2 - Th. Canadian ChÉinplon, Tusday, May 25, '999 i O0nly 25 turn out for ail candidates meeting By SCOTT MacARTHUR Special to The Champion While their party leaders were engaged in an acri- monjious televised debate last week, the candidates for Halton riding participated in a more subdued political discussion at White Oaks Secondary School in Oakville. And whilc Uic televited debate attractcd hundreda of thousanda of viewers, only 25 people attended thse Halton meeting. But as with Uic television debate, bealth care and education were the main topics. Ted Chudlelgh Tory MPP Ted Chudleîgh spent mucli of the nighi defending and boasting about his govemment's actions over Uic past four years. Mr. Cbudîeigh told votera that Uic Mike Harris Tories wcre Uic only govemmeni to live Up 10 ils promises and rcminded the audience that four years ago Ontario was in a pcriod of higli uncm- ploymcnt and high taxes. 0M Under four ycars of Tory suIe, said Mr. Chudleigli, bis govemment has cut income taxes by 30 per cent helped create 540,0 ncw jobs, and trimmed 374,000 people Mohan Anand from, Uic welfare roIls. Liberal candidate Mohan Anand warncd that Uic Tory position "is only about tax cuts." He said jobs arc crcated Uirough lower inflation, not just lower tax rates. "If the cconomy in the United States declinet, I don't kaow what will happen to Ontario if we continue in Uic current direc- tion," said Mr. Anand. NDP candidate Jay Jackson proised Uic retumn of better bospi- taIs, improvcd tchools and a greater conceru for Ontario's work- ing families. CANADA'S LARGEST MATTRESS FACTORY DIRECT e CANADA'S LARGEST MATTRESS FACTORY DIRECT - Ï the -leep Fa(Aory, -effle Extended 3 More Days-.1 GREAT FOR THE COTTAGE! MANAGERS SPECIAL C4 cm WM M cý NO PAY 7 WAS $508 7 No NOW one C- SURk For 0-&c &0 REGULAR FIRM INDIVIDUAL SUPER FIRM SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT . . . . . . ..... ..... ..... e el M Set $349 î rn fV-1ýýJBLE .249Set.4094. r- W11 H ANY YBED SLINKBEV FUTON STORAGE MON SEO AL SALE SALE BEDSALE SALE M wi M cà- .. î i 2W - ----- s ctory Outlet il Factory Outlet the N --- - a u c EN-% E ýJYS! L J Sleep Factory 9 7 Cp 1 c'n' 246 Main St. E. 490 Speers Road. m MILTON OAKVILLE 8-4606 842-3368 Phone Orders Accepied Phone Orders Accepted ýîqt mir it Remen-iber, we ,ire the factory. -Ontirians have had enough of the Tory cuts and enough of the (Dalton) McGuinty (Liberal) 'flip flopping' responses to their actions," said Mr. Jackson. The NDp candidate said it was wrong for the Tories to remove $6 billion fromn public services to benefit the wealthy. He promised to reinvest the money to restore nursing jobs and cut university tuition. JaJcko Family Coalition Party nominee JaJcko Giuseppe Goni said Ontasio was in a "lstate of disorder and con- fusion." Mr. Gori feit that a majority govemment sbould repre- sent the majority of people and promised to put more of thc dcci- sion making for education in parents' banda, because "tbey know what's best for their kids." On healtb case, Mr. Cbudleigh said four years ago there were 43 bospitals serving two million people in Toronto and only 17 hospitals serving about thse saine number of citizena in the 905 area code regions. "We needed to achieve some sort of balance there and we have," said Mr. Chudleigh. "There are 20,000 new beds in Ontario, 1,579 of wbich will corne to Halton, and already tbere are 300 in Oakville with more to corne." Mr. Axtand responded to thse conccmr of private ownership of thcte new bcdt, saying that public ownership is a neccssity. "Harris' Common Sense doesn't make sente here," saîd Mr. Anand. "A govemnment provides a service at no profit, but if a corporation runs a service it bas to make a profit, so thse result is Uic nurses working thcre are paid Iras." Mr. Jackson said the NDP wouîd take thc $1 .5 billion Mr. Harris bas savcd thc dcli and reinvcst part of it in thc bealth care systero. "Wc must stop private nursing home beds by baving bcdt owncd by communitiet," addcd Mr. Jackson. A umivcrsity student in Uic crowd exprestcd concern over thse increase in tuition fest, demanding accountability fromn Uic Tory govemnient. ese. CANDIDATES on page 5 Consfinment Shoppe lot. 327 Bronte Street South, Milton, 875-2426 NOW OPEN *i Acceptîng Spnng & Summer .st New and gently used i Ld!e Fashion Clothîng New Arts &Crafts CCONSIGNMVENT Hours: Tues.-Sat. 10:00 - 6:00 Evenlng Appointments ' Avoulable Hl' HTRFELD SCHOO0L la1 plmsd to announce that several of our classe are full We have a few openings for students entering grades 2,6,7 and 8 Ifyou are interested in any of these classes please corne to our '~OPEN HOUSE ' Saturday May 29th from 1-3pm. For furtber îiformation please call 905-854-0890 2439 Tenth Sideroad Cainpbellvile ut -