GhE CainCapoTEady ue8 992 $ MONEY ACCESS $ e No credit Investigationl * ConfldentlalltY e 10,000 and Up Flnanclng Reaulrd ta omv *RRSP or RIF, LIRA, UF *Pension Fund froni ex-emrployer CAFM. INO. Analyzed by aur consultants end referreri for rpld finanolal execution aALTL FREE: 1-88-7-1062 Fax: 1-888-li703-1482 24 Hour Service 7 Deys A W.k 2-BEDROOM Bunga- low, downtown Milton. $1,095 + udttis, In- cludes 5 appllances. Availabte July lst. Strong reterences re- qulred. Dive, 875-033. 3 BEDROOM upp~ertev- et houe, excelln con- dition, quiet are. Avil- AbeJu~ 1. $1,000+. SHARED house, $325 per month. Omi 873- 480 between 10 s.m. 1 BEDROOM Bise- ment, Campbelvitle, country, laundy; near 401, avallato ture- dlatety. $700lmonth, ulilitles inctudsd. 854- 28U. 2 BEDROOM Apari- ment wlth bslany, mn- ovated, $850lmonth. Avilabte July 1. No doge pleine. Cal bet- ween 3 p.m. & 9 p.m. ,878-3023. 2BEDROOM, 4oîfrra- %ao r, avliNJuy1 Colt betwe 11a.m., wselkdsays, an- time weekends, 875 4513. ACTON, 3 bedroomn Victonian semi $1,000. Large 2 bedroaffi spart- ment wbAxisment, $725 plus utitltes. 519-1530- 5080 or 519-853-5352. RURAL 2 bedroom apr fet or toise, $8OAo lt'Ce 905- 854-2760, between 9 a.m. & 3 p.m. CLEAN & noe rnov- ed tounhouse. Lots of P!ay, 3400+ utilies. Nn-smoker, no pets. Aval" July 1. 416- 640-962. 2 ROOS for rent. Country tMng,ttily tur- nished, non-sanoker. $700Imonth. Firat& as.854-4060. MILLSIDE TOWERS * 82 MILLSIDE DR, MILTON NOW LEASING i Bedmoom iviabie on bus route, treshty dscorited , 2 appti- ances, on-site taun- dry, includoS aIl titi- des (except phane & cible.) Fme parking, o pets. Reterences requlred. 905-76-1240 By appointrnent only GEORGETOWN INDUSTRLALIWAREHOUSE SPACE FOR RENT 2r»00 - 8,000 aiq. ft. $2.00 net, net (905>4877-4311 ROMN near Miton Mal, suttable for worklng maie. No shlt workera pleas. $100/week. 878-088. ROCMS for rent. $M8 pr monts. Plein cet rony HOl, 878-1617. TWO monts ln town-j house ln Christian home, non-smoking. 878-2M83. WAFCHIIIuai LSOF- lon Bay, weetern expo- sr, dock, and becscreened rom, large dock open con- cep kitchen and liing- room, 2 bedroonis and laI, 3 puece bath. Close to ski hîtls. 1-1/2 hours tram Toronito. Maya ln condition. Very dlean. Must be seen. Onty $121,000. Col 705-538- 2164. REASONABLE Indus- trial Units tor rent. 1,200 i- 3,200 Sq. Il. Loaclng docks & dnve-in. 1-905- I277-9347 or 1-905-275- 683. shared failites. Fax- kicený-reeption. $350. 69 Main Street East. Jirn Gardon, 875-1771. SMALL. PRIVATE OF- FICE beautttutly si- polntid, llwy. 25 & 401. 1-905-277-9347 or 905- 275-8M. PVAE HOUSE SALE. Large 4 bed- raom, numeraus up- grades, fnished base- ment & office on Claver Park Crescenit, Milton. $265,000. 878-9180 (No Agents pleas.) PRIVATE SALE. 3 Bed- mcmr Toienhause, fin- lshed basement, C/W extra bedrooi and bathroom. Immacutate condtion. Ctose ta schools. 741 WVoaWard AveUnit 5. Plein cail 875-0472. MOVING SALE SATURDAVI JUNE 12 8 A.M. - 4 P.M. 879 WOODWARD AVENUE GARAGE SALE SAIURDAY, JUNE 12 S A..- NOON GARNET STRET (BETWEEN LYDIA à THORlAS) SOMETHINO FOR EVERVONE PURNITUISE LAWN SALE OMA~ PAEUY~M - RAI OR SHINEI saL JUN, 12TU, 9 a.ui3 pJfl lIeS WINSTrON MCUCIL ULVD. i1/ la . N. of Meyfleld idJftkr Dr., Georgetown Noe ready to finish handcrafted fumniture. Dressing vanity, dressers, wardrobes, night tables, Corner cabinets, coffee and end tables, TV armoire, TV video cabinets, IV stands, hutch & buffet, deacon benches, bookcases, dry sinks, sofa tables. blanket boxes, CD tow- ers, china cabinets, haîf moon table,maga- sine tables, harvest table, pedestal kitchen table, microwave stands, mirrors, grandia- ther clock, quilt rack,desks, and much, much, more. BrIng a truansd taka ta wlth you! GARAGE SALE Ir GA~ RAGE SML SEASON. SATURDAY, JUNE 12 mm Olt. 373 WOODWARD AVENUE Clssfd et Gond quaity iea ptlceto sel. 875-3M0 te Wo Imm, tbyt MECHANICAL LTrD. PARTS FOR Weshern. Dim;rs Ranges - Freezer s Repfigwsrm- OiebuBetiers 705 Main Street Eait 876-1138 1* HOLUM A GIAIWNAoeMI SALE à BAM1ECUE SATUADAY, MINE 26 ATf 11OYNE COMMUPITY CENTRE CORNER OFf 199. 25 à UBRITANIA ROAD Donations ofi hune welcome. GARAGE SALE SATURDAVI JUNE 12 8 A.M. - 1 P. 893 BIRCH AVENUE SOMETHING FOR EVEIWONE GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 12 BTARTS B A. MAYFAIR APARTMENTS 285 ONTARI STREET Tree Services mec. PROPER PRUNING & REMOVALS I