Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 May 1999, p. 24

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24-Tse Canadien Champion, Tuesday, May 18, 1999 m-1-m lsa brand new concet ta Ontarl but flot ta Canada. Wst a full earvlo reMturant complimented wlt aporta bar loungo. We are Iooking for exciting and innovative people wh. are committed to cUstomer serice excellence. ** Now HIrlng Ail Positions * * FOR OUR BRANOI NEW LOCATION IN OAKVILLE AT WINON CHURCHILL & OEW Servers a Bartenders * Cooks Kosts/Hostesses * Dishwashers PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON.... Wed. May 1Ott and Thurs. May 2Oth. Noon - 7 pm nt the Country Inn, 2930 Southi Sheridan Way, Oakville AZ Hlghay Driver jofl SCOli Nom-Profit Homos City Driver requletbysa part111MCanadan owneti con- Par-lmepansybasednrer Mllion. AUMdant Suvice Worlr Nafum ys:c for $11 .35-$12.85 hourly -bl Us ope m -o People a iloodi persoflal MIiI andgd pyscl PO"iiv milagu ats titness as nude to assist aluts ata physical ineentive programas. uisaNbIl lw wdtisa of doily livingl. Th1e successful BoneRI pacleaga. Fax applta aIlst bu able Io "e weeltaitis, a* to tO ycur resunrie Io go&- veorti a vMi hours, hava sW retiallce and bu e os able te drvin aail areas af Halen. Taining P!511ed.d ANA lhbl Successh candidiates ail ba suboise to a Crinna ¶" A libu-o ~ ~ - 75gfl a ander for bang FM t 8711là111111111112 & off-loadigi trallers. HAIR VLIT 1tien preferreti. Fax ra- mmuIe Off906-875, ment thu-ougluout Northt Aanrca; flexible veorl EXENCED Wh1ol- hours muid s sali benefit pragrani. ibe stety people wanteti. TO A~ANE FOR AN INTERIE, PLEASE CALL: ~ tyus5s u 0 C 49fielle stallers (519) * 53- Dakvlla & Waterdowfl Cal K ni: (905)849-8M0 304 Oâillh Call Dee: «C85)49-4490 mu AZ DRMVRS REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY PrioW1 ywuwill be tupruie for ait apects of maur deselqi- mmet fS dm dustr, inchllng capital canpalges, corporat spatuor- shlpe é, n, mrnliatilix anicicdetsa" Atnguthculivsin soiditing and tecegniing amporste sptmot for the Bigfldoe Pregeas, you will co-onsinate ail communications matetials, pet- parni% rmmendng anti inifieruting annua marketng anti deeltpmnt plamns andibutipt, anti astlng in lihe selectien of arttt adt tievelcpment of prioe-point stralegi Yom backgrunt indudes experienoe wsth cratis anti pnint comsmunications, wotiingwltis oulsti conbtmt, praiers anti tisies ant sponsorshlp, isure ttoinent andI fundring i s nst-Iorpmtlt entreomaent. Ysu combine a diplona in Marketing Incom Managemrent Public Relations or Resaurce Dewvekpnt ithuavetal years of etd* experience, anti det ablity todieelop effdct1s raeges. Earelencomnmunication tielctpiabltaig and pMblc-relatierasld ar m ey, as are prama mareting talents in thagmre-rlateti ame An Equal pportinity FiMloy«c %w effer a coderne benefits paoiali You are invilal Iolorwarti your tuse, by May 21,1999, to za Resosuce Dentmeat Ise corioralisa of àe bwa of Odwk, 1225 W~,a NaU& PO lox 310, Omd OnfieI, 10 s"6 Nu" niintinon frhMsqsplca s colletat~i Ier On a"ftty ofdmieMW IetRS.O 1990. C302 (s.naïlal. We à"a pia~o ns fer *intreslhof.itl y dm ipicans oduWfr kftnu Ml e ntacla 1 rs ai es ta a>vomw w cum# loin as..bua po i etS 8691! SUIESOPISTISS& MD FM TOM & AME a Local Work a Homne every evening " Sign-on Bonus " Paid vacation a Health benef ils " Company paiti WCB Due to costinueti success in VIe logisfis eld, TNT L n , Ami, a leading prov*dr of 3 r W1sIssolutions, is seeing drivers for sur gaqu -o Developmnent Prran, as sell as cmmn auner operalors, for io riers' holmsdoiey service. You musbe bondiMlhava cunait DZ lcense, and speak fluent EnglIstI. ftlMli me ie hal uS w eloi I 1411111>786M as& M 'Serving Soutiern Ontario's Homnebuildors" DUE 70 EXPANSION AT DUR MILTON LUMBER.