MY SISTER'S CLOSET 9Yur 7irst cfwice for SecondJDebut Fasiwns - w - -p. WEDNESDAY SENIORS DAY 15% DISCOUNT eFREE DELIVERY* PERSONAL PATIENT CONSULTATION 497 LAURIER AVE. 878-20001 WLE AR[ MOVU'UQ WFDNE.DAY JUNE 18 Lot sour bables de the w.u'k Recluce inches, tone,. firm, relax& increoae flexibility cit Our NEW location 42 bvqste St» UpIt 11I Cal usfor deai,ý, f oir Moving SPJÇ!AL T e Fmnn a ý i . ,ii u r DECORATIN NO IDERGSMNS PAINT& WALLPAPER 194 Main St. E. 876-4922 Plonty of parkng off Mary -street