26-Tht Canatitan Champion, Tutstiay, Junt 8, 1999 THE GREAT CANADIAN BAGEL FÎT Experienceti Bagel Maker F/T Counter à Kitchen Staff liigh tnergy people available tai mark fltxible hours. WiI train indilviduels wtth great attitude, enthusiasm sud stroug custamtr service skiils. Réeranes Io: 50 Laiuler Ave., Mille. 1093-084 - croit SCHOOL BUS DIRIVERS NEEDED Miton & ieorgetown Train now for September Ideal for homemakers & early retirees 877-2251 Lah5aw Tranat las an aqua OPPaeluntY effpiayae NRHA EIC ' IOS YA HI e SALN UIE gret cn I IIrN I meut thraughaut Nanti Amneuca; Tlexîttit mare haurs anti a saliti benefit program. TO ARRANGE FOR AN INTERVIEW, PLEASE CALI: Oatevilie & Wafertiamn Cail Kyn: (905>849-8808 Oakvlie Cail Dat: (905)849M490 PATIMZfLEN P& S MF CM for tht siumer of 99. Tht position staris ASAP fu- smog thraugh unil October 15M9. Tht warlung hours moulti accumulait ta aproxiniateiy 30 ta 35 hr/ wete. ThvuisWon maultihae sultabie for rttioeti or sei eindivideais alhough sitideuls wya Experience ot ntcessary as professionai t riing mîti ha provitiat. Qualiications to ha met: abiiity la oi lait writien anti orl directin asti posstss a valiti drives ticense. Applcanis senti remume ta: AITTLUUIE FMUI MF LU 5W0 Md"am MU2, M-I1., LOT MX An Evangeiicai Chtristian organization thaï supports intiiduals wuh tieveflopmnenlat tisaiilithes is RECOUITISAPPCANT sith smtrsLMmpah asti commiiment for pos- tions lu tae -aîilo, EUdinglon, Braropton asti Hallon tiait. Education (DSW, PSW) ast i m a ncs as- set. Intresteti applicarIts shouiti sent heir resumne ta the attention ai: CeMulluater111 ef Sevlme I Smpevte 431 lMmwe AV&., 2Wi ame, km Yak, MUI MI M1, e fa tz <41Si)Oe8-2M. Applicanis must havesa valit tiriveÈs hicensa andi ha willing ta mark shnifts, in- dluding tiemings seti weekens ft #w teaitlhWt responot but on ff ths ! flits »hlo qeîalifyfr ian intervew ael/bu amon4 550 ONTARIO STREET FULL TM HELP WANTED Muaita ae " ta morte tays & everduga. Apply ln persan au Thursday, June10 betlleen 5 à 7 p.m. CONTACTOIR requireti titillver mail lu Camp- belivile rural area. Veiie requirati, Mantiay- Fn- day about 6-1/2-7 hours daly. Slarting atl8 sm. Saiar $24,000. Cal 613-33-2202. DOMINOS Pi=z requines lusitie Staff. Plasse ap- piy lu person ta1 l7son Drive Milan, after 4 p.m. daiIyý FLI-TIME experituceti marehause persan. Rtach truck anti fortetifi experlauce nectssary. Fast pacet enviroument. Hea" lifting Involveti. Muni ta arganizeti, higitif malivatiet, able ta marte itepen- tiaundy. Reply Box 6163, Ostevitie Beaver, 467 speers, Ostee L61 3S4. FULL-TIME heip for pet store kIdcutias wmkntis. Fat paceti envlfrnment. Respolbdie custamer service, stocidug store, animai caen "raaing. Ufi- lng invoiveti. Musi ta higliy motivaleti, abla ta morte lutiapenderttl Reply Box 6162, Ottevilie Boitiler, 467 Speers, Oalcvil L6i 3S4. HELP WANTED. Muenta eilabla, approxmatey 14 houre permette $lCtrhor Drlves license an as- set but ual a neaessil. Plase cati 878-086. LOOKIN for Luta techinicia ani Car Detalers. SubruIt eum nnel pemaon Io AutoLube-t 925 Main st, E., Unit 1, Milan, Ont LOT 4HO or phare 878- 85M. STuRDY Power Unes Wi. has fui à part âmne post- li oapen for Pamer Une Maintaluers anti aastom- er service repiaseutetives for an am volat af Tôonto. Appliiants muet holi liceusiet Power Lina Matutlue Cerliicitle anti a valiti chus DZ Imeme please Cat Glenn et o9055-0088,1 Lame ef 90&- 958-0090 orefx »sm to 906-75-874. who bas an enthusiasm for sclliag anti an excelleat ciosing ratio. Yau