf studying. That's Drury in a nutsbell this weeks folks. Please, cbeck back neuf week for our final Dateline Drury for the 98/99 scbnol year. Unfil then, bave a great weekend and get ouf there and enjoy the wonderful weatber!