- YMD, WE HAVE FULLIME POSITIONS FOR: AZ 11111IIS: Delive honber 10 construction sites. Clou abistract requireti. LSA PIEPAIE: Hining experienoed IumW eorder malars and Lead Hand. O M S: Telephone mannies & comuter 1151k Luniber & constnuction knoWedge Palerre MIML ESTIMU Proshuce tale-aNs of auchllcturaî plans. SM 11111 .: use sur supenior service andi Ieleal support to increase your sales. Fax rasumae (905)>693-9475 or cml Madaline 9-5pm (905).693-9663 SCUMOOL BUS DRIVERS WANTED Laidlaw Tranait ta looking for acho bus drivers. Are you retireti looking to supplément your income? Homernaker raising children, looking for part time emplayment? if sa, join the Laidlaw Team. Training classes starting now. If interested cail: 877-2251 for informa- tion. twavm nanas is au aqasl apaalaaeauder. We aller: *FuIl-tlme or Part-time *Local or Hwy. aWeekend work & rsights *Sign up bonus *Paid pre-dtug test $1.3b.344/mile *Some paid training positions availabte -4 CALL BOB Oit TOM 1-800-66146718 Fax: 416-2S3-6034 OnaLktapgota-4staff.com RECEWVER/MAUITNANCE Thse Bay, Oakville, currenely has an immediate opeing for a Part-time Receiver/Maintenance lTe energeticenthusiastic tram playerwerequire wflmappinngdeivgdeparliet, aloophhMnuifstintaprvento,opealons, andi off loadig tnacks. Previon expenence in a retallenvlronietwithtecetlfgafdgeletstmail tentance duties is an asaet if you have flexible availabiity to watt tisys and evenlnaapleasesendyourresumewithrefettnces t0: Na.... Resources, Reference #1330, The Bay, Ockvilte Place, 240 Luighland Ave., Oalevlle, ON L6}t 3H42. Fam: (905) 842-9548. Viait us an-fine at www.hbe.comn Mbaedaês 1 Mér oniih Female or Male UIGHT FACTORY '11111 Clean, air conditoned plant. Goot Engllsh skis requireti. Knowledige of Italian, Portuguese or Poluah an assaI. Apply in persan Mon. through Thura., 8:30am ta 4:30pm, at: Dahi Brothers Canada Ltd. 2600 South Sharkdan Way, (laa 1ChurchlVOEW> e (905) 82-7414 Est 3 World of WorkTM Career & lob Expositiona Amnong hundseda of positions available: counsellors, pathologists, technicias, nurses, therapists and massy, many more! Dring reaumea May 19 & 20 Glen Abbey Recreation Centre MARKETIN ASSISTANTS Highly motivateti Individuals raqulrati for a fact growlng Osiev*le baaed brokearaga. TIse auceesfu applicants shaulci be fluant i Englth, aelf-atrtrs wtls an out- Mng.personalty anti a strong wof k athie. Expadsnc a an asset but not a prare- quesita. An attractive base aasy, coni- mission andi axpanses. Fax reatâmes fo: (905) 469-6182 Hasrris Stotlonery Lt. Has an opanung for due foowing position: RETrAIL SALES CLERK 24 hrs./wk., Days Apply in peraon wltIs resumae to: Mr. Steve Bonin, 182 Mn St., Milon IT'S GARAGE SALE SEASON! Phone our classified departîment at 875-3300 to book yours today! STUDENTS REQUIRED Milton Poaitions Availabte; " Material Packagers * Shippers/Receivers * Sanitation W. Reqairn: *Warehousing experience *Bontiable *Availablè to work shift & weekend work aMuat be able ta work until Sept. aMuat have own