-me Canadian champlon, TuiMY. aY 18, 1 M- ADVIRTISIMINT "MY« ASTONISIIING TRUE STORY.. ."11 " How1Lost 64 Lbs. i I M 441 was sitocloea wn à uw ,,.y family video. How did I get sofat?" Tania Olsson before shedding 64 lbs. I My name is Tania Olsson. I qrn a single mother. My son, Chaz, is eight years old '.I arn a custorner service representative. I dropped 64 lbs. of fat in Il short rnonths. My story is so remarkable. I would like to share it with you. By Tania Olsson My cheeks bumned with embarrassment as I stared at the television screen. We were watching a recent family video. "I'm huge!" I gasped. I had always been tall and trim, in high school. 1 was on the swim. teamn and volleyball. team. I was shocked and appailed to realize how fat 1 had become. My follks neyer allowed junk food in the house. When I got old enough to make my own food choices, 1 went hog wild. Chips, ice cream and soda POP were MY routine. When I was pregnant I started eating for two. After Chaz was born I cooked for two and ate for four! 1 used food as comfort. 1 told myself it was just baby fat. It would go away. But it didn't go away. I was getting fatter every week With fat came anxiety and depression. My self-esteemn was nil. 1 could see folks tuming side- ways to squeeze past me. I'd cringe inside. My weight made me crazy. I refused to eat in public. I knew what people were thinking ... Look at what you're eating ... no won- der you're so fat. Go ahead, honey, have another cheese- burger. and Gained My Self-Confidence!"' M 1 used to be so bard on fat people. Now I was fat, hurt and desperate. Dieting Nightmares I was always trying the next fad diet. I tried grueling exercise routines. it would neyer stick. When 1 didn't feel the resuits, I'd get discouraged. The crav- ings were unbearable. 1Ilost 30 poundstwice with weight loss drugs. My weight shot back up so fastiàtmade my head spin. -Me drugs set nie on an emotional rollercoaster. I couldn't bear the thought of a third go around. Nothmng 1 do works, 1 told myseif as I sat on the couch with a gallon of ice cream. What's the use of try- ing? lose Ray of Sunshine weight- One day a close bcu friend encouraged 1becaus me to try hypnosis. 1 wasIdd! skeptical. "'ve head Taoma OIss they get great results,"i After Hypnt she said. Icudonly hope. The free screenmng was like a ray of sunshine. My consultant was caring and concerned. The office is professional and com- fortable. Their level of confiden- tiality was impressive. 1 held my breath for the sales pitch. It didn't happened. They explained the programn in detail. Left it for me to decide. The fee was much lower than I expected. I signed up and lost 64 lbs. in il short months. I lost ten inches off my waist. My dress size plunged from a bulging 22 te sleek size 12. Whole New Me! Immediately after my first ses, sion my appetite diniinished. feel completely satisfied with small *NOISK GUARANTEE* if at your f irst program session you do flot feel you attained hyp- nosîs we wîiI refund 100% ot youî money before you leave thE building. No questions asked LYou risk nothîng. healty portions. Next my food s choices changed. When I was fat I would not touch raw vegetables. With hypnosis I have developed this strange attraction to carrots!i They're as appealing as potato chips used to be. I know I will neyer, ever gain the weight back. Now that I'm thin and happy with my body,I1can't thllk of a single reason to overeat. Hypnosis Delivers Benefits! I used to feel sluggish by 9:00 a.m. 1 was 50 depressed. Even my hair drooped. Since hyptiosis I' look and feel young, alive and vibrant. My skin is glowing. My hair is thick and shiny. I have tons of energy. Ms I'm light on myfeet. MY faniily and friends ail want to know how I did it. They want to be like me. The other day a co-worker said, "I wish I could have even half your energy." That was the best com- pliment of all. When I was fat I ýmoked skin- ny cigarettes to make me feel thin. Quitting smoking was a side benefit I had not expected. I breathe better. Move better. Enjoy more activities. I hated walking in and out of plus size stores. I would rush my shopping bags to the car. Every- ibody knows you 're fat, but corne on, that's the big girl's store. Shopping for a size 12 is the most wonderful feeling in the world. I -no longer wonry about eating in Ipublic. When eyes are on me, I know they're thinking, "Hey, ,he's got it together."e Chaz is tickled to see my )iceps. We recently went rock :limbing. We enjoy rollerblad- ing. There's no way 1 could have lotie that before. Recommends 1 suffered when 1 was over- weight. I lived in a state of over- whelmmng helplessness. I was out of control. It was frightening. Hypnosis was the smartest investment of my life. My con- sultant took the time to listen to my fears. 1 neyer feit pressured. My success was their main con- cem. 1 got more than 1 expected from my private hyptiosis ses- sions. I feel wonderful about myseif. If it wasn't for hypnosis 1 wouldn't be enjoying; my slim, healthy body today. Don't think I'm a lotie success story either. 1 meet other success- fui clients al the time. My only regret is that I waited and suffered for months. You don't have to suifer another sec- ond. Call (337-3700) right now to schedule your free hypnotic screening. I know your consul- tant will- answer ail your ques- tions and put your fears to rest. If they don't think hyptiosis is right for you, they will tell you so. You owe it to yourself to find out. CALL NOW. Don't waste one more minute being overweight or destroying your health witb nicotine. Your happiness is too important. Cali us at Positive Changes. It won't cost you one penny to find out more. Caîl now for your FREE Hypnotic Screening 337-3700 123 Maurice Dr. Oakville I WEST-WITI GUARANTEE* We evaluate your needs, then deter- miea tee. Once the tee is paîd teeare no additîonal charges, regardtess of how many sessions you may need to attain your resu its. We stay wîth it untîl you are happy.] j