22--The Canadin Chmpion, Tueaday, May 25, r a new word a aIl A Milton food manufacturer has the foliote- ing PERMANENT positions available: eekofleer Op.lrater 61M111oe Opor eHllayen Op.rao'-Experience on Triangle OR Hayasen packaging machines. Pay Rate: $14417/Hilr. Ail candidates must also posseas the foiîowing personal attributes: s *Min. Grade 12 diploma (or equivalent) eComputer literate *Teamn player *Strong Imechanical aptitude . Physicaily fit Expenience in the food industry is an asset. If you are interested in any of these posi- tions, please fax or calf: Karen or VIci Tei: (905) 842-5173 Fax: (905) 842-6468 CLU3LINC CORFîPORF4A TI1O)N RattieSnake Point Golf Club in Milton la currently seeking an experienced l et Cook or Sous Chef If you have 3 years' experience, are energetîc, enthusîastic, outgoing and would like to work in a tstate of the art" facility, we would like ta hear f rom you. Please forward your resumne: RattîeSnake Point Golf Club GOExoeutive Chef 5407 Regional Road 25 Milton, ON IL9T 2X5 L Fax (905) 693-1900 WIELAND ELECTRIC require a aelf-starting, assertive, energetic and cs'eative team player to, jomn aur customer service group. *Post Secondary education *Good organhzational skif Is e Computer literate Semd resume with salarylwagge expectatiome ho: or fax ta (905) 829-8413 "Fuil-time Work @ Automative Parts Manufacturer" MANPOWER is currenffy recmuifing for -PRESS OPERATORS fflISHERS, .MILLWRIGHTS for aur Oakvif te client These positions are temp ta penn, wifh compeltiive salants and group benielis. Press operafors and fi nishers need cetificati on al levef ', V8 & V' or previous refated exp. Mftlwrfghfs aust have cer- tificaflon & 3-5 years exp. & teoaledge a1 i f t ruckts. FUx 'u.t (806)-386-572 - SEEICiN put Iime help at unad Gas StaIo. MuMi b. Idendly, hudWoetlng, rotli and able to woele Indapeidal. 875-2492. Due to oui growing size we are curmently seeking a LICENCED TECHNICIAN Please contact Larry Gibson 878-1672 1999 Licenced Truck Mechanic Wanted for large fleet. Top wages and benetits. APPLY IN PERSON. 2111 Lalh2reÏW Wst MISSISSAUGA, Ontario PROcOR LIMITED, a rail car manufacturer locat- ed ln West Oakvlille, a short distance Soutfh of the O.E.W., currently has the toi fowing vacancies. PRESSURE VESSEL WELOERS Ideal applicants ahI be self-atarters with excellent VON HALTON Urgentf y requires " HCA's * HSW's " PSW's (Up f0 4fJtrs/wk) Caîl 827-SO ask for Wellio ork111111 or tas 827-2162 Aduertis pur, Garage Saini hi ài, Ciassifids aedlng credentiats. Candidates ai be requirea d ~ ~ u t0 posa a pre-empioyment three poaition stick and flat ftuxed core 100%/ x-ray test. This position pays up 10 $19096 par itour, plus shift preentuma. Procor offers a compeltîlve benefil package tinctuding an exceptional retirement plan) and a pleasant working anvironenent. Pleese apply ln writina for ottain a Procor appi- cation foren at the securtty office iocated at 2001 Speers Road): PROCOR LIMITH PLANT PERSONNEL SUPERVISOR 2001 SPEERS ROAD OAKVILLE, ONTARIO MO SEl (905) 8274111 FAX. (905) 827-8514 CALL CENRE REPS Canadals Largoaf Maturai Cas Wholesoimr tas aust expandeti and ae need more people alto are te- fhasiasfic alit sfrosg commanication skills and a positive, apeaf attitude. These qualiies ai be used ta provide superior casfomer service over tht tale- phone. Experience in CaIt Centre cutomer service wol eadefinite asset. Sto g ngh comprehension làa muaI " Compefifive wage " Monday f0 Friday, 8:30amn-4:30pni " Shift Reqoired every 4f h week-12noon ta 8:00pm NO PMOE CMJ.SPLE Pisas mail rasumne ta: DIRECT ENEMGY ARKETINU UMIITEB Attn: Supervîxor #2G, 344 Lakeshore Rd. E. Oaftvif le, ON L6L iJ6 Fax: (905) 338-8091 $ MONEYACCESS $ 0No credit investigation 0Confidentiality *$10,000 and Up financing Roqulred ta beapproved: