10 -mhe Canadien Champion, Frlday, June 4,1999 ~ Brew-your-own store now a ~ drive-through' owner jokes By KAREN SMITH The Champion A good-humoured store owner joked that bis busi- ness was now a "drive-tbrough" after a car crashed into bis front window Wednesday. No one was injured and only structurai damage was caused to the Hogshead Boew Club on Nipissîng Road when the crash occurred shortly before 11 a.m. The 66-year-old Milton driver of a blue Nissan acci- dentally accelerated instead of braking after pulling into the parking lot of the commerciai complex behind Milton Mail, Haiton Regional Police said. Acting Staff Sgt. Tom Cbapman said the car mount- ed thc curb and drove tbrougb thc front glass window, stopping short of brewing equipment inside tbe store. The driver, wbo was shaken up but uninjured , was assisted out of the vehicle by ambulance attendants. The biggest tbreat was broken glass. Tbe wnman was driving into thse complex to dmop off donations to thse nearby Saivation Armny food bank wben the accident occurred, Acting Staff Sgt. Chapman said. A damage estimate wasn't available. No charges were laid against the wonxan. Appearing relaxed about thse incident, store owner Darren Goertzen told The Champion bis business has two entrances, so sales weren't interrupted Wednesday. Thse store was closed ait thse urne of the crash and no one was inside. 'There were customers bere right at noon when we opened," be said. Mr. Goertzen, who bas operated the business for eigbt years, said tbe same tbing bappened to, a bulk food store in the complex several years ago. He said a contributing factor is that thse parking spaces face storefronts. Be wary of break-ins, cops urge Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Lucklly, no anc waa In the Hogabead Brew Club Wedneaday Imorning when a car craahed tbrough the front wlndow. Se. atory at right. J E.C. DRUET Bie SCUGOL Dateline Drury - June 4th, 1999 by Jessica Wellsteadi and Katîs Murzin Although semester two is quickly approaching and end, the students of E.C. Druy are stili busy vWh man actiMiies besides studying and finai projects. this past week Drury held its annual Arts Cabaret and Literary Coffee House in out school auditorium. The night provided an opportunify for taiented and dedicated music, art, and english students to preforra everything t rom music to poetry, prose ta theatre as weil as solos in dance and other performance arts. A special congrat- ulations goos out 10 ail participants for their excellent perfonrmances on Wednesday night. Speaking of congratulations, the boys basebaf I team finished off thair season aest week with over out cross- town rivais, Milton District. The boys unfortunately lost to 0.E. Park in their final game bringing their season f0 a dlose in the second round of piayoffs. The girls basebali team is weif on their way as well ailler a regular sea- son record of 8-2 (8l wins, 2 loses>. The girls' progress in the playoffs wiil be reported in next week's Dateline Drury. Good iuck girls! Other athietes who are on their way f0 victory are those members of the E.C. Druty tennis teamn. Colin Carroll and Graham Ferguson will be attending the OFSAA tennis toumament on June 7th. Our best wishes go out to this team in this pursuit for the gold! Although we bestow our congratulations and best wishes to them ail the Uime, these wonderful athietes as will as many others who have played on vanous teams duning the year wiii be formally recognized at an upcom- ing avent here at achool. On June 10, Drury vwiil hold ils annual Athletic Banquet. This evening is not only held f0 honor the exdelient athietes and coaches of E.C. Drury, but is an opportunity for ail to dress up, eat a nice dinner, dance and have some fun! Ail interested students are incited ta corne ta the banquet, regardiess of whether the student pîsys sports or juat likes to watcht Tickets for the event are $9 for those with athfetic cards and $12 for others. Corne ouf and support your fellow achoolmates and teammates at this year's Athlelic Banquet! juat a reminder that the countdown ta summer continues with only il more reguiarly scheduled schcol days ieft untîl exami until then, we hope you'll continue to foilow Dateiine Drury for your weekly news t ram around the school community! Witb the warm weather cornes a need to, tbink in dif- ferent terma about the safety and security of your borne, Haltun Regional Police advise. A number of break-mns to, unlocked garages and sbeds at ares bornes bave been reported recently, said Constable Rick Earle. "Most property crimes are crimes of opportunity, thus if you follow the tipa below you rnay flot become a victim," be said in a press release. Police encourage residents to, do Uie following: -Lock front doors and windows even wben garden- ing and mowing the Iawn in the backyard. - Lock ail garage doors. Vehicles should be kept locked when flot in use, even when in the garage. " Secure ail sheds. " Do flot leave valuables, wallets, purses or keys in plain view inside unlocked residences. - Report any suspicious vehicle or persons immedi- ately to the police. - If you plan to be away, have a friend or neighbour drop by to look afiter the house. As well, insure that you have your mail and newspapers picked up and someone mows the lawn to, make sure your house bas that lived-in look. GRADE "A"lg NEWS MILTON DISTRICT MISE SCESOL ADVRTSE- N Mmtua chboka Grade "A" News at MDHS By Jacqueline Bass and Marissa Cheskey We've corne back to the end of another great week at M.0.H.S. We'll start off with this week most exciting news. Student Council elections were held on Wednesday June, 2nd. We would like to congratulate the four candidates, Sana Chisty, Jean Kiathavisack, Gwynne Lockhurst, and Sony Dhillon, on their great speeches and their excellent campaigning efforts. It's great to see ai of the enthusiasm and school spirit. Each candidate put forth a great deal of effort making it a though decision. The winners were Jean Kiathavisack for president and Sony Dhillon for vice president. Since Sana Chisty was this years president, she will be moving to past president next year. The rest of the executive portions for the 1999-2000 Student Council have bee acclaimed. Congratulations to ail of those people as well. We're sure that, with ail of your efforts, next year will be even better than this year. The M.D.H.S. cheerleading tryouts were successful and nexi years team is ready to go. We would like to notify parents 0f the cheerleaders that there is going to be a meeting on Monday June 7. Il will be held in the library at Milton District High School at 6:00 pm. This meeting is very important SO don't forget! We would also like to remind ail students involved in the Senior Friends program of the year end celebration being held on June lOth. The celebration will be held at Gien Abby Recreation Centre in Oakville from 10:45 to 1:30 pm. It will be a fun filled celebration com- plete with swimming, a pizza lunch and special entertainment. It will be a great time! Thankyou to everyone who helped out with this years recognition assembly on thursday June 3. Have great weekend and don't forget to start studying for those exams! "For goodness saké" i rought to you courtesy of Haltoe Healthcare and Ubt Cmnbin Cbempson