34-The Canadien Champion, Frtday, May 14, 1999 - 1, DUE to aur canlinued grawth we require a resîden- tsiI commercial HVAC Service Mechanic, HVAC la- staller and Sheet MeaI1 Mechanic. Minimum 3 years expetience and Gas Piller Il. Experienced appren- tice wili also be considenid. Please submit resume Rea 10 M.A.R.C.H. Mechanical, 785 Main St., E., Milion, rat UICENSIED Transmission Technician 10 watts In vety lxi dlean modem shop. Excellent worfdng environet to with weekends off. Excellent Psy and posstble op- rt porlunily lor sdvancessent ta managetlal positon or r psrtnershlp for right person. Caîl Guelph (519)822- 6703 or fax resurne to (519)822-6791. ini SMake someones birthday <t *extra speCial by ptaCing a tqi rH:appy Bihday Miltwstone ab dministrative Assistant partîngto oa District Manager in a reaal office atairoamaent. yos ailI pond ta tllpliona inqairias, prapara correspondance froa dictaphone or ai arillan/varbal instructions snd parlera skilled word procassint, allas ligt deadîloas. Othar dulias vilI inclade conipiling informiation, raviawing ports submitlad by Managera for accuracy, liling, pholocopying. coniposing utine correstondance, co-ordinsling district acliviliat. assisting in facilitaI- g meetings, racotding minutes and providing racaplion relief. as needad. leani player. you possess sound jadgamanl and aiaays mainîsin conf idan- lily. You hava excellant PC skiiis and ara prof icianl with Microsoft Office 97 lord 6.0, Excel, etc.). Organizad set profassionai. you are coniforlabia aorking îickiy and accurataiy regardiasa of workload or conflicting demanda. Thesa illilies ara compiemenled by your superber writtan/varbal communication id organizatiol s kils. ease fstward ysur tasama. by May 21,1999, qaoling File #CR"29 bo: CBO - Central Regienal Office, 3410 Seuth Service Rd.. Burlinglen. mlariel. LN 312. C Scott & Associates frc. specializes in information technology job placement within the Finanoial Sea'voe indusfry. Our Oakville-based client has the following oppoftunity available. SENIOR EDI SPECIALIST Our client, a proven leader within the Pharmaceutical industry is looking for an individual to work with users and other IT staff to analyze opportunities/problems. and present alterna- tives to assist users and the organization in maximizing the potential of ASI400-based EDI, information syslems, and technology. Must have previous expe- rience implementiitg electronic commerce solutions as well as implementing/managing Financial & Distribution Syslems in an AS/400 envirosment. If this job appeals to you please caîl, fax or e-mail us today at: C Scott & Asaociates Inc., 36 Toronto Street, Suite 850, Toronto, Ont ario, MSC 2CS. Tel.- (416) 214-9822. Fax: (416) 214-9820. ~ so. & E-mail: c5cotl*cscotfinc.com. Other opporlunities also exisl SOIAE N within the financial services industry. ASCAE N Information Systems CoordinatorN CGC §inc., a manufacturer ofbuilding materials, is searching for an Information Systems Coordinator. The successful candidate should posaess a Computer Science diploma or degree. The position provides total end user support (DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Microsoft Office, Microsoft NT server and work station, end user training, etc.) and su pports a Noveil 4.11 net- work. The candidate should be a highly motivated team player with 2 to 3 yas work experience in a similar position. The incumbent will work from the company's Oakville plant. If you possesa the qualifications and skilîs required, please submit a rasuma with salary expectations to: ~ Attn: Mrs. D. Dea CGC Imc. PO Box 4034, Terminal " A" Toronto, ON M5W 1 K8 Fax: (905) 803-5674 a e-mail: ddee@cgcinc.com C O i EXPERIENCED DAY- TOCU* ~CARE. Nulriliaus Due to continued and unprecedented snacks, atrucîured & growth, CDI Corporation, a leading suppli- I res play .acltvilies, er aI Slaffing Solutions, has immediate weekl oulngs, Ioving openinga for results-orlented profession- cars. roi, 876-062. aIs in the followlng disciplines: UICENCIED Provider Account Representatlves hasrsts open. Tues.