transportation We 011cr S$1O.0-$13.00/hr. Fax:(416)-253-6034 e-mail: tapgffftag-4staff.comn PART-TIME (3 DAYS PER WEEK) SALES REP A large progressive and growing Food Broker, representing well-known brande producis, seeking energetic individuals to promote and. maintain product lines ai drug, convenience, mass and alternative channela of distribution in the GeorgetownfBurlingtonOakville ares. This part-time 3 days per W'eek position requires a flexible, detail-orientedperon with excellent communication snd inter- personal skills. Previous experience would be an asset. EM EXTRA IN- COME. »ob our den- ing staff. Ful & part lrna pstos available. Mony - Fsiday. Aller- noon shîis $7.25/hour. Appîy to Human Re- saurces, 310 Main Shut Mllon or fax wa sum fol 905-335-6006 (Sunahina Building à Maintenance lnc.) ESTABUSI4D Masan- Uie Cosruction wor- ers Exerencd 2 - ransportation. Salary penaenca. Call 905-693- 8921. EXPERIENCED Wait- ariWaitrass requireti for busy restaurant. Gooti 1480 Hwy. 6, Northi, Freelton. 905-659- 1556. Ase for Nc or Marke. FIRST Choie Haircut- tara requires Hairstyht fo bus loatos Wa tartiown-ButntnMI ton. Gaanat hourl +xaînt coms sions. Adivancedi train- i g provktat. No cllan- te lenecessary. Cali ( 905>815-3216 or (905) 319-9853. GENERAL labourer re- quired. Dulis ta km"lti -eea dleani, sand- blaalng slslpplng & re- eelving. Some heavy lifting. Must bae meehan- kelly Inclinsti. Fullilrne positon. Experience preferrei, but wl trin. Fax reaurn Io (905) 878-8263 or cal for ap- pointment (905) 878- GENERAL Labourer, Igooti machanical abiity ~car machanics knovl- etiga prelerrati. Able te work witut assis- tane. oncsmt Klaus Reggsrt, import Parti 1 xt. 69-027. AUTOM0TIV SALESPERSON Burfington Toyota requires a mnotivated Salesperson to Mon their award wlnnlng team to sol both ttig qualt new & useti vehicleii. We oflur an excant comnmis- soplnada laq inventiory of vehices to sn tom a Mnas excellent nianage- ment suipport. Cati Ed Szela or Lee Watson at (905) 335-0223. If you ara enele, hardwodltng & seif motivteti, mlor fax your reaumae Io ua. Wa ara curranlly turing for the k*oingLepo : thse hours wI be long but U enats are great. W. ofler excellantco ensin benafts ni a pension plon. NO Phoine Caill Pbae 4401 Harvosta Rd. BwrMugton Onit L7L 5W9 Fax 905-33-1145 $12.85 ta Start Many flexible FT/PT psitions to li. GENERAL purpose MatI Fabriestor wlts waldlng axperiuee re- MM 51) 853,lio HALTON COUNTRIY INs la * crastl eadg positions for ie follov- ung: Full & Part Mirne employais netiad. Fax fauma ta: 905-693- 8105. Att: Vasil LOCAL classic car daalership raquiras cheas up poison for car dataiing and tiller shop des. 905-875-4700. MOLLY MMI as grow- ing again. Do you lava to dlean? W. are aook- lusg for hardworeing, de- pendable, loyal staff. P art Urne laatIg ta fll #mie. Phease cal876- 1672. p=A HUT nove hlrlng a full Uime Assistant Manager. Previaus res- taurant esperlica re -uns Suporvalaoex pprience an assa. Ap- ply within. No phone cal pae at 550 on"al Sree. Ase for Ohri Grfan. TM Qualy In,hIlon la loldng for hidvchsl whc are hardwordng andi dependable, lfr dms positions cf: Futire Housekeeping. Full- UIma Front Dm54911 Audit. Submit Resunms 101the Oushiy Isn, et 161 ChWsen Driv, Milaon. THE SALON GROUP reqwres an Assistenitfor shamupooing. Sani ex- M53 anti as* for Mates orAngeta

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