Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Jun 1999, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Frlday, June 4,1999 SCOMMENT More class and less mudslinging required There's no doubt elections invite strong competitive tactics, much as in any battle for a big pnize. But the mudslinging between the parties throughout the recent provincial campaign went too far, and actually becamne an embarrassment. The parties, particularly the Liberals, made repeated attempts to turn citizens against their competitors in an attempt to gain votes themselves. Liberal leader Dalton McGuinty spent much of bis television advertising dol- lars knocking the Conservatives by quoting Premier Mike Harris out of context to make hlm look foolish. The first topic addressed by NDP leader Howard Hampton during bis visit to Milton was bis caîl for a police investigation into allegations tbat the Conservatives provided alcohol and'cigarettes to students during an mn-bouse rally. Meanwbîle, Premier Harris accused the opposition parties of actively round- ing up people to protest agaanst bim at party functions. A citizen interviewed on the evening news just days before the electioa summed il up nicely. Site called te tactics childish. We hope future elections will be fougitt with more class and maturity. Politicians may find they gain a little extra respect. Karen Smith O UR READERS WRITE ______........ l'm sure we can flnd a win-win solution NATO bombasnb»...................in development con flict at Drury paOrk THE CA NADIA I CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., TIh Cendla. Champion, published every Tuesday and Fridoy Multon, Ont. L9T 4N9 at 191 Main St. t., Milton, Ont., 19T 4N9 (Box 248), Is 0n0 of The Metroland Prlnting, Publlshing & Distrlbating Ltd. group of sub- O~O lAI urban companles which Includes: Ajax I Pickering News (905)878-23'41 Advertlser; Aliston Herald/Coarier; Barrie Advance; Brampton Guardion; Barlington Post; City Parent; Colllngwood 1 Wasaga Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Connectlon; tant York Mirror; Etobicoke Guardian; Georgetown lndependenti Acton Fres Press; Iltn ibis Weelc; Lindsay Tbis Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Week; Markham Economist & Son: Midland I Penetangalshene Classified: 875-3300 Mirror; MlssIssauga News; Newmarket I Aurora Era Banner; Northumbenland News; North York Mirror; Oakvllle Beaver, Orillia Ian Oliver Publisher Today; Oshawa I Whltby I Clarlngtonl/ Port Perty This Week; Peterborough ibis Weetc; Richmond Hill1 I Thomblill I Vaughan NeDl Oliver Associate Publisher Liberal; Scarboroagh Mirror; Uxbrldge I Stoutfvlle Tribune; Bill Begin General Manager Todays Seniors. Advertling Is accepted on the condition that, In the event of a Rob Kelly Edutor typographical error, that portion of thte advertlolng spot. occa- Karen Cross Circulation Manager pied by the erroneouS item, togeflier with a reasonable atiowance TeriCam Bic Mangerfor signature, wll not be charged for, bat the balance of the TerICua OficeMangeradvortlsemnent wlll lui pald for aithUe applicable rate. The pablisher TIna COUS Production Manager reserves the rlght 10 categorize advortisements or decline. Dear Editor: Tite tirsI officiai public meeting held May 26 regarding te Drury park developroctt was successful for titose opposed 10 te develop- ment. Tite planning conmmitee voled bo reject te rezoning and nol proceed 10 a îechnical report. Unfortunately, Ibis is only a lent- porary viclory. H.D. Investments may now appeal to lte Ontario Municipal Board (0MB). Tite 0MB may ovenicle te Town and approve lte oezoning. On te other bond, titey may aiso reject it. But none of titis prevents H.D. Investiments from burying lte park with a large nursing home complex. On lte oter itand, the 0MB migitt also reject titat. Titere is no clear winner yet but someone will lose. Theefore, il is timie for tie Town and H.D. Investments 10 negotiate a compromise agreemient that pro- vides a win-win situation for everyone. Itis could be acbieved as follows: a) The tennis club could move 10 another location. Tennis courts can be built anywhere in a few days. One possible location is te former chemical plant site across the tracks from Loblaws. b) H.D. Investmnents could build one large nursing home in te loca- tion sbown in their current propos- ai. Instead of tie proposedl bunga- lows, H.D. Investanents could give thte rest of the band t0 thte Town as a park. Titis would save about 75 percent of te park. c) I exchange for thte park band, H.D. Investmenls could be given lte land at thte soutit-est comer of Ontario Street and Citilds Drive for a seniors' developanent. Titis way everybody wins. We save moot of lthe park. H.D. Investments makes a profit wititout a large number of people baling titer. The Town gels two facilities 10 create jobs and provide property lax income. The seniors gel addi- tionai facilities in town close 10 te mail. I believe Ibis approacit is belter titan tbe win-lose process now being pursued. Please consider titis proposa. Richard W.D. Ganton, P.Eng Milton These are a great bunch of volunteers Dear Editor: Wiltout te ituman resources I am wriling titis letter in volunteers provide, we would nol acknowledgsnent of te wonderful be able t0 offer our services. Tite communil we live in and te peo- Canadian Cancer Society lis a ple who &ive us reason to want t0 nationai community-based organi- cail il home. zation of volunteers. Thte montit of April is a special Tite work socîely volunteers do one for te Canadian Cancer withîn tbeir own communities Society. reflects te acitievements we As secretary of te nortit Haiton oblain nationaily. unit, witicit includes Milton, The value of our volunteers is Georgetown and Acton, 1 itave thte immeasurable. Our unit aione bas good fortune 10 work wititsortme of over 1, 100 volunteers and 1 am ie moat caring, loving and humble proud ltat we rank lte itigiest in volunteers tat ail communily itas raising funds for lte fIgt against to offer. cancer. At te Canadian Cancer Society volunteers comte in many forms. Volunteers are found working as drivers, canvassers, counicil mem- bers, fundraisers, bealtit promotion volunteers, peer support workers, in leadersitip positions, as office workers, and lte liaI goes on. I consider misl fortunale 10 bave te opportunity 10 live in a community in wici neigitbours care about neigitbours. To ail vol- unteers, please accept my sincere gratitude. Sheila Huska-Smith Canadian Cancer Society >1-

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