The Canadian Champoion, Tuesday, June 8, 1999--21 If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 r 117v fn- R711-4943 [MONE WIka PW* Ë I Litsand DianiOl Tel: 905) 76-000 ituiaia Jm Tel,(905 8700040 Tax 5laiObm Fax: (905) 876-2934 ta~u 420 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario L9T 1 P9 0o: 110l le.1now rny euooey le hsaudWd propserly ison 1 msalie an tnvoalmeat? (Panti) A. very investment transaction involves reverai parties: t) investens provider (le. Mackenzie, Fsdelity, etc.), 2) sponsor- ing company (le. Merrili Lyncht, Wood Gundy, Money Concepts (Canada) Lsd., etc.) 3) local office (le. Money Concepts - Milton), 4) registered repreuentative (le. Lau Mulligan) sud 5) client (le. you). Titis upplies whietter you're dealing weit s financisi platiner, a stock broker, a 11fr insueunce agent, or a batik emptoyer. Make your chseque payable only ta tise party you wrant to rosis ItL Know whio la casising yosr citeque and base yoor ssets eli bte iteld. Yoor astets ra bu registerrd dirertly in your naine (your use), or indirely. in tise "nommne" or "stres" naine of spon- soring rompany, or tors! office, yoo ure dealing seits (tiseir usset). Usually, people seans titrir property regiatered in steir owin naine, sud nos someonce rite*s. It la yosr rigit ta ritoose itow yosr assets ure registeed. If yo are soi sue, ask. If you dos't like thc ansseer, yos ra chansge. Chseck ta ser wito sends yos whiat. If the investirieni provider (le. Mackenzie, etc.) sendu you tux reeipes, yo ure tise regia- tered osener. If tise spoinsoring rompnny (le Merriti Lynchs, etc.) provides T3's. T5'a, or RRSP recipts, uisey ure tise regitered osener, not yoo. Money Concepts' finsurlul pisuners ure icesrd ta, oeil mutual fonds, l1fr insurance and reiated prodoces. With Money Concepts, you are atways tise registrred osener. Yoor choeques arr seritten ta the investinent provider and not t0 Maney Concepts. Concmesod? Contact Money Concepts as 876-040. GALLINGER Motors Ltd. Ford Lincoln Mercury 655 Main St. E., Milton Saes&Lesig 875-36.73 Reprosentatlve Os Ile scared tua nt atie prospet cf shoupping for a ased cor! Wisere dol1 sterl? A. I don't istune yos a bit for itcing nervous! Witit cureful plan- ning, isosever, you cuit tom tise odds on geising a good cr sud a good deal la your favour. Firat ges tise otiser people invotyrd togetiter sud deride a frar titinga. Wbus kind of caritruck, tose murs you ure willisguiste ta budges, risiser total cuit outiuy or mosibly payment. Itis seiti cave you a lt of time sud aggravation lacer. If you are inexperienreti, get an advlsor ta itelp yos in tise procesa. Consule references like "Lemonaid" or "Consumer Reports". Ask somebody seit osens one seiat experience sisey've isad siith titrir cr. Wtee did tey isuy is? Hae seee sisey treated? Once you isolte a fese cura you'oe going to focua on, took for signa of sene, collision repair, iraks, etc. Ask tise istory of tis veiire. Was it a "one osener" or rentai? Wus le localiy oseneti? Besear of private suies! tf you bay privaseiy, know tise seller. Studies indirate tisas 20-30% of veiticlea sold privaeely in Ontario arc curis-sideti, tisas is, sotd isy a professional maus- querading us privase selliera, If the car la misrepresented or faulty or tas alien on it, tise isuyer isas no rmousse. Consumer advoratea agrer on anc ting, tise brut place to boy a ued car is front a franrisised dealer. Tiry're a membur of the rommunity seitis uhe service facitities to support tise produs tisey sil[ sud tise gooti naine le cakes yeus ta cant. Bossant une la ibrir licence sud teir francisi lai asaae, sa, tiry're suxious t0 do rigit by