12 - The Canadian Chamnpion, Tu.eday, June 8, 1999 Milton works to make millennium memorable Memories may last a lifetime but in Milton, millennium celebrations will run about a year. Having recently unveiled its new millen- nium logo, thse Milton 2000 committee is busy dreaming up a year's worth of events to make Milton Use place to be in what is generally considered to be Use first year of 1999 Chevy Silverado V8 Extencled Cab The 1999 Motor Trend Truck of the Year New Vortec 4800 SF1 V8 255 hp engine. *automatic trnsmission with overdrive *air conditioning *third duor with largest opening *reclining 40/20/40 split-bench seat *AM/FM stereo with cassette *chienn grille. bumper and wheels the new millennium. The theme ot thse logo is Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Celebrations will kick off with a new year's eve bash titrougitout the last hours of 1999. Elvis impersonator Steve Kabakos and the popular band Thrte Men and a Drum Machine will headline the party, which woll likely take place outdoors ini Miltons, downtown. To ensure that Use night is a blast, lire- works will light up Use sky as Use old year, centusy and midllennium bow out. To keep the memories alive long after the last firecracker has fizzled, Milton Pl IRH&qESMNnTEASE 127995 2e9% 1378 (Induites Fr t sf845 Aid A axsESl88 PIIRCHASE FINANING 36 MarNTHS [Lira inusranc and Wura extra) Up iO 4 MONTHS 19W9CHEVY SILVERADO)V8EXTEND -CAB Tr ur truck with a Genuine NO SURPRISE LASE GUIDE My _____Y _______ $378naroAccessory Package -i. CASH OOWNara274 Hood Protector CAS TAX NOTAPRILE lAM t/ PÇ4E-OEIJVERY IN4SPECTIONd ASeXTRM54RGE 1 Nf& PSTIGSTtw xpe,.î'8 36kmant SEcUIJRrr DEPOSIT WND(OA.C.)> TOTKAMOM DS ON OJUY ~ S Usue. PPSA SAtmin. Feu. Etra TiraeLie MW -Mdo Rudeun, Boardspaml'I 1999 Chevy Ventur 3400 SF1 V6 185 HP engine - 4-speed autoenats NO su AS GDE transmission e4-wheel anti-knck braking systro 2 w 9 5 MOwMM PAYMENT Ulm8 S Next Generation dual front and side impactar ~ a paomun e. bags a PASS-Keyf 111 theft-deterrent system Lcas mra.go bile CAHDM( ex smw M T. el sieee s*e aair conditioning a AM/FM stereo 0 power A door loclos 1.PRIE-DEuvERY Ed5ECTON f40etR&~~GE LM SRAtI"afflO UP M3POMT _____ FIVE STAR SAFMT IIATING PUMMsoraM4MO 7Eaa£Y EPar Chevy Ventuare is the first vehicte ever to ear m ffE Uraurai P5Â&dai FeeEN 5stars (the top safety rating) for both dnverand $Pt% o% NMM PQ"1 rear-seat passenger in side-impact testing.** Side- 228<me sM( mWo ducend.' impact air bags aie standard on Chevy Venture. 3srurr The 1999 Limited Edition s-199 UTED EDTINOKY Chevy RcyMountain Blazer NO1Q 5UPRS EASEGIDE A Lhnited Edition Rocky Mountain Blazer now Yi 995a MONTLY PAYMENT includes a Rocky Mosentain Buke. Vortec 4300)V6 ( iaumsufri 190 HPegn *uontctasiso off i%'d 29VCAS ,4offlri5ai5S00) 4,40 difrnila4-wheel anti-lrck braking system 2.9ST7Ts oerr, eNext Generation dual front air bags * air n<ý- oEPOI W ~ conditioning e power windows/door Ioclus/ &MTUMtfo TO1ALAMOIITOIKONOOJUVRY '0,%V3 mirr Tilt-Wheell0 steeriiig e cruise control, $f0 l ) .e.,e. PPSA, & Autair F... Etras Rocky Mountain Bike 011cr also available on Lllh $0a tdes, MW"0d PayaenM 1999 Chevy S-10 LS Extended Cab $ýýfH 99(}EYS40 t5 IFJrEDED CAB Vortec 4300 SF1 V6 175 HP engine * 4-speed automatic transmission e 4-wheel $NO SURPRISE LEASE GUIDE anti-lock braking systenn e Next Generation dual front air bags * PASSLock' MONLY PAYMN 7 24 tbeft-deterrent system e AM/FM stereo with .sieftui0iOt0ao iat0ne0 CD player e air conditioning e power steening % ~ TAX NOT WPLEASEL 916" alumîinum whe-els FRE.OEUVERY INSPECTiN NO5PCIAG sportsude body 2ouaeect99i<1 secusc r fl -1ro sport suspension Sie»tm - iIECUTai oe uiUi '.3 MTLrsre AM PSÂ & AuO r Fie Er '248 z;cesji o raies ideri, iram"i parneni te $» (ouk tu)-tSM ke su dmiteerp I L !]isi uiayNeu he s rsiaat ourlutkelesro urwetefîtoi4.iA&IM45 aiî/lst48 aW ll ieus isuoe u vnnuel/ku/stnte/fmt fot2u.ODO km $0.t2 pa tess kilurnitre PST, USTandt VsUai 1ar7 Ai rasesn Suaiale Fianin onun oralen utGMrail u 4%t0%S %r.