Candidates make lots of promises trfrom ONLY on page 2 "Tuition fées are currently at 35 per cent of the cost of post-secondary education. We've increased (boan) availabilîty and there is an 8 per cent increase in university students over last year," Mr. Cbudleigb said. Mr. Jackson, on the topic of tuition, feels it "shoulti be free, but onc of the first steps is to announce a 10 per cent reduc- tion right away." Mr. Anand expressed concern that many students leave university about $30,000 in debt. He promised to cut tuition by 10 per cent and allow students to earn $1 ,800 during Uic school yea witbout student aid being reduced. Mr. Cbudleigh defended Uic Tory stance on public education, stating Uiat bis gov- emment bas adjusted Uic funding formula to allow 100 per cent funding for a school even if it's only 80 per cent full. Also, hie said, 5,500 new textbooks bave been placed in thc bigb scbools. Mr. Anand promised tbat tbe Liberals would repeal Bilt 160, wbile Mr. Jackson proinised to invest $360 million immedi- ately to keep scbools open snd aid early cbildhood education. Mr. Jackson said Uic NDP would repeal Bill 160. "Bill 160 allows Uic governiment to set tbe education portion of property tax behind closed doors," bie said. "Tbe NDP would stop Uiat." lb.Candin Camion TeadyMay 25,10 lm Grace Angia Church On road to reclaiming former glory By KAREN SMITH The Champion The historic Grace Anglican Church is close to finishing the restoration project 'Glorifying Grace' that bas been ongoing for 10 years. A new siate roof is currently being put on the Main Street Est churcb thai was established by founding families of the .iit-' community. Completion is set for the end of June. Then interior renovations, including extensive electrical work, will temporarily move the congregation to the original - church building, wbich was relocated to the back of the prop- erty in 1895. "It's coming along very well," said Rev. Dr. Mark - McDermott, who has overseen the project since joining the church in 1990. -We're quite pleased.:" The atone building construicted in the late 1890s bas beld up well, Rev. Dr. McDermott said. The new roof sbould last anotber century. Tbe churcb, featuring Englisb Gothic style witb a Norman tower and a natural Pennsylvanîan siate roof, cost $6,000 to buîld, and it took the congoegation 17 years to pay off tie moitgage. Today, the renovations, wbich preserve Uic chuivh's bistori-î cal and aesthetic value, carry a total bill of about $600,000 being funded tbrough donations and fundraisers. 'Glorifying Grace' began in 1991 wiUi Uic installation of a new beating system. The outer walls were refurbisbed in 1993. Congregation members will gather to celebrate Uieir ncw roof at Uic Shingle Shuffle slatcd for Saturday, lune 12 in Uic churcb parking lot from 5 to 8 p.m. Some of Uic old siate bas been savcd and recyclcd into coun- try scenes or paintings of Uic churcb itacif. Sale of thc artwork Photo by GRAHAM PAINE goca toward renovations. RestorltiOn committee member Bob Argail (loft) end Rev. Dr. Mark The decade-long project is expected to be completed in the MCDenmott stand before Grace Anglican Church, whlch la In the laet phae fall of 2000. of a 1O-year renovation prolect. Purcha se Finance Cavaier oupe(Except 1SA/lSB Models) Lease Rate UP To36months KicaRDSO)N[ SAIE M HOURS SERVICE HOUAS I ~ Mon. . ...... hlfrlpM Mon .Fd ..... CEV~R9LETfmOLDSMGDIL6E ~ .... ..... IVY 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON u I *