32-The Canadien Chamrnion.- Fridqv. Mev 1 d 1 QQQ Clssitî-ied Ptll I M klhu(mnneý 1 6-up(MMMT Heathêr nIa tee famdiS 0turde AN1:0 p.m a f reen -u e Homse. an ancer Sly r teme ictonenrdo ne N noy, May 1 te, 1999- Klwia BI y gar, MOCLELLANO Ians & I noNyklka oeem Arm s tale Gad B' r. oe lani tart af hoîrson atheAGeoge,. Ligrnd tBr . ofMchleariy byd ho.1 o. t Gave MmOni Hspta, Sarata nihe ond ner ecs teen aiteay, 1999et .29a.m Atifebrter or urts, au- andw om. B aad misgeo in- ho onm neAV Snd Erc Proui grparents ar et andrig trindoe ncWnsrRhr ae Bluyoeeogtw.Srlie and k:5a.. w eghn7bs id Un arnt &er ,i î tc fad fad. Resing et tee J Mce Sle cott ueai teaes oTheof Breamtn r far I ueaoe, 1 a s St.ee , Mila on fro .m. Fr- etu ai 12:00A.M. fro ee Funera Home.rmt Milrnn lie oler onatons tomte aa-e BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT PROGRAM COMMUNITY EDUCATION EVENING "PROM GRIEF TO HEALING- THE GRIEVING PROCESS" Wednesday, May 19, 1999 at 7:00 P.m. THE AGRICULTURAL BUILDING (Next to MIlleras Scottiah Rakeey) 332 Geleph St., Georgetown For more Information oeil 877-12 11 Association or tee Hesrt andi Strake Foundation in Kay'a Memory cauld ho eppreciaed by the femily. ________ REMEMBRANCES in the form of donations ta The Milton District Hospital Foundation are appreciated. HOUES MONDAY TO FRIDÀY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM ADLEY, GodnEwn - tVean0 W.W. il, R.C.A.F., 1 MenrafRoyalCanadien LoIon, Jo. Waters Brandi 136, Milaon) Peacefut et Qakvilia Trafalgar Hospital on Moniday,Mey l'Oth, 1999, Gordon Hadley af Milaon beiovod huebanci 0f Dorotey (nee Watson). Loving feteer af Gardon and hie wife Wonrty 0f PortrC", Ra- bort and hie cile Katerynaof Kitchener and Jo- anne and her huebenci Kari Billinge 0f Brampton. Alan laveci bgrndchildren Kyle, Thomas, Sar- eh, Ryan, T1ies and Nicole. Deer brateer 0f MaoiePcy edAnnie Drec bath 0f Milton. FunralSevic cs hid on Thuraday, May 13te et St. Peurs Unitedi Church, Milton. Inter- ment fotoweci in Evergrnon Camoiery, Milan. Aregmnts te ouh tee J. Scatt Earty Faner- ai Hmo, 21tret, Milton. JOHNSTON, Joan Alice - At homo wth her amily on Monday, May 10, 1999, Joan, beloved cite of Flan Johnaton af Adtn, mother of Steve and Nis cife CIny of Gregg and Donna, Victor- ia and Michael Pollard and of Lee Johnston. Grandmotr of Brenioy, Braodon, Kyle, Mtc:hel, Nicole and Rachel. Joan is survived by her sis- ter Monica and husband Ken Flynn andi le de- ceaaod by her aister Elien. Joan ci ho deriy missoci by ail. Fnends may oeil at the Shoemak- or Funerai Home, 55 Miii St. Eat, Actan, (519- 853-0350) on Wednoaday, May 19,1999 from 3 o'ciock until the memaoriai service at 4 o'clock. Cramatian has taken place. In lieu ot tiowers, memoriai contributions 10 the Victonian Order ot Nurses and the Canadien Cancer Society would ho groatiy appreciatod by the famiiy. MOCLEAN, Bottle Joan- Aller a courageous -struggie cith cancer et her homo in Miton on May 8th, 1999, BattI in hor 66th year. Wde ot Stan of Brampton. Loving mother of Sharon