The Canadan ChampSon, Frlday. May 28, 19-3U E1metay4~ Catholie leachfer ONTARIOSECNDARY SCHOOL Federation of Ontario Teachers TECES'IDRAINHatnLocal ASSOCIATION DISTRCT 20 HALTON HALTON SECONDARY UNIT The Harris govemment has cut more tha $1 .2 billion from Ontario's classrooms. That money is being used ta pay for tax cuts that benefit the wealthy most of ail. K"ids deserve better T HE HARRIS GOVIERNMVENT has cut deeply into education. Important programs, such as special education, Iibrary, guidance and music are being cut back. There are flot enough textbooks ta meet stu- dents' needs. Class sizes of over 30 students are common across the province. Schools will close. The cutbacks mean fewer staff - secretaries, caretakers, teachers, teachers' aides - in Ontario schools. These changes have gone too far, too fast Think about what this means for your children, your grandchildren, your neighbours. Act now% before its 100 laos. Vote for MVPPs who are committed ta public education. Protect aur children's future.