must bie able tai bandit the pressure of a fast-paciet, deadfiio- driven eovireameant of a publisbig compaay. Excellent preiientatian and commfunlia" skins arc requiireti. We offer a camprebiensive benefits plan, pratecteti local territary. paii uraîinug, bananes andtinlccatives. Fax yaur resume ta: The GETKO Groep, Att.. TERRITRY 11471, et 1-800-281-2178 Visit aur website at: www.getko.com GETKO Graap lu an equai appartuaaty employer. S LUMBER SALES PERSON Full lrnes position for a mature indi- vidaul with building supply, and/or Hardware sales expenience. Must be custumner service oriented, neat and weIl groomed. Application forms may be picked up at Schuyler Homne Hardware 385 Steeles; Ave, MiRton L001340 fo LE 2i rape L e rK oi e - - POSITION1111 VILABLE With a manufacturer ai quatity spectalty construction producta tocateti in Miton. We are seelting an intibadual for aur Inside Sales Tean ta provide produot support anti custorner service ta aur distributors. Tht candidate iil also be responsibie for pro- cessing of customner orders, Inventiory on- trat anti proleci quaiifying tetephone catis. Candidates shoulti possess gooti interper- sonai anti telephone steilîs. Bilingualism moulti ta an asset but sa not a requiremnent. The succesafut candidate mouiti start lmmetiiatey, saiary miii be proportioruate mtIth experienice. Please senti a resume, stàtlng saiary axpectatioris tai: KAY MELVIN, W. R. Meadaws af Canada 70 Hanuant Court Mîlton ON L9T SCI PART-TIME position available for expert- enceti tiental mreclon- It lu Generai asml Dentiat Office, kuomi letige of Abel an assait. Goot inlterpersoas communication SUIS1. Fax (905) 878-0557, or mal Dr. Psti Cassin, 106 Wakefildt Rced, Milan, Ont 19T 2L8. GIENERAL Office Clerk Fuiltime position. Sam-5pm, Mon-Fni. Eaperience on cmWu- asa musi. Boakap- ing stIdlis haîptai. Lots o o vaniy. Cl 2-à001 Linidi tant requireti 2 ts/mtefr ait le- tice. Weit-orgnizeti, seif-mtet, mith strang computer sutts anti excelntrtelephone mariner. Heaich asex- = nience su saset Io Box 2M.0 c/a tht Canadien champion, 191 Vai St. E. , Miltion, Ont L9T 4NO. Cali us for ail of your Classified needs 875-3300 The Consotidated Cabte Centre, a division of Westburne Industrial Enterprises Ltd., has an immediate openina for a. WIre & Omble Oider Desmk Person Vour resposbilities will incte customer service, order entr% quotations ami expediting orders. You muet be fiueatiy bilingual (French/ Englîsti, mritten and verbal> and dedicated ta praviding exempçlary service ta aur custamers. Candidates must have a grade 12 education (or equivteni and as least ana year af related experience. Praduct knledge of the Wire fi Cable business is required. Please send your résumé ta: Mary Anne McNel, Operattona Manager, Conaolidated Cable Centre, 5SM Keaton Crescent Mîsalssauga, Ontario L5R 363. Fax: (905) 568-4741. No phone caJ1 lem isa. Cummitted ta tapoenn tqumly. NE New Elsctrlc ELECTRCAL SEIVICEM Must ha abde ta warc intiependently. Must hav intiastral oepdem ln industry. The lollomng wouli hae assai: *Molor Contrais *PIC installations and motiflication *Stria Systere Fieldi Traableslîonting *Encollent Persnal Sils -Full Bendt lPackage- Please fax resumne ta (905)-827-9594 or mail 3185 Dundas St. W. Oakville, L6J 4Z3 Iteita candidtes must tenait hai tla change dies, run CNC birae press, "opvelapisk itor t oai on your am. Company allers top pay, opte oliertint, full han- efits, excellent oppartunity for aveeet Fux lm s te Mg. 1111111110eut URGENTLY NEEDED la Gb