Mc- Clean ot Brampton, Ron McCiean of Vancouver, and Biii McClean of Calgary. Fondiy remem- hored by her granddaughter Uise Jagmohan of Brampton and her grancisons Shacn Benry of Vancouver, and Ryan and Jason McClean of Ha- milton; and her groat granddaughtors Alesa and RWyah. Sadiy miseci b y her brothers Fred Cur- rie of Georgetocn and Do n Cumo 0 f Mississu- ga and sistors Bemnice Hergott of Acton and Au- dne Neauit of Milton. Prodeceasei by son David McClean, sier Barbera Ann Tibia and her moth- or Ethel Cume both of Milon. Friands were re- ceiveci ai the Ward Funeral Home, 52 Main Street, Soute, Brampton on Wednesday from 7- 9 p.m. Funera service cas heid in tee chapel on Thursday at 1 p.m. Interment Hilicrest Cemotery, Norvai. Remembrancos to the VON. or the charity of choice woutd ho appreciaed by the famiiy. Ward Funeral Home, Brurn pton, apologizea toi tee famlly of Battis Jean McCloan for te omission of the daite and place of the funeral ln our Tueida ediltion. PORiTER, Vlctor, Edward: Peacefuliy et St. Jo- sephes Home in Guelph on Tuesday, May 11, 1999. Victor Edward Porter, age 81 years, ho- lovoci husband of Edna (Devy) Porter of 'Gelph. Lovig fateer of Gillian eh r husband Graham Webb of Guelph and Eleine and hori husband Guy Robertson of Sanford, Fiorida. Dear grandfateer of Mark, Victor, Nool, Jeneifer, Ellt, Aiex and Roger andi great-grandffateer of AsIiieigh. Fonl rememhored byGail Webb. Resting et te ibert Macîntyre & Son Funorai Home, 252 Dublin Si., N., Guelph, chere a Fu- nemil Service wil h held in tee chapol on Friday, May 14,1999 et 1:30 p.m.. Cremation. The tam- iiy ciii receivo friends one hour prior 10 tee serv- ice from 12:30-1:30 p.m. As expressions of sym- paty doations 10 tee Canadien Dihoe As- scainor to tee Kdey Foundcation would ho approitocdb the family. (Cards are availabie et tee Funerai H me 1-519-2-4731). Flowm eay h butsa 487 Laurier Ave. 878-28 91i dpliestonues i l Î . ILII TOR M D19, A16 1825 81001 UR ail Nassagaweya. From Campbellviile lake Guelph Line N. approx. 3 miles la 10 Side Rd. iher W 1 mile ta Second Lina Watclh for Signs). Consisting ai iraclors, machinery househoid and misc.. -»M LL,» e i qC ase IH 685 XL ciih QI 2255 loader Cab-Air 16.ga30 rears (2225 tirs) M.F. 255 Diesel 8-spd 15.5x38 rears (3580 tirs). M.H. 44 sas iraclor, A.C. 1818 Vari-shift riding mocer 48' cal + 48' snoc blaser, M.F 110 P.T.O. spreader, M.F. 3 turrow 14* ploc, lin. 37 baler, 3 R.T.H. Bush hag rotary culter, lin. 990 haybioe, 13 rue nri. drill on steel, 30' bale elevatar, 4' grain Augers, 7' Lucknow snowbiacer, 2 NI1. trait mocers, Ini. 7' 3 P.T.H. mac- er, 3 P.T.H. 45 gai. sprayer, Calsa 280 galion trait boom sprayer 21' boom, circular sac an irailer, 75' endieso beld. 3 P.T.H. culivatar. 32 plaie drag disc, boy crim- ber, Ini. 4 bar rake, A.C. 66 pull iype combine, 2 drurm rouier, harro, 8'11 D. chalo barrocs Arbs 63 P.T.H. blade, tractor chains, 1 raw graand drive potatae digger, Tankem 12' trouler, Cactishail f21 caîkiol piac. Mfise. & Houaehaf et skid ai