- Technlcal Recrulters pets. Non-smaker. Bstb Tlscommunlcatlefls Recruitons 878-4905. We offer a dynamic and energelic envi- REUIABLE daycae ronmnt ilh I-t oporluityfor eranal availabie, Mondy - Fri- miraentwit theopprtuity or ersnal day full or par lime. Da- growth and advancemnell. You all also ily outings, hot lunches enjoy a comiprehenaive compensation & lots of TLC. Reason- package expected from a market leader able rates. 875-0574. aitu revenues In excess of 1.5 billion dollars. If you would like 10 explore these exclling career opportunilies, please forward your resume In confidence to: CLEANING Duo la Brett Lawnle dlean your house, pro blawrlepcdlcorp.com feassosal clesning. Ras- Fax:(905 3383425sonable rates. Rafer- Fax:~~ ~~ (5>3832 es. Cali Leurs aller 6, 693-0702. "JOBS Avallablel" If you are betasen the ages of 18-30, asntfui- lime hours and a m DAVAE in pelitve salary...cal the my, home _ PR EGNANT? .lo Pogrm.(90)33-ak,nlanua 87r Decisions 10 make? Caîl 3491(05)87-140. 3, us we're hiers o fitona. Spnaebyu n EXPERIENCED cars- 875-1245. Resorces Deveop-giver ail provide a fun ment Canada. and ae ieamisg ena- roment for your ladi- FLEA5IE dleri>resahool'er. Sue [ ~ 1 875-1444. $3000-$35, Cars an- KECYCLE ed. 905457-5713. Stop ~ recycler. 905-457-5713. Canadian TherapeutiC College Introduces! il 3 year program " Specialize your training in thîs exciting health cane field " Begins Septemben '99 For a free information brochure cati (905) 632-3200 Canadian Therapeul Collae 1 - 760 Brant St. Burlingtos, ON L-7R 4B Looin foI E C rý PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKER PROGRAM At Community Care Training Centres - Burlington Campus COMPLETE YOUR TRAINING IN 7 MONTHS Seoiremloyient from:. " Ilospitals s Long Terni Caro FaclIMle " Medical Service Agendas Classes Start May 31199 Placement Assistance - Financial Assistance may be available for those who quali'y Ca i Nw 63-30 Looking for work, look towards 0 0 ». a ADNEED A JOB? We Can HELP M use -lamamF Warehouse WorersBke Retail Sales e j W hSecunty SecretaÉnaYClerical)r 27L ughf These are a simall sample of tail Sales W rs the jobs available through JOB CONNECT Cati the HotHne: Milton: 878-4936 Adminis lor mulli Ph- off ice. Dulia lises, Sched chasing. Sîr keaping skill Fax resume ce Îmatai ysician's s iaciode: personnel, îbiic tels- uiing, Pur- sng book- s essealiai. 339-2053 BEL,UJMG yvU Uwi Boas, part lime/fluli lime. Own your oas Mobile Sign Franchise. Full training, Iisancing. 1- 800-854-0415. ENTREPRENEURS. Parllime/ul lime to offer issovalive legai caver- age. Commi$$ion$ paid daily. Trsinig provided.- Taped message, 888- 290-4494. MMRTGAGES, Loa rates. No laies ta quell- laed borraaers. Setf eni- ployed? We cais helipl The Persoas Mortgag Group. Richard, 905- 338-9966. 3 ttumutJM nouse rl coutry. Available JuII lsi. Appliasces and utdil lties indluded. mest ne goliable. 332-1450. 3 BEDROOM Semi, 811 Uine soulh of Brftannia Country living, ne amenities. $1,060+ ulil lies. 905-828-066. 2 BEDROOM baisie apsrlment. Non-ssa ars. AUl Indlusive. ti-es hydro, ceble, lsundr $700imonth. Avail. Jul 151. 905-878-9702. 3 BEDROOM, ebov prolessianal office, not smoking. Avallab JuneJl fat. Ssjitl for pratessionai coupil $1,100 inclusive. 871 11079, leave message. 1991 EACSLE Vlsta. z. -No- dolrn persan N MaLSD smaking in hause. Cali seTOWERS 875-10 01"à IJ . 