20 - The Canadien OhaffploflTuSSBy. May 25, 19W ,M.R -Dateline * romf DATEUNE on page 10 two for $25. Cal 854-9953. The Monarch Bskethafl Botle Drive fundraiser takes place in the Timberlea and Bronte Meadows areas. Residents are asked to save their emPty beer bottles and 1999 Chevy Silverado v8 Extended Cab 'tie 1999 Motor 1Tend lbruck of the Yeue New Vortec 4M11 SF1 VIS 255 hp engine. " automatic transmission witb oiverdirive " air conditiorng " thini door with largeat openJing " reclining 40/20/40 split-bench seat " AM/FM stereo witb cassette " chrome grille, bumnper and wheels the organization will corne around and col- lect tbem. Thursday May 27 he senior citizeni' Dîners Club meeti at a local eatery for camaraderie, great food and socializing. Call 875-1681 for the May location and to arraP~e car pooling. Busineises and community service provideri intereited in becoming 'deaf- friendly' are invited to attend an informa- tion evening from 7 to 9 p.m. Mt the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childa Dr. The session focuses on bow to Make your ........... ... .. ..... .. ..... ~~ ......... ........... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ....f.....t...r....sh ..........k..... .. ....... ........ .............U ......C .....S. . 2 9 9 2.....9.... ...3 78...... (tcm. .a l t .9 $ Si l .iTi .9 19 .S CH S .I S C N .9 . . .i et a a.t t c .s t e e.a. .P .4 .M.. ..T.. GASTAXNCTAh U Fronth 991$ SOau' 95id 2,09% $378 (16 CoeIa>03 ae. Air Taxiaw ofors Bo0.iraiSEFNACNG 3 Ts 1000 h V V ntr 3M0 SF 1M HP ene -kpe auonai $ NOMSURPRISE PAYMN GUIDE C eyV nue transmission o 4-wheel anti-lock brakin; sytent 1 2 9 IOM L DEAM T M - ext Generation dual front and sîde impact air (koxmF asr92 Ud5S',$w umflm bags o PASS-KeyO Hl theft-deterreflt system CASHe .sansasxt cs od RM t9d M - A- T -1,$IR o air conditioning 0 P.M/fMl stereo 0 pfwe % Cl AS TmAXAKN dorlcsPPE-DEUVERY INSPECTiONl OEUXIAO4M G 1 ,09 PSTIGSTiTcamrrr3 LMR P 36M S ORSt SCRfl DEPOPIT o FIVE STAR SAFETY RATING RK itaMWM 99tmm EC Chevy venture is the first vehicle ever to earn Stff ItrASDEVEY 1 4,7 5 stars (the top safety rating) for both driver and $ Lbu, P..S & , Admn e xr rear-seat passenger i side-impact testing. Side- ,e >8wh$ M impact air bags are standard on Chevy Venture. ssarati The 1999 Limited Edition EtO~ 199 LlE DTION RÎOCKY UNANBLAZER 2DO Chevy RockyJj Mountain Blazer NO SURPRISE LEASE GUIDE A Limited Edition Rocky Moientaos Blazer 'H s inctudes a Rocky Mountain Bikel. Vortec 4300 V6 FM N Ir H msst * suspension o 4-wheel drive woth locking pçTE.EUE 'RPCTO NOXTACIAP differential o 4-wheel anti-Iock braking systemn pn29%C9rr5 PSTIGSTrERY rNSE-e N ML"f oNext Generation dual front air bags - air scRr EOÎ TOTAL I M DE L1VSW conditioning - power windows/door locks/ SMWfrAS M ~ DLWy 63 mirrors, a Tlt-WheePIT steering o crusse control. $ -fl Licence, PS.A & Adin. Fees Era Rocky Mountain Bike Offer also available on Wims$ ownus ni«"sa guymett la 4onr Blazer. 36psr $430 u (pIe.ais) -$1,455 duses dilivify. 1999 Chevy S-10 LS Extended Cab $ýfflÇ199 HEVYS-ltSC EXTEDED CAB Vortec 4300 SF1 V6 175 HP engine -4-speed automatic transmission * 4-wheel $NO SURPRISE LEASE GUIDE anti-lock braking systerno *Next Generation dual front air bags o PASSLock' 6 9 5LYeeoki$24 theft-deterreilt systero - AM/ FM stereo with mm aft) CSH DOMt teM FInN S755t &OI 0SIR> 2. CD playereair conditioniflg . power steering GAS TAX NOTAPtA. S*16" alumirn wheels PpE-DELIVEpv INSPECTION NO EXTRA CWAGE oIocking differential 2 9 0/G0,0l8c ors '34 * sportside bordy SECURflV DEPOSIT 9»»fflTOTAL AMON, NuE UN DEUit - sport suspension , PS A 5m. Feas Extra 559915 311 (pie. tax) - 730due oes deshtesy. mAL5pyta 291299lt4 iS ototrtria994492 aLtrataa132440t32 a amn t/stasmtt sutdMtl ant i Oh ~ ~ ~ ~ J 7iCssN uiMtes stite nscse mta ra a rises ea mon oras i ds amattats iet pt a atalit est9 odta PtsdDRZsttsRZiaot9ZP-S9Z qîyi idoatiPfraapataqai çà .