18 - Mm$ Canadlan hapnFrlday, May 18,199m Gta hot Etnino w.47t ecm Exteopo of 'I 0 t ecm Cati our By PAUL MITCHISON thse 24-kiloînetre west extension of the Recently, Transportation Mînîster Tony newsroom Special to The Champion province' s 407 ETR. The toîl highway Clement told a press conférencoe thse daily at 878-2341 Trhe worst traffic jams in the province extension. sbouid be opened by July 31, congestion on tse QEW in Burlioigton and Mo.t f. xs nsot atn n fiiassya2001. Oakville is the worst in Ontario. TIhis long- Mon toFr, exit i sothHalon nd ffiiai sa ~ The extension will mun fram, Use juniction delayed route will improve trafflc flow, he from 9 a.m. new toîl highway should go a long way ta of Hwys. 407 and 403 at the said. t .. alleviating them. Mississauga/Oakville border, ta Use junc- Thse west extension will be constructed to1pm Canstruction will start this summer on tion of QEW and Hwy. 403 in Burlington. as a six-lane bighway, expandable ta eight 1999 CAVALIER COUPE e 2.2 litre L4 115 hp engine e 5-speed manual transmission sa 4-wheel anti-lock braking system e Next Generation dual front air bags " PASSLock® theft-deterrent system e rear spoiler e AM/FM sterea " tinted glass e rear seat heat ducts e body side, body colour mouldings 1999 CAVALIER LUIL NO SURPRISE LEASE GUIDE MONTHLY PAYMàENT 1178 tax CASH SN(lSui Feogh of $W80 -2,140 GASTAX $75 P$E-OEUVERY INSPECTION NOD âEXTRACHARGEI PSTAXST (Imci. Tax on PaymOi) '359 SECUIETY DEPOSIT 1300 TOTAL AMO<JNT DUE ON4 OWJH!RY 83»5 Licence, P.PS.A. & Ad/min. Foou Extra WIth $0 dow , monlhê pIRyMMINI là ï 20110 ax -$0 1 r . onsrvoy 36 MONTAS LEASE RATE SP TO (ICUE REIGAT 36 MONTAS OR SF580WCNCEý Ai or ~PURCHASE FINANCING INSURANCE AND \~~vo'~ AndC For W.y $50 ivioS A MonUthI UP TO048 MONTAS TAXES EXTRA.) V0~~ - ~ 1999 CAVALIER Z24___________ 02.4 litre Twmn Cam L4 SF1 150 hp engine 199CAVALIER Z24 5-speed manual transmission .No SURPRISE LEASE GUIDE 4welanti-lock braking systemt MONTHLY PAYMENT '2 lputx . N-helxt Ceneration dual front air bags (36 nmolBi 28UsX CASH DO0N (le, FIOretl SM 58and/Ar TaOXfl $1000 0 aPASSLock' theft-deterrent system GAS TAS $75 AM/FM sterea with CD player PR_ÎVEYIOECIN N EXTRA CHARGE * rear spniler e air conditioning POT/GOýT (nci. Tax on PayroorI) 1357 a power sunroof SECSRITY DEPOSIT 1300 * tiXt/cruise TOTAL AMOUNTO*JDE ON 0*01/ENS '3,06 * 16' alumidnum wheels Licence. PPS.A &Admin. Fot Extra a fog lamps 9008$0 domt mndhlypr BY,19l e body side, body colour mouldings $0 pisli-$6 u ndlvi 1999 CAVAHER SEDAN 1999CAVLIERSED N 4-hee ani-lok bakin sytemNO SURPRISE LEASE GUIDE ..... ..2.2 litre L4 115 hp engine. '17,ee5 anii-loc system '20 (pst Next Generation dual front air bags 0 PASSLock e(Wa ftnN CdTMroiroe 01$1 (6mo«Mlion) C thet-deterrent systern a AM/ FM stereo "~'>CASH DOWN(efted00sTaiR 210 chl-euiyrear door locks' rear GAS 'A 75 seat heat ducts e body colour STGS 13PEOLV~ISECIN RITAAM *mouldings * mud guards a batter O' rTIGTa TaPro 359 run-ownproectin *Vale ~SECU~RIT DEPOSIT "3W0 rndwprtcinaVle SwlnILEASE TOTAL AMOIJN DUE ON DELNVERY 9052 Pakg nldspower flOr Licencel, P.S.A. & Adinin. Fees Extra locks, cruise control, air conditioning %j<, $260pusts -on $71eont d.llvery.l * . and automatic transmission. 2 0$29(lstx $71deodliry 1999~~191 CHEVROLET MABU_________ 2.4 litre Twin Camo 150 hp engine e 4-speed automatic 1 9 9 9 5L P CHERT MLB trnmionce 4-wheel anEo-tock brakong svstem lA00O547H/noIa MONHL 410E Next Gerton dual front air bags oPASSLockl theft-deterrent systero eair conditioning e child-security rar door lockso AM/FM stereo with cassette o 'fllt-Wheel'm steigebody side, body colour mouldings e power trunk release GAS TAX '75 PRIE.OELIVERY INSPECTION $6) XT$CRARE PST/GST Ind ToOPron> 'fn407 SECURITY DEPOSIT '2tt TOTALAMOU$dTODUEI ON DEC!AY '3,llfl 420 L'cecS P.P.S.A. & AdmTin. Footl Extra With $0 