Woodbine is ready to rock . a Break out the armoured Brinks truck, Woodbine's lucrative summer harness racing meet has begun. The calendar heais up in early June, when lte conti- nenl's top thre-year-olds will descend upon Toronto% for the first in a number of major events. The Colonial Trot on Friday, June il provides a perfect lune-up for the $350,000 Canadian Trotting Classic two weeks later. Those expecled 10 appear include CR Commando, the 1998 champion lwo-ycar-old in the United States and carly scason favourite for tbis ycar's presligious Hambletonian. Co-owner, tramner and driver Carl Allen qualificd the Breeders Crown champion in 1:56.3 May 14 and firmly pronounced bim rcady for bis sophomore sea- son. "He couldn't have been any better," sa.id Allen of bis world champion, whomn be alan brcd and raiscd. "H ce elgo.1wne og ewe 1:57 and 1:58 but in thc strelcit le took off on bis own. I've been in Ibis business for 31 ycars and V've neyer traincd a finer athîle. He bas an much natural ability and a tremendously good attitude." Bigger was better this time ,Odies Fame, Canada' s 1998 Horse of the Year, picked up where site left off as a rookie in ber firat appearance as a sophomnore on a recent momning at Mohawk Raceway. The threc-ycar-old world champion daughter of Apaches Fame breczcd trougit fractions of :28.3, :57A4 and 1:26.4 en route 10 a 1:55.1 qualifying mile for driver Dave Wall. "She was perfect, very strong, and drove as straigbl as a die," said Wall, wbo guided Odies Fame 10 il conseculive viclories and $356,859 in purse carninga last scasofi. Wbile she was known for ber incredible size aI two, Wall said Odies Fame la even bigger now, baving had another year of maturity. gail, alan creates the illusion that she isn't traveling across Uic ground ai ltaI quickly. "It docsn'l féel llkc it cither," Wall explained, allud- ing to ber deceplive spced. "but I even took along a (stop) watcb with me and I don't do titat vcry often. Everyone should have thc opporlunity 10 drive one like ber. She loves ber work." Co-owned and trained by Harold 'Buddy' Wcllwood of Stratford for partner Dr. Norm Amos of St. Mary's, Odies Fame took Ontario by stormi last season. She shatlered six track records and established a 1:52.3 worid record aI Rideau Carleton Raceway in Ottawa. esll HOME on page 19 GoodLife FITNESS-TOP CLUBS IN THE WORLD 2OTH ANNIVERSARY BEST OFFER EVER! jom JOIN FOR PAY ONLY OO0 $ 2O PER MON GoodLife TH -We Hagan dernonstrti 'PUNCH' Toçr-sellflg martia arts-boxiflg and ftres class Srnb! Top firness classes in the wont! CALL NOW. 905) 876-3488 855 Steeles Ave E. Maureen 'Mo' Hagan waa aelected thre Top Fineas Director In thre Woitd by tire International Dance & Esereiae Association covening 80 countries enordwide - Goodi-fe Fltneas la also th'e firai and only fneacub ttin tire Outatandling Business Achievement Ateard fromf tire Chamber of Commerce ýPlicked Set Club In Canada" by tire worids mfoat prestlglous ltnerias club consutting comparat Club Mangm t Srvics cof the United States - More equlpunent per memrber titan any cluby vourimemberal5p ael good at almoat 50 clubs In Ontario - Establlahed for 20Oyears * More iresourcea for you because we hrave more pltyalcal education graduates, lclnesology and ftnesa speclallats worlclngl for your needa at Goodl-ife titan any otirer filtmes conipany in thre word tOnop oftSt that, weere a veyconifortable, very affostIable club ' You cen bas welgir, sirz up, look good and feeil greatl Go world cleu1 Gsi the bust.. Join GoodUle todayl Ollar expires May 31,1M tae dw Ies andi se rettrict5ftB miy apply. Otire amlonltlpS available.___ uai Ra=oZ6 Développamafit desCnd Cnd DalpaftCnada ressaoures humnainesCada anr year-olds on June 12 also ats as the pertect set- up for the North America Cup eliminations on June 19. The top 10 finishers froin the eliminations will advance to the $1 million final on Saturday, June 26. Afler dhrce years as an aftemoon event the Cup will oevert back 10 an eveniitg race. There are plenty of potential superstars now prep- ping for thc Cup, mncluding two bighly, touted sons of Western Hanover, The Panderosa and Ft. Apache Hanover, who each qualificd impressively in the past week. 'he Panderosa, trained by Brett Pelling, will qualify again on May 28 while Bill Wellwood's Ft. Apache Hanover launched bis sophomoire campaign this past Satusday at Woodbine. The Nortb Ainerica Cup is ai part of Woodbine's second annual Festival of Racing Week froro lune 21 10 27, which aiso fealure tboroughbred racing's bis- toric Quccn's Plate die day after the Cup. The summer meet standard bred achedule is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday witb a 7:40 p.m. post lime nightly.