- 4~-1WCêfadihI ~ia,1~tMay 14.100 TMS SUIUIR It may b. time for a coollng system check-up! ____Don'tBuY Yet! ONTADO'SI Tires By The Inch Sale on IDRIVE our PremiumF Accredited Tes ooyarTr & Repair Fadlity legatta GOOD4>"VjEAR "F "leiele ;M 1 7- - e Police arrest another suspect in invasions of Milton homes A second suspect ba been arrested in connection nd a knife - nd assaultcd the man. They then fled witb recet homne invasions. wibb cash. Police arrestcd a 16-year-old youth, formerl>' of flic youth faces charges of two counts Of fObliery, Milbon after blirce people anned with weapons invad- one of thrcaenng deabli. one of asault wibb a weapon cd two homies and robbed residents of cash and prop- and one of possession of weapons dangerouS to bhe cil>'. At 1 a.m. May 6, thme youths - two brandishing weapons - entered a Main Street apaiment and con- fronted a 32-year-old man. 'Ibe trio fied with cash and propet>'. The saine thoee then went to a MacDonald Crescent home at 1:30 a.m. and confronted an 80-year-old man. Two of the cuiprits canried weapons - a golf club Last week, a l2-year-old Milton youth was arrested in connection with the two incidenta as weli as another homne invasion on MacDonald Crescent. At 11:30 p.m. May 5, a youth entered a MacDonald Crescent homne and demnanded cash fmom a 76-year-old womnan. One suspect remained at large at press time. Towns plan to combat problem 7weeds means draining Miii Pond By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Milton's Mill Pond ina> lie getting a muakeover as early as the end of this monlli. Thic Town's standing commiittee recentl> bacled holing an open bouse to updatc "esdentsaon the latest Mill Pond dcvelopmots. That date of the open bouse bas yet tobe umoemnced. Thei poect willbhelp remove an overgrowtb of mii foul that has invaded the pond in meent years. The weed bas cboked out native plant species such as bul- rushes and lily pada in the pond. That in turn bas con- tributed to a decrease in dhm fisb, ampiribin and rep- tle populations. An attemipt to rnd die pond of milfoil las summner didn't go fatrenough, resulting in an almnost inunediate re-growth ofdie plaet - COST on pages