Scientist says hejust wants to get along with neighbours * trom AHEAD on page 1 those plans be witldrawn for now. On Tlursday niglit, lie toid the committee lie was quashing those plans completely and would simpiy carry out d'e dig on a amal scale. Dr. Finîsyson said the dig is about conducting research on d'e history of Haiton, not about upsetting residents. He added d'at if d'e variance wasn't passed, lie would pack up and leave the ares tomorrow. 111 don' t want to be mad aithde neighbours," lie said. "I don't want d'e neighbours to be mad at us." The variance was approved wid' several conditions, including one that requires ail activities with the exception of the dig to be restricted to the existing developed area aithde front of d'e property. No more than 27 people are permitted to nccupy d'e site at any one time and no ovemiglit accommodations are permitted, except for up to five tents and two irail- ers for students and facult only. Trees protected, No trees larger d'an six inches can lie remioved, no wells can lie dug wid'out approval and o soil can lie stockpiled. Dr. Finlayson is setting out te conduct the excava- tion of an early Iroquoian village located aithde former home of d'e late Peter Rife. It's believed to have been occupied by ahoriginai people in the 1400s. The museum purdhased d'e prop- erty from Mr. Rife's estate in 1994. CHEVY TRUCK EVEh Ch...lgudleigh uses allotted time to take swipes at the Libe rais, efromn PUSH on page 3 way to get a glimpse of Mr. Chudleigh' s campaign can't have populism in human rights, justice and strategy. truth,"1 he said. "It's almost like saying, 'do we accept "R gave me an idea of how hie was going to corne murder? Let's take a poil. '" out of the starting blocks in defending lis policy," hie Any party that runs on polis wiIl just end up in the said. middle of the political spectnlm, said Mr. Goni. Mr. Jackson accused Mr. Chudleigh of riding on d'e NDP candidate Jay Jackson saw the meeting as a coattails of a strong economy in d'e United States. Where to find the candidates Progressive Conservat -ive candidate Ted opened a Milton office at 190 Main Street East. Its Chudleigh's campaign office is now open at 221 Main hours are 10 am. to 8 p.m. Tie ntamber is 693-9606. Street East in Milton. NDP candidate Jay Jackson las opened an office in Volunteers or constituents can visit d'e office from 9 Georgetown, at 150 Armstrong Avenue, unit four. Its a.m. te 8 p.m. l'le phone number is 693-9632. heurs are Iikely to be 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thse phone Halton' s Liberai candidate Mohan Anand has number is 702-1527. Ypnotn oy uri r-mm /l'Neck and neck Drecul (plyed Wy MM Moe) surrounde mar» Kathy Furent with hie ep. duding les minute preperetons for E.C. Druf y MlIgh Sohools produc- tion of Discute Beby, which rns tonlgh through Thursdey. Show times ar 7 p.m. Admission la $7 for edufts end $5 for shtdent nd seniors