e RRSP or RIF, LIRA, LIF ePENSION FUND FROM EX-EMPLOYER C.F.M. <multiple financing consultant) Weare acting as a consultant to suppfy financial assistance Caîl Toil Free: 1-888-657-1062 Fax: 1-888-703-1492 Dedicated to Performante Çrowth. tradition ofproasiding excellent producrs to sur ,narualfund clients. One of the fastes: growisg mutualfund comoanies in Caniada. we manage oser $12 billion in assets, and offer tes funds cors- prised ofexcellent businesses in long terni groussi industries, held for the long terne. We havse grown from a staff ofSO0 ta 450 in keir than 4 years, measurisg success sot os1, by ourperformniace sumbers, but by the satisfaction ofour unit holders and ereployees. Iteresed applicansa shosald visat our Head Office betwcen thse hauts af 8 am. - 5:30 p.m., Monday CoaFridaY until Tuesday, june last. 1999. at 1375 ICern Rad, in flariagen. Onario, ta pick up an information package, which mustmaaov vour résumé Wb c INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTANT Tis position as responsible for preparing tank reconciliations, accouet eccon- ciliationsianaysis and monchîy financial statements. along with assistiot je Accounts Payable. Your oîlege or univensity degree je Accounting is compiemented by 2+ years of accounting experience and you haveecamed or are currently pursuing your CGAJCMA desigeation. A tram player who can meet dradiors, yau pOssess excellent analyticai, commnunication and arganitational skiffs. Pmoflciency je Excel or Lotus and MS Word is requirrd; experieoce with Great Plaies Dynamirs would te a delinite aset. CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES Wr have several positions available je aur Client Services Deparansent. Although excellent Essatls apealdng and writing abilitirs arc required for ail positions, we alto have positions available for individuels wlso tan communicate effrctively in Frencs or Cantanese. A university gradace wids excellent people and communication shilla, you wili respond ta incoming phone inquiries relating ta accounta. fond information. markoeting materials. registerrel producs and MIC policies and procedures. Vms wiII a identiiy potential pmtlems and teuse tinsey resolution. To quaify for this tole, you mmssee an ossadisg anslytiall tisinker and protslern olrer with previous customer service experience je banking, mutat fonds or insuasce. An IFIC or CSC certification is an asut. A good underutandiet ai tht ruies goveming the marnai fund indsrr and familiariry witls computer systenss are essntial. applying. Fax (905) 319-1985. SALES ASSISTANT - Cantonese Wr chank ail applicanus for their This position as respomible for sssting tlie Dieectar of Sales in ail capacities intrrest, however. only those under induding elephon anorrestpnd- v5lpport n sd pravidieg marketing maier". consideratisn wiîl bc censacîrd Yoa atîl also bc respoosible for tooking and conl'irming meetings on a daiîy rn b tis. masntaninng the regional datatase aed thseexecation of any special mail outs or projects as issucted. The successfo candidate wilI bc proicient ie Englisis ansd Cantanese toral/annten>, and possess at les 2 years af mutual fond industry veennc Good oganuaonal, interpetsanal and telphoneeskdis aretalsa, requied. Yourompter slls thould indaude Word and Excel (or eqairalents) aed database ROUP 0F FUNDS* management. IFICCertification ian asset. MORTGAGES, Low rates. No tees t0 quali- t lad borrowers. Sait arn- ployed? We can help The Personal Mortgage Group. Richard, 905- 33&-99%6. Cali us for ail of your Classified needs 875-3300 or fax 876-2364 - UPPER face, 3 bed- ENTREPRENEURS. room bungalow, im- Partfirnetiâtie ta offer maculate condition. inovW Quietoer 0 ares. Avail June dally. Traiing providsed t. $OOlnh Tapad message, 888- utilities. 878-2179.. 290-4494.