ill Bauta & M IIII aIIra HRMITU CAM AMS a HMME SUPPORT WuOKWS LUVUL a a duI *Prsonal tnp. considereti * Mâles sale meeurage te @"Wp We Odfer: -Choice of Assignments/ i-bars oeil 847-1025 or fax resumt fao 847-1038 PHARMACISTS vie are seeking Full Tinte Permanent Relief Pharmaclet in the GTA I South Wester Ontarlo Reglon. Our citer includos our attractive f ui- lime benefits package, travel ex-penses, a Company car in addition f08 a tarting rate of pay of $32MHr. To explore this offer further, please contact, in confidlence: MAUREEN NEARY MieesM -AA DEVWLOPDff CRTAR LOWAW COMPANUES UMITHO Tel:_(416) 967-2519 Sodexho Marriott Services is currently recrultlng for a FINANCIAL ASSISTANT Peaschaslssg services With the responsibity of preparing ail financial and accounes recelvables processing, this position requires candidates wiUn seeai yer f reated experlence and post-secondar educ:~Srn biiiswU Excel, Word, and Aes s a i ou' adept at probtem- solvîrr4as logic o 2un ý comptex: business issues and aoe a team-orienc Rcividual, wiUn a focus on enqllng Une success of Une group, Unis coutd be Une growUn fIpportunity you've been 1ooking for. For corefiden nsideration, please forwarct your usinné and caver le to our corporate offices, 2t: Sodexho Marelott Sevcs- ref. FAP6-99, 3350 South Service fload, Dnrllnston, Ontaxto, I7N 3M16. raos (905) 681-3021. E-mali jalawaodexomsarriottcom Dedalions ta make? Cai c+D 875-124. 57igi 3.pt 'M 054 PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKER csoe 10bu Re i l g W arme color, esllg NTpDUCi'N 10M SS9EfTHlOMP SM. Aima Nome c~uegia~ w phare, $45. 90-66 _________________ 514&. Fe« Fmu laUalea kee11re Cod Uis At (905) 632-3200 Flnancmui M y h& Avaal Tant Trg"e. gond condi- dmo, alequ-e 6, prapere EXPERENCED CAR GIVER WTII INIF- dm,~eLf~iakt .TB.p. Ms..,O gmdpmfwyurdM a".875-4210.M ale Montiey - Fnliay, non-moker. Refeence avaieN. Filase cai Carat Anu 693-9451. REILIAIt.! Moia availebla for liaitlime tisycare. Nu trittous; moass 3 spots avaiet. Cail Roenary et Grumman, 14 fi flahlug 876239. bat, aid causale, 876-237. m/laltei 25 h.p. John- SIITTR requira in luour home, sterling September. son $6,995 flrm. 877- Cati 876-3743 atte 6 p.m. 8891145"-139. - -ý EXPERIIENCH ctesng lady avalaIble. Ouaiky cleaniug. Reesonble rates. References avatable. cati Debie. aller 6,875-2m8. N1l9¶ EU@ TEACHRS PERMANENT PART-TIME & SUMMER POSITIONS ChsomAaeyis a neit r rivale hi gh schonl aller- uiApplieti courses in c asses ai 10 stadents. Chishalir Centre is a rtistemti anti insptcttti privat schonl offering instruction iniiiuaîly. aud in smali groupe ai the elementazy & stconiauy iti. Teachers are currently requireti for the folloiting subitct artas: Elitetary: Language, Mathamnatics anti French Socoutiary: Eugiish, Mathamatics, French, Dramea, Science, tutegrateti Tachnologies, Social Sciences ami Guitiance Part-tUme positions ara alsa auticpatati for Masters levai psychamatrlsts expenieuceti lu psychaetiucatianal assassments. Pleaset senti or fax resture ta: Dr. Shirley Beyntwice Chisholm Centre 4401 0rlhr.Oavt6 Jace of ai tratias. Saty 4gli mark*» f 1exl haI, amati conlpany Butai 519-856-487 Cauwb*eia. tenuovative légal caver- sgt. Comml$lon$ paint daly. Training provitiat. Tapent message, 888- 20-4494. NEW CONCEPT. Not MLM. Make mouey ire- mediately. Home baued. Wori et your ami plaon. e Newvln tomy? , . MBg orte m? *Havlrsga bay? rieurbuesae PISAM OALL US: Limés .. 54-1563 Marilyn..875-0519 Shirley... 87-7046 Tracy L .... 8764330 Pst ...876494 - 1