you. A ronscientiaus sulespersos seul deal etisicalty seith you isecause bu or abu knows yos'Il crme isack again sud refer your friendsand relatives. Gooti isuning! Am usAW ff n~ 6AM5ER Tins loney 86 Main St., Milton WSCnR«TS876-1515 1Inotice that 1get low bsck painmnd nec pa whon 1asm drlvlug in rny car. What cm1dau âo tb Low bock sud neck pain sbut rames on wisru drivtng lu usually a resuit of beinginl a sustainerd posture for a longer period of dîme taiss lainai for yon. Wisen yon are uot in a car, yon prebably cisange positions reg- ulaily, witici will give tie muscles sud ligaments in yaue bock finie ta test sud shlow otr muscles ta woek. Wises yon are delviug, yon are limiied lu isow muci yon rau chtange positions, su ste key is ta pot yonrself lu the optimum position! Yoor bsck bus a nantial carvuture witit a stigit "urc't" uthlie bine af yonr apine, sud as tise top of yonr opine in your seck. ldaly, keepiug your spise lu tisai nanas! curvaure sehen delvisg ahIl decreuse yonr buck sud neck pain. Tiy ast ta rerliu te bock af ste sent too munit. Witeu yoo do titis, ther astomuuir responar is for yon ta atours ai ste buse of ste aplur, sud pokr your citin oanud move sie ueck forwsed. tubs ant for ste mss- cira aroud your ueck ta itoid itis position sud ofies ste sisouider muscles sigities sp sud frel timed. Also, if yonr neck is iu a forwued itead position. il coniti piscis sorte of ste urein yosr neck ctia rais tce spinal cuital sud ltud out ta stimulate te muscles in your amus. You msy fret s busring sensation of pais goisg dlown ane or bot amis. If titis bapprus ta yos, cherck wit position yonr hrud la in, sud if ilii forwaati, put yossr saa up sud brisg yonr itrud buck lu uine weit yonr bady. ldealiy, you sitoulid drive with your tead resiing ou the bock of yonr iradmust sud keeping tise stonlien sund srm reiuxrd. In ibis position, your srck muscles are woriug minimuily ta keep ste iteud sp sud titerefore. gei tomais. For ste low bock, avoid sie sloociig position. Keep tie back of yossr tst op tai sud if yonr c ar as bus a gond curvasore as ste base of tise spise, yo "ioid tomiiaize youe law bock pain. If your sat doos net bavesa gond cuevasuire, rail a towel up sud place it nt sie bane of yaur aplue lu setween yonr bock sud sie ar asd dieu uit bock sud miela. Yor bock wll mes lu les ideal position. If yon findt is makes yon "ai'co ranch mucsoe a amcalier toeL Fiually, if your painsatilI peenisin, consuls a pisysiotiserapiat or yonr famil uican I Hawkins Animal Hospital Debbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM Doctor of Veterimary Medicine 550 Ontario Street Southt, Milton (Pizza Hut Plaz) Doiltle Naulsns Phono (905) 875-68 B. se., DVM Fax (905) 875-6853 THE IMPORTANCE 0F THE tsANNUAL CHECKUP" Most of ils ugme cti lie susl trip ta tise veterisnsuia wib ose pet is syn- anymaous tf abois or vacinations. TItis lu moat ruses la mie, bowever I believe chui tise oppartuty for oue pets ta receave s sisorougis pisysacai eaiinaio la of eqa importansce. Wr isumuis ure no difféea s we visit ose doctor os a yeariy buis, sud we cou- sider for visit of key importance ta out bruits sud eil bing. lie linge différence is chut we cas verbulice onr beuifo peoblim and oue arises asnd pains. Befote vaccines sre admilsiemed souapes, bue sie suld receive s sys- temutic eaaisiaiiou. tise cars sisosit bu exumised witis a specisi acope ta examtine tise eue rasai sud erurm for absoemaiities. ite eyes sud isside ie ryru shoald bu exaaulned seifo a specisi ismp for for saine purpose. ise foront asnd tosls sisonid bu cbrrked for musses sud iefo cbecked for drntal prois- lems. The ber nd udsngs isasuld