The Canadien Champion, Fniday May 28, 1999 - 7 (~)r hi, nîr'v cI Y/,pTTp7 My kid votes now, too Dear Editor It was disappointing, perbaps even distressing, to read Richard Bramwell's letter in your May 7 issue (Cbanging the rules is flot fair play)... and your head- line writer sounids like be agrees with himi -- equally distressing. Surveys indicate Halton bas an extremely bigh numn- ber of vebicle collisions, and Milton's record, per capita, is the worst in the region. Virtually aIl of these "accidents" were caused by excessive speed and aitier forms of over-aggressive driving -- in aitier words, they were avoidable if the rules of the road bad been adhered to. In response to tbis situation, Mayor Gord Krantz held a public meeting last faîl, attended by a large number of concemed citizens, and conducted by a rep- resenitative of the Trauma Prevention Council. This meeting resulted in the formation of the Milton Road Safety Committee, wbose objectives are: 1. To increase the awareness of the need for road safety in reducing injuries and deatbs in Milton througb education. 2. To determine the impact of engineering and road design on the number of fatalities and injuries in Milton. 3. To promnote increased enforcement and to support enforcement strategies to reduce the incidence of injuries and fatalities due to collisions in Milton. One of the actions take by the committee was to make available a radar message board for use, free of charge, by "self-righteous locals" (Mr. Braniwell' s description) who are rightly concemred about exces- sive speed on roada in their area. (In fact, Mr. Bramwell was in Halton His, which also bas a radar message board). The purpose of the radar message board is to make drivers aware of the speed at which tbey are travelling, as a reminder to proceed at a rea- sontable rate. Further action by the police will occur only when the speed is considerably over the posted limit. As the population increases there will be more vehi- cles on our roada, and new or reconstructed highways will flot always be available to handie the volume. Mr. Bramwell, our advice ta you is leave home ear- lier and avoid the "daily frustration" of being a "speeding commuter". The mIles have flot changed, you have simply chosen to ignore themn Michael M. West Milton Road Saety Conmlttee Letters Welcomed The Canadian Champion wekcomes Iefters ta the editor. We reserve the right to edit, revise, and reject letters. Letters must be signed and the address and the telephone number of the writer included. mail letters to: The Canadian Champion Box 248, Milton, Ont. 19T 4N9 or leave them at aur office, 191 Main Street. * froro HOME on page 6 Get wîth the pro gram, says reader winncr. I've even heard them report the close retums in a riding, but then add that tbey've already declared a winner, as if that took precedence over the actual vote counit. Makes me nuts. Once, and I swear this is true, one net- work declared a winner before any votes were even tabulated. Don't watch it I've pretty much stopped watching elec- tion coverage now because of that. Plus, it's amateur night with their reporters. When they go to remotes at different headquarters, you can be guaranteed of dumb questions, fumbling around witb microphones and cameras, and eloquence that can only be matched by Elmer Fudd. Advertisement You Con Get ADVANCED NOTICE of Homes That Match Vour Cnteria Sent to You Daily FEE~ of Charge launched ta overcome the mast camman frustration that homebuyers tace -viewing a large number af homes that don't meet their needs. Software executives have teamed with top real estate psratessionals tram around North America ta develap cus- tom software that eliminates the trustrattan ot viewlng homes that don't meet your needs. 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Coli taday ta leorn ail yau need ta know ta eliminote the stress and time-wosting tram your hamebuying experiencel *u eput. ,.s MW o Cl,..l N,, &W. Sirbt u uâd W, b,-. ,eully M.& cffl.shtcig 1-eu e,0w7 Co,,tre & a eetIn JearrueCootp Saturday,*ay 29t TORONTO Hwy 27 & Albion Rd llam -lpm OAKVILLE QIEW & Trafalgar Rd 2 pm -4pm Fun fo>r the Whole Family! Mil PP ~ v± FlSa Market 8WestmO>re Drive 41 6-745-FLEA (3532) CSEW & Trafalgar Rdl Fie. MarkeSt 125 Cro>ss Avie 905-JB49-FLEAèý (3532) r s:-u 10 ,5 Fr e Parki g e nsin Next Session Starts Jiilic 211(il Canada Employment Centre Wiij Yoï ol 'ffl w lol ilim ( Ili 1ýI. 1-800-350-8361 susse shis Y car. I consîde il mNý respo11i.ahî1 ity to, tell hier about the evils'of socialism. In other words, don't vote NDP. Aithough 1 did vote for tbemn once when living in Toronto. That guy was good My provincially elected representative then had an office and staffed it himself. There was a lineup outside bis office door and bis number one concern, oddly enough, was the people who elected him in the firat place. I know who T' m going to vote for, but I'm flot saying, at leaat until achool finish- es, s0 the teacbers don't take it out on my kids. I could cbange my mind though. promise to take those 20 cents a litre off the gas price and I'm ail yours.