Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 May 1999, p. 22

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Stil working on assault case SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 arn. - Holy Communion 10:00 amr. - Sung Eucharist (Nursery Program, Church Schooi & Frayera for Healimg) THURSDAY S 10-00 a.m. - Holy Communion WIIEELCHAMR AccESSnnRUmtcn pMtiINc LOT 00055 123 MAIN aiT., MILTrON, ONTr. Mhulstsraà R.,. Bo y Judy Husuter SUNDAY MAY 239,1999 10:30 a.m. WORSHIP and Church Sahool Classes Sermfon Titi.: MAY THE FORCE BE YWH YOU Pentecost Sunday MumY CwmAvaUM. F&WMcIs m Ity wWSS caiBOmIsib V/1551 aur Wolnslt: http://www.globaserve.nt-stpaulsmihtonJ Prayars 1ot Pes i sovo605 daay In tse Sanctuasy 1:005- 1:30 r. HOLY ROSARY PARISH htwwgn-ldn2nmt.wUaiilts*.hlr~m7a S878-535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) HoLY RosARY CHURCH 139 Mar"i Street Mas& at 5:30 pmi Saturday Z.3U amn, 10:30 amn & noon Sunday OUR LADY 0)F VICTORY MISSION Milton Heights Maso at 10:30 a.rn. Sunday ST. PETERS CHURCH 9ta Line & Britannia Mass at 9:00 a.m. Sunday in Rev. Earl Talbot, P.P Ssnsday Seinool for mli agen 9:45 a.m. Woruhl servie: 11:00 -m (widn elnIl emne provided) Tis week% sermon titi.: "LErS NEAll rr FOIR IEE 'HOME TEAM" ***Please join un this Sanay a we continue aur "50 Day Spi ritual Adventure' entitlsd «Promises Worth KeepiXng: Be Min to live what we ay we believe.» Our services viumclade dynamic warnhip themen, bumorus dramas and iively singing. We look faward ta seeing yau noon. For mare ino please cal) aur office at 878-566. CQDBANAl «THE WORLD 18 BMT A SHOW. VAIN AND EMPTY. A MERE NOTI4ING. BEARINO THdE SEMBLANCE 0F REAUTY. SET NOT VOUR AFFECTIONS UPON IT. BREAK NOT TH'E BOND THAT UNITETH VOU WITH YOUR CREATOR, AND BE NOT 0F THOSE THAT HAVE ERRED AND STRAYED FROM HIS WAVS. - fromn thse Basa'i writksgs LOCAL: .. . ..... ..... . ....--*" "' . S80 GLOBAL:....~--. .... www.bmialorg Chancis. Why Boteïr? Subulttd byP.eJabwsDeM#SIJ Mâne M1 durcI When it cames ta attending Church, mont people don't. Religiaus saciotogint, Reginald Bibby reportn the significant dectine in weekly chtnrch attendance. In 1945, 60% of Canadians ctaimed weekly attendance, and in 1990 anly 23% attended regularly. This Sunday mont Milton churchen wiIl be haif empty. Places dedicated ta giving spiritual direction will bc haf deaerted. Does that mean God in dead? Is the average Miltonian B interested in an inner spiritual fle? On the cantrary, Bibby staten that 65% of Canadians say that spirituality is very important ta them, and the proof of that abounds. IB ookntores are lined with magazines, journals and 1poblications dedicated ta nurturing Une noul. The TV show MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontarlo St. N. e 878-2022 10:00 a.rn. - The Lord's Supper il1:45 a.rn. - Sunday Sohool 6:30 p.rn. - Gospel Service Wedniesday 7:30 p.rn. Prayer and Bible Study Lord, to wborn shahl we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. John 6.68 Milton Aiance Church 2850 DEIR RD- (betweesî in Nd nd HnpW) TInO Salvation Anny Chumh Mllton itm 100 Nipising Rond, Unit 3 Pastors: Captaîns Dan and W.ndy Broome SU NDAY SCHOOL -9:30 AM MORNING WORSHIP -11:00OAM WeekIy Programming for ail ages For more infonnation please Oei 876-2420 "Touched by an Angel" in one of heitop 10 showsin Canada. Tinere han been a meteoric dine en plen prii- pation in artivitien like pilgrimagen. retreats, well-nens centres, smail group stssdies and Une cansulting of spiritual directors. Spirituality is s0 popular that Carlton University profennor, Peter Emberly, helieves that these are nubtle signa that another "great awakening" is occsnrnng acrans Une country. People are earnently, confronting the primary questions of existence. Who aes 1? What in the point of lîfe? Haw do 1 flnd meaning? People want ta knaw if churchen can help themn in their quent ta answer life's ultimate questions. Cas Milton Churches help the spiritual seeker? 9:45 a. SUNDAY SOHOOL FOR EVERY AGE 10:-45 a. m. MIRACLES WITH A MESSAGE 1.ma JESUS OPENS BLINDED EVESI" Nnsrsy Cars (0-2) Jr. ChilIdreuis Cisirei (3-6) Sr. CildrmisChirel (7-11) 6:30 p.m. NEW YOUTIl PASTOR, GORD CLARK "OUR GOD IS..." Youth 'Burger & Sonflre' Social to 10110w wvoe invftd a frInd & .1cm uel NEW ADULT ST1JDY BEGINS JUNE 9 '7WELVE STEPS TOWARDS THE HEALING 0F DAMAGED EMOTIONS" cao offer powerful positive direction to tihe persan looking for God. Churches that help have three marks: Fient, there is a sense of the Divine. Gad is more than a reflection of people and their problemns. There is a sease of something greater than Une mondasse world. Second, there in a semse of community. Churches that are touched hy God care about each ather and share their lives with each ather. Yass witi sense that on yasr first visit. Third, there in a senne of retevance. Gad is interested in every persan and wants ta be a part of their daily life. Ev e ry p r a in mp o rta n t ta G d , a n d y u w i l t a in v ite d inta a re=iani with Him. Visit one of Miltan'n great churches thîn weck, take nome gond notes, and don't bie surprised wben you find Gad in there waiting for yann. MILTON Corne share in a Christ centered, bibie believing, friendly fellowship at the Hugh Foster Hall Brown and Mary Streets. SATURDAYS Bible Sohool - 9:30 arn Divine Service - il1:00 arn 905-846-0729 Has church just been a waste of trne for you in the past? Has church ever answered the real issues and questions of life sucb as jobs, marriage, farnilies or finance? VBC is a church where you cars not only know how to get to heaven, but wbere you can also, know how to handie the issues of life here on earth. Check out Pastor Charles Boyce Wednesday evenings on Cableworks 14 in bis "Wisdom for the Week"' segment on the cable tv show 'Plugged In!" (5:30, 6:30, 7:30) 10:00 A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP MILTON LEISURE CENTRE (BOARD ROOM) (separate services for cilidren 9 years and under) "Living A Victoriosss 14e Dy Thse Word 0f God" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Email: choyce@interhap.net 1

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