# dit o rt sist r !TssSt9 r andrioorit 5, Sationai HihvR traIta Patety Administration (NHTSA)tWM18 supPltes lat ottets ipaty ta 99tso eosta rs esti pet Sti De ii Na ca sç ti ai s( V ef Lrated 3,000 deaf and hard of bearing ople in the Milton comrnunity. ategies and resources for employing ifpeople are also discussed. The Milton MAction Group bota tbe event in con- iction witb the Town of Milton and the ilton Regional Healtb Departfeflt. lbe Reild School of Healing holds an en bouse fromn 12:30 to 4 p.m. ai 8285 o. 10 Sideroad. For more information, 1I878-3995 or 8784952. Friday May 28 The Song SpinnerS choir presents îring concert 'Songs of the Century' at ie Milton Seniors' Activity Centre 500 bilds Dr., at 7:30 p.m. Tickets cost $5 sd are on sale now. Refreshmeflti are rved. Saturday May 29 The Brookville Works Yard on Guelph Âstarta a week-long SPring Clean-UP, ehicb continues until Saturday, June 5, xcluding Sunday. This event shows rural esidents of Milton to dispose of their large tems. The houri of operation are 7 a.m. to Ip.m. Monday to Friday and 8 am. to 4 p.m. Saturdays. Bini are placed in the yard and staff direct where items are to be piaced. Milton',s Third Annual March for jeus - whicb lait year included more than 300 Christiani of ail ages and denomn- mnations - itarti Mt noon at Town Hall's Victoria Park Square. Tis is a global event. More tha 100 countries around the world are paiticipating in the march, ail on the saine day. in canada alone, 110 cities are taking part. The marcb ends Mt Victoria Park with songs ad prayers. The Ontario March of Dimes holdi a bake sale Mt Milton Mail from 9:30 a.m. to noon. For more information, call Jamie Zeller at 876-4466. The Milton chapter of the Heart ad Stroke Foundatiori holdi its tbird annual Big Bike Ride for Stroke. The Big Bike is a ipecially-designed vehicle thbM cames 30 people. individual ad group ridera are needed to corne out ad help taise money for research ad education about heart dis- eue and stroke. For more information Or to register, caîl Nancy MacNeil ait 637- 4459. Saturday May 29 - 30 The Fine Arts Society of Milton presents Art on the Escarpinent, its third annual art show and sale, fromn 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Springridge Farm on Bell School Line, nortb of Derry Road. Admission is free. For information, ealu Marion Detior at 878-7397. Monday May 31 Unemployed? Career Change? A free workshop is presented by the Halton Dufferin Skills Evaluation for completing a Return to Work Action Plan and researching and selecting appropria 'te training at the Milton Community Resource Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., sec- ond floor, from 9 a.m. to noon. For infor- mation, call 1-800-610-7668. The Milton Community Resource Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., boîts the Creation Station for cbildren aged 3-and- a-balf to 5-and-a-half. Participants create sometbing new using day, cardboard andi wood. The event runs from 1 to 3 p.m. Cail 876-1244, ext. 10, to register. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childi Dr., hosts a trp to Casino- Ram. The coît is $7 for centre members and $12 for otheri. The fee includes vrans- pmainand lunch. Cali the centre Mt 875- 1681 toi ign up.