82 MLLSIDE DFR. MLTON AUTO INSURANE ~ > ESN Beat rates for nicet dt- 1 & 2 Bffedroorm vers lndluding higher avaîlable on bus ATTENTION GARDEN- nisks. Cal Warren 519- route, freshly dclc ERS: 15 acres of land, 853-4284, 905-270- oraîed, 2 applt- James Snow 155.ances, on-site Pkwyl/Fifth Lina. Rich laundry, includes gardian land wlth poten- bl greenhouse site. i- ail ulities (except medîste. 1-418-252- phone & cable.) 7266. Muat have awn Free parking, no equipmenl. pets. References relquired.- foi 905-676-1249 6 I0 t f By appoînîment only .!ASIN REASONABLE Indus- IlE MODERN tao bedtoom triai Units for tant. 1,200 -ES AVE. country spartiment cen- - 3,200 sq. Il. Loadina trsliy localed. Phone 1- docls & drtve-in. 1-95. VITII FAMILY VALUES 519-853-,1669. 2797 or 1-905-275- ;ELL - LEASE SEO VEHICLES IN MILTON SPACIOUS 1,2 & 3 8M3. bedrooma. Freshly ?277 painted, brlght. Coni- __________ peiliv e nnt. Builington :e it hipoh rise. Wall main- tsîned. Convenient lo- cation. (905)333-9846. SMALL PRIVATE 0F- qD O Noon - 8 r.m. FICE besuifully sp- OLD31111O1BILE UPPER 2 bedrooni pointed, Hay. 25 & 401. r prchse apartnient. Country et- 1-905-277-9347 or 905- r turcka ting, Milton. Privale an- 275-6834. or trucktrance. Fireplaca. Avail- it Derry Rdi able July 1a s-. 2393 $lOJmonth. Referanc- 2393 as required. 878-8331. Wheni fruyIn M ~or oelIlnri ACTON, large 2 bed- GEORGETOWN - a vehlcle, rooni apartmant, Lookng for mature par- w/basement, pstio, son 10 share s 2 bed- remnemker parking, $850 Plus ahili rooni apl. in Victonien lEb Catiabian lies. Also large ana be home. Smoking okay. toom apartment, $550 905-702-8859. Cliampion plus. (519) 853-5060 or (519) 853-5352. -- BETIER than average MRI apartment. Private yardidniveway/3 rooma, COMPLETE.LY renovated spaoious 3 bedroors, 3 full bath. No palts/non- bsthroom lownhouse. New cabinets, carpef, smoking. Suitable for plumbing fixtures, etc. Branle Rosd backing osto manture quient person. escarpesent. $129,900.- 5% doan =$800.rmnh" $lsOi/gross. istAs. mortgage psymenl. No agents Pisas. 905-257- 878-9861. 3973. LARGE 1 + Badrooni, TOWNHOUSE, Mîflon. 3-bedroom, 2-asbrooni, country basement gas, hesling. 2-storey. Recent nea windows, mool. satmt, 2 akouts, $118,900.878-9586. ail ulililies, no-smoking, no pets. References. ACTON - 3 year nea home. Ail brick 3 bedrooni. Firal & [ast. Over 1600 sq.fl., 2 storey home on large comer lot. $825htiatth. 854-0341. Master wIth ensuite & WIC. Large est in itchen, gas LARGE 1 bedrooni, firepace & CIA, etc. $214,900. 519-853-3128. neaf y renovated base- ment with 2 - 51ad windows. No smok- ing/no pets. Suitabie for ~ 2 adulîs. Resetved parking, ail ulîlities. $85Oimonth. 878-2567 ~~ LARGE 3 bedrooni. County, close to toan. Wll be fressly decorat- ad and msady for June I151h. occupancy. I$g75Jper mo. i. hest PRIVATE I& appliances. Lots aI parkinludy aii HOUSE FOR SALE liesN pets, refarenc- IN TIMBERLEA es required. (905)854- BlchdOkKchswcrmcoest 5. -2294. Bece a ice /eancoest 8t LARGE sparlment. 2 sunrooni /3 skylights / hardwood / 4 hedroonis, -bedrooma, applanos, 2 1/2 battis, customi closeta / finisbed basersent Slsundry facilites, privats wilh 5th bedrooni. Hot tub off deck / land- enîranos. Aboya 15w of- scaped / gardena. New roof / French doors / gaa r lice. $93OJplus ulilites. fîreplace 1 upgrades. i Availible July 1. PsItr- de 878-2804 or 332- 1 By appoininenl 878-1316. I0614 aller 5. LARGE one bedmoni Announce baisaesent aparltment in mature anis of Town, >yOUf available July laI. c â sbrhi $750/month includes cidsbrhh S875-0201. C nba Fax Capf le us and your child wlibc 1:C1- fd featured with photo i our a ClssifedsBaby Edition S876-2364 in january.