%peîruiurti/riiu rrnOaon5-5OExeemplerOs vleAFIanm s$1p0ei MA>oie00s nroA it 0e - WT8 n lr rilryiurels5t.1/2"a<,8mnO.cu fsrurussi5.55032 oa biuls st.9 4/t633 ui aaSui/,triemst AIî,tMshypomnai olu nittror r uorlnlesirerttuwdm uerpyrn/itO Or plroiieli l a ifrsteuu îurdoRZelr 75Rr, 7/-t t oetastortisie pi uqe/lrtrli tut 9' esineCinie et alrr uucrnal.sie ,e rSien enssay[nui i.stu/hmyrIt obrdaSsre ns sfrnye/ rluetiriUepu tAs o csQ% N di5à r s tlre'o r19, ni TsîgcauidS telirn ohe rti ifl imnirlu teUt Rhl upisatSis pi u19 's tnrarlrmieeotue Dateline items to 878' 4943 di p il e 1 Located at Chris Hadt-kld Park, thie gar- en will be divided into three plots. These will feature plantings froro the ast, present and future to dranatically lustrale the Milton 2000 theme. A time capsule tucked away in a gazebo ,ithin tse garden will gsaarantee that the iemonies of Milton in 2000 aren't loSt. Other events, such as a Milton reunion, ili be scheduled throughout the year. To keep residents up to speed on Use lat- st happenings, a millennium events calen- Mwill be published, likely in November f this year.. Ail Milton residents should receive a ree copy of Use calendar, allowing them to larticîpate in Use millenmium celebrations. The citizen-led mùilennium committee is lways looking for volunteers. To help out, caîl Joy Anderson at 875- .681. Moms often depressed *from POOR on page 3 -it still doesn't cost anything for a fami- ly to get together and play baseball in Use park, or go for a walk or a hike," he said. "My parents raised me Usat we really are responsible for our physical, emotional and economiàc healUs." The report speaks to Use problems of Use depressed parent, said Burlington Councillor Linda Sebreiber. -I Usink we don't want to lose sight Usat Use report is also about Use mental health of Use parent and getting Usemn on track," she said. Until they feel. bette, depresaed parents need an extra push wo get things organized for dhe family, said Dr. Browne. 'The mother is so depressed, she can't reacb out," said Dr. Browne. "Site needs someone wo advocate for ber." Having been raised by a manic-depres- sive moUser, Ms Mulvale was in support of Use study. "My sister replicaled her life, my brother and I escaped it but there's a cost," site said. "Depression is a huge challenge you need wo hamness." The study will wrap up in another two Two new cops on Milton beat Two niewr Halton Regional Police offi- .cers have bee.n assigned to patrols in Milton. Constables Kelly Daunter and Geraldine Defoe were recently sworn in at Halton regional council Chambters. Originally from Belleville, Constable Daunter previously worked for nine years at Ontario Hydro as a power line mainte- nance person and customer accounts rep- resentative. She was active in her home community as a volunteer wiUs Use United Way. Rom in London, England, Constable Defoe came to Canada in 1976. She grad- uated from the University of Toronto in 1991 with a bachelor of arts degree in criminology -and sociology. Prior to joining Halton police, Constable Defoe worked as a correctional officier for more Usan eight years. In her spare time she enjoys playing the flute and collectîng old movies. In total, seven new constables and a Constable from another police service were swom in.