dOmIIII --ty pasymon la $m01 (plu. tas) - $782 due on deIivmey I rit Wold ma vu le luloOS : comao oCi us at/, Aeflcal deron Our0 oetleH at www.pcuef4.oO or cal us ot 1 -RX-XM-RIVE. NI leases houe annutil on,,o lie 50 0.500 kmn, $0.12 per ,exces kilwoere. PST, SST and inuanTe extra. ortOsrlaoporsuls FraoioOF CMC ceiC oly. Example. $10.000 ai1.9%149% PR.Ote mXriSF/Fpaym ,te 1651109 84 oiS %- A khave aon annue cst ofbrrows of 1.9%15.4%par armf9 orCaa~liermaiu. te ueotosaalbe iacn napwd 46 men.CXAtof brrowiflXNs $2.4&1032.32. Toa blgto is $1,392.4U 1,032.32 Dom paymnosandorA mras M be roquired. MoISil payeta o so boXISSrrown MX vIafyapendaXX on amouff borrowed ard down paymernle. as WIna* a ed to merno 1999 noderis C CanaS., Ceup $72 CaalierZ24 Coupe R7X)Caua6r Sodan R7XAaAA $7 eguippod as desoribed OINes apply to qualho Cotil colors inise Ontario Chevret See Marketing Association ar/ %,ub nrdeor traiternis b. rocossary. Unmiled i er0 whio, mlo ay rot be combinod ojil other Xors. Dealer oray I asel of , bufo l Ses sou, dealer() for conditionrs or daois. leted soon 1 Il lwy. 5, Appleby Uine, Hwy. 25, ~eyagawa Boulevard and Trafalgar Road. Haiton regional Chair Joyce Savoline aid she was delighted with the successful îegotiations, which wili lead ta thse con- ,tniction of what she calied thse "missing ink". "It's an end ta 15 years of wondering vihen we were actually going ta tee this sighway," she said. -It will relieve at least orne of the congestion, so we really await s'ith great anticipatian the apening of this aoadway." Not only will thse QEW flow more smoothiy, she said, but alsa Dundas Street. Thse entire taîl higbway wîll be sold for $3.1i billion ta a Spanish consortium of Crupo Ferrovial and its subsidiarY, Cintra Concesiones de Intraestructuras de Transporte, SNC Lavalin, and Capital d'Amerique CDPQ, a subsidiary of the Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec. The main investor is thse second-largest construction company in Spain. Thse consortium will purchase fromn thse provincial government the right ta awn and operate Hwy. 407. charging toîls for 99 years. WbIile they will set their own rates, they will be required to achieve pre-set conges- tion relief targets in order to, increase rates above a specified level, currently set at 1l cents per kilometre for automobiles, mare for trucks. If traffic volumes aren't met, thse tolîs wilI be clawed back. The level can be increased two per cent per year, plus thse Consumer Price Index increase, for the first 15 years. With that right, they have the obligation to finance, design and build deferred inter- changes and the lang-delayed west and east parts of the toi highway. Cops are providing fun outing for kids By HOWARD MOZEL Special to The Champion Halton Regional Police are gearing up once again for their annuai Special Friends Day aI Appleby Coilege. The event - wbich takes place lune 13 from 10 a.m. ta 3 p.m. - pravides the opportunity for developmentally and phys- ically challenged individuals and their familles to enjoy a day af non-competitive activities with police, fire and ambulance personnel. Participants also get a datse up look at emergency equipment and training simula- tions. AIl members of thse community are wel- came. According to Staff Sgt. Peter Hodgson, activities include horse and carniage rides, magic shows, a dunk tank, mini golf, base- hall, basketball and a chance ta sit in an OPP helicopter. There wili alto be food refreshments. Althaugh there are no age restrictions, Smost of thse participants are young people. According ta Staff Sgt. Hadgson, thse main goals of thse day are ta have fun and pro- mate a better understanding between the special friends and the community at large. "The main goal is that every child leaves with a smile on their face," said Staff Sgt. Hodgson. "It's very much a family day."