bu lisirneti ta wifo a siruliascape ta driect probietos suris us ber murmrs, abnria rsytis sud ubuormai lierais sounds. usie abdomenu is puipaed îo deirci chasuges lu the site of its cosirais. i.e for liver, spies., kidsey. intestines sud urisury bluddrr. ihis rsu idrstify sies; of dlscamfori for yoar pet tisas yoas sutise owurr cositi otiserwisr bu usuware of. Tie skeleiau - urck, bsck. tail sud legs sisouid ait bu paipuird for absonmaliies. As yos cas imagine, ail af ibear probteins siiow us to Sund absormualltas foui yosr pet cas nos tris yos abous. t uiso blieve foas ose pets buve a macis bigier toierusce ta puis foan wr do, so it la reuiiy ap to, us ta Sund for peobleris. Sa ofirs i examtine s prias m0stis ta fud s braken tofot or sbscessed tofoh moi, for pet sever isavisg raisibird dlscomiftet. If wr buti suris peoblemns wr would ais nas ta tise dm5155t as qaickiy as arr conld! To quote s ciché,i su once of preveuhios is arortis s pounti of cure. If are ra deirri problema before ibey amousi ta serions illinrss fors are ras asi- mite the potestiai for longer sud isealtitier 11fr. MBA, BS.W. MS.W C.S.W DIP. SOC. ADM. Counselng & Psycholherapy Individuals, Couples, Childee & Familles a 11084, t Une, MNton, Ontario Uleyne M. Taniner (W15) 854-0801 Qs 1 have!or&aswt floruyr ailliEMBDyen IiniWy- lis about aie adi wbsr I wod l rdà' o Ibs u ellsd le M-* .ols? Woui Iwebfos y piaN? Wigabofor .yl blus pu meV" abuse? A. EMDR as an acronym for Eye Movemeut Desenitîeation andi Reprocessans 1555i an inuovallve cliulcal catreta chiat bas sccesasfuly heipati over a million indivicduals wba have survived tramna, i.eludus sexual abuse domesic violence, crime sud motte vebicleý aciden as well as chose suffersug from otiser ronrersis sucris Mdeprssion, adldir- isu pliobis aud self-eteem issues. EMDR as a rosaplex iurdiod of puycisotiseay tia inlegrates eleuisut of a number of iberapestîr approacises sud combines tbemn wits oye moveusesis or arier farm of tisythisiual brais stidmutin so a tuI stini- laie tie brais s information praressisa sysiem Tis as a sasiraI uslbd wiir makes use of use brans aws abilsiy ta reproreas niaterial sud so involves no drugs or stimults. Wits isas forin of drpy, alfoougs ialc asg s complete istsory ta imsportant, ia s soi seresisay ta drive anuo derudes aid informstios. Is mrass tisai aliliaugs iete are us gsaran- tees, people cas ofies earis tarir galts quate qsirkty. somte watt shsow druianbr respouses in a shoari umunt of lîme wile oiters progiesa mor siawiy. Fiuding s qusiafied EMDR tiserupasi rus bu s chsallenge. Bersuse tis tecbnique la ksaws ta bu very ssccesafsi wisere atiser metisavbue sol worked. many people wbo ksaw very litle abaut it are tryiug ta capy as. lu aedee ta bu iruiy qulified, the iidividuat sitasid Omst bave extesive traiin is cousseliiag and psyrisaiierspy techissques sud secondly. sbouid hauve receavesi Levet t sud Level 2 traniug froin tise certified traers of ie EMDR Institue. Reading su article orsa book on tise aub- jers as ual esongs and ra cesse severe psyrisalogical damage ta tise client. As alwsys. 1 encourage yon ta check tise iberapits credeusials sud quesion wbatber yon fort romfartable truigt Iis persn widi your Q:n Do yu makel cuo fo otwy esrwt a sanday f ls? tpr A:le. Bhuhiestoksas t hcnqeisntfrevro, m t poputar sands on elacb oTari a enthfe to threr inab. The par ofc inendais areim I mauMfaredthe aquestorf o dU fotb rned anrd apingtot theas and(05 precriti. aiehvn ad cotors, oiesan ltn, Oechaios L aO y inurnc comanis cvesheco1 of Picustm Aooter. , i Georttwn Onivei us a4cti N:D o raef asto foar andcesary.l N: e w air entksn s tr e al as o