Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Jun 1999, p. 28

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.OMEHIEAITH s looking ACCOUIITI (approx. 351 This position is responsi accounting records related accouots payable and for reporting and transmission tc QwaIflafaa bWaade *Post secondary accounting *Practical accountiog expei computerized accounfing sy al year data entry & busines @Excellent organizational ski prioritize and work coder tig *Ability ta work flexible houl Attention: Ani Suife 211, 1515 Rebecca St Fax (905)- 8 We thank ait applicants hor will be contacted. Administratii A smail buy busyfia tice located in Oakvit istrative Assistant ti support eo the fin. must bave Cen years with excellent telephc and organizational computer (MS Office must. Knowledge ofi investments would de Fax resume f0: GENERAL Office Clerk Full-time position. tam-Spcn, Mon-Fni. Experience on computers a Most. Bookkeeping skills helptol. Lots et job variely. Cali n27-mi6 Linda OFFICE SITTER ne- qulrad ocoenatl work, uli days. answar phonesý talcs messag- es, etc. Fax resumne or application ta John at 878-4879. PART-TtME position available for experi- enced dentat recaplion- icI in General Family Dentist Office, knout- edge of Abat an asset. Good interpersonal communication akilîs. Fax (905) 878-0557, or mail Dr. Paul 055cm, 106 Wakefild Road, Milton, Ont. L9T 2L8. rnpion, Friday, Juns 4, 1999 EXPIERIIENCIED CARE- GIVER WITH INF- ~~DANT/CHILD-CPR. Lv CARE ing, healthy environ- for a ment, c great place for B CER your ctsildl Tammy, 875- hrs/w) 4210. hIe for preparation cf EXPERIENCED day- lu payroll, billing and cars, age appropriate maintenance, cpdate, toys, creative crat, Head Office accocoting. outings, nutnillous lunches, babies reel- courses preterable. comae. 876-062. rience with a UCENSED Home Day- stem. cars. Loving mother. fun s software experience. activitias, nutritioca, Ilis with the ability lu meals, firat aid, CPR. ght deadlines. Raferences. Receipts. rs 878-9855. ne O'Hara UIVE-OUT caregiver 3 t, Ockvilie, On L6L 5G8 days/waalt for delistu 47-1038 4-1/2! year aId girl. Èner- ever only those quclitied getic, creativa, ganuine lava of children. Uight housekea ping Excellent Engial atst, ~e Assistant non-amattar, awn trans- ra planning prac- portation. Lagal onty. le seeks an Admin- rsrtheast Burlingtan. - Required A.S.A.P. Sprovide generat Lvmesg t D. rhte ideal candidate Jae ss0) 7-44 office experience uta5pm. an (705 ecommunication 336-5577 sar830 skills. Excellent p.m. and weekenda. )skills are also a QUALIFIED, expert- insurance and other anced dlaycame pravIdar finitety be an asset. availabla Manday - Fni- '905) 337-9985 day, nan-smoker. Rater- ____________ nces availabte. Pises RECEPTINISTAMsis- catil Carat Anc 693- tant raquired 2 9451. days/ak fr ~lt-REUIADLE Mcm avait- malle», aptomnetrix prac- able fcr fl Uime day- tice. Watl-organizad, cars. Nutriticus meals, 3 self-mativated, with spots available. Cati atrong computer kRill Rosemary at 878-2387. and excellant tateptiona manner. Hsatth caesx penance an asset. Reaumnes ta, Box 2320 c/o the Canadian EXPERIENCED dlean- Champion, 191 Main St. icg lacdy avallabla. QuaI- EMiton, Ont. L9T ,C daeaninýg Rason- 4N9. able rates. Referances requirea. uenna expen- ence a muet. Pleasa reply, ta o 38 5 ncaiCapin 9 Main St., East, Milan,. Ontaria. L9T «N. «JOBS Availablel" If you are betwesn the ages of 18-30, reant fful- Uime hours and a com- petitive saiary ... call the Joy Program. (905)333- 34991(905) 878-1240. Spcnsomed by Humac Resources Deveiep- ment Canada. et heuse, excetlent con- 2 ROONS fan ranI. d ~ditien, quiet crea. Avail- Country livingIuliy fur- ,, uouiu y ou able Juiy 1, $1,000+. nished, non-omnoker., puf876-2179. $700/monih. Firsi & last. 854-4060. Odu g t t is2 ROMN, bad & sItsg in quiet towchausa. ,Wse- Shared ltdsn & bath j ob?. ment, Campbelvlle, for mature wertang par- country, iaundry, sean sac. $575/month. 876- 401,* avactabie imme- 2895. diately. $700/month, ROOMS for rent. $3e5 utilies indluded. 854- ptmnh laecl M E "___2862 ___ Tony Hill. 876-1617. Leam on line! tAle provide in-depth tralohsnakages that tah rdperfect, MLcroaoft products, Wolb Sit Design and Internat toola. Att you naed se scoeau t h. web! Fr.. wtwn yoeu sign up: Intro tothe Internet Netscpe Navtgator 4.0 internet Explorer 4.0 Lill & Tîme Marlegsmesti Eligibility. mu« be unsniilovad or masiving Et, or have recaivari El in the lest 3 years. or 5 vours if an pareal aI . Carpocatiowa Individuels may purchase courses autaidae af HRDC fundlng. Unfe SmsIons: Mlasmuga: June 21 Surknon Ju»a3,11, 28 (905) 333-3499 or 1-888-578-4115 alie Camu N&AWP!M Cwfte Cana& atter 6, 875-2085. G R M ec n cea IIAIS & LEASING handa-on ma- chinas/shop/atc. Jack cf NEW & USED att tradas. Steadyr light 410 STEELES AVE. wfsile schedulen, ra A FAMILY BUSINESS WITlH FAMILY VALUES sm9a56- co5an7 Canp WE - BUY - SELI - LEASE 519-56-857 amp LARGEST SELECTIOd 0F USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 PREG ANT? New Vslicle Decisians te Ma? Cal Lc n 198BNI 2 us we're hsme ta listan.. ThCla0ssifiOds 875-1245. Tetrilr ge cAnd12 TtTriegocnlon, sepe 6, pftspan steve, 3-way fndcge sir canopyAskucg $3,00 ~- Cma$«ku«W udi pWwBy moiagmd vi,~(tsOsg r àKC445t d<sed~u~i4rastau oÀàufwrcssP 'q igsiààw W ior aps- t, Maeim ou WtîMb*t .srcp#tsO. Medgio-fori"* kah'aLW BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SPECIAUIST Smart, confident. professianat and tîglty motivared, you wili identify key market niches by tapping ino yaur knowtatgc of the trade cnd scute businesa mmnn. A pmoven planner wirh an analyticat mind, you ttsrive an recarctsing and devetaping ncw business appartunities cnd capturing front-end business contacta. A degre, 2-5 yeas af key accounir experience and a praven track record in a techaicat service induacry compiement your commuitmrent ta team waek and cuaxamer service. Nour dedication and commitiment witt bc rewcrded with an attractive sancd benefita plus bananes. Ify.s arr pahuenate aise adwwiag y.sr carmtr ch en iud" ,nyIaw pkas.fcnrndym Mtéuh Attention: Human Resourcea Madison Cheasicat Industries lac. 490 MeGeachie Doive Mihon, Octne L9T 3Y5 j PaL, (905) 878-1449 Ç~~ M I No phone catis pleu. ' w ww. madàao n chem i c a1.c om a 'k invtv eglcaver- ag. omm tn$ pald dady. Traicig p 3vdd Taped massage, M.8 290-4494. NEW CONCEPT. Net m edley. Hoe bsd Work at yeur cen pace. 905-678-7118. tera for June 13 -August 20 (l10 weeks). 876- 4040, Pat an Andrew. EMPLOYED single fla- Cher with 1 chiid raquires ressnabiy pricedi 2 bedmcmr apartmant fer Juiy 1. References availabia. 905-693- 8066. 2-BEDROOM Bunga- lare, dawntaw Milan. $1.095 + utilities, in- cludles 5 appliances. Available Juiy let Strong references ne- quie. Dava, 875-0333. train curtent COM boa _., î A UNIQUE1"E1- FRANCHISE. OPPORTUNITY You cauld ownyour ow Btte & Grap storeth#t attira bath hambrewtng supplies sl an on-premise.wtneryl W. offer a comnplète fumkey cperaion with extensive, ongoing training excellent martons and a highly rnotivated team. TDJM W1WA 0F TM LMV 11141W110 iufiim TAM cxN«1111 Cr Imml FU1%M ment reitt balcany, men- ovated, $850/month. Available July 1. No doge please. Cali bet- ween 3 p.m. & 9 p.m. 878-3023. ACTON, 3 badroamn Victorian semi $1.000. Large 2 badromn sart ment w/baisement $25 plus utilitie. 519-853- 5080 or 519-853-5352. MILLSIDE TOWERS 82 MILLSIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 1 Badrom avallable on bus route, tmashty 2 appliances. on-site laundry; inctudes ail utilities (except phone & cabla.) Fe parking, ne pets. Raf erences raquired. 905-876-1249 By appointînant onIy RURAL 2 badrcomr apartmsnt, for lease, $650month. CalI 905- 854-2760, between 9 s.m. & 3 p-. SPACIOUS 1,2 & 3 bedrooras. Frashly paictsd, bright. Cam- p teint. Burtington hihrs.Weil main- tained. Canvenient lo- cation. (905)333-9846. Noon - 8 p.m. LAKESHORE PLACE Buringf on s Newest Luxuqy Relnrement Residence is hiring *HCA/ MS eHOUSEKEEPERS *D/R SERVERS Please fax rescmne 10: Fax: 905-334-103 Make it RICHARDSON CHVROLET OLDSMOBILE To lease or purchase your car or truck Hwy 25 S. nt D"rr Rd. 878-2393 -I WATERFRONT Geor- gian Bay, westemn expo- sure, dock, ssndy beach, scresned mcmr, langs decti, open con- cept kitchen and lhing- rocm, 2 bedrooma and tait, 3 place bath. Close ta ski huIs, 1-1/2 haurs frocs Toronto. MoYvs ini condition. Very desan. Must be sean. Ociy $121.000. Cai 705-538- 2164. REASONABLE Indus- triai Units for mclt. 1,200 - 3,200 sq. Il. Loadicg docks & drive-in. 1-905- 277-9347 or 1-905-275- i83. SMALL PRIVATE OF- FICE beautcfulîy sp- pointad, H-t. 25 & 401. 1-905-277-9347 cr 905- 275-6834. COME *New In tossn? * G lng mnfe1d in momihs «oret? " Has'ing a baby? " Eatabling a naw business? PLAE CALI. US: Cemmuslty Welsem Linda ..54-1563 Mariiyn..875-0519 Bridai Shirley..878-7046 Baby Tracy L. .876-4330 Osînss/Pratesaîenal Pst ...76-4040 REMINDER Teil your graduate how proud you are of them! Our special Graduation Section wl run Fniday, June 25, 1999 $50.00 + G.S.T. Deadline is June 23 at 4:00 port. ---------------i AMeae: Pnce: $50.00 + G.S.T Celebrating a Birthday Wedding Anniversary? Did you have A Baby A Graduation? Are you looldng for a new job? wanting to hire? Are you looldng For a New Home?ý an apartment? a townhouse? Want to Setl Applianoes? Fumiture? Treasures? Did you lose your pet? or maybe you found a pet? Need a flOw car? truck? boat? trailer?7 Phone the Classifleds 875-3300 0 B e. 878-0758 1

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