If you're an employer in Halton and you've hired a student this summer, thank you. Please join us for a breakfast Wednesday, June l6th, 7:30 a.m. to hear David Foot, author of Boom, Bust and Echo at Le Domne Banquet Hall, 1173 North Service Road, East, Oakville Sponsored in part by: Seating la limited RSVP Susy Comnegni, YMCA (905) 681-1140 Worklng togettur ta help studefits find summar employmWnt Sheidan OF (~ The Board of Directors of the Commumity Care Access Centre (CCAC) of Halton is pleased to invite CCAC you to attend an H ALT ON OPEN BOARD MEETINGI june 16, 1999 HIGHUGHTS 0F AGENDA 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sevc Proier Forum: Northwest GTA Dr. Dan Trant, Vice President, Hospial Crportion Nortliwest GTA Hospital Corporation Georgetown Hospital Campus PAeenti]on: Actiity oomElaine Whitore, One Princess Anne Drive Director, Planning & Developmnent Georizetown, ON L7G 2B8 and roll Joey Van Aiten, 9, trisd hie hand et vintage YO-YO trcks durlng the Haltofi Waldorf Sohool'a May air recsntly (aboya lft and centre). Manwhla Katy Unger, 9, played wlth the Game f Gracea, one f many old-fahoned activi- ties at the fair. Photos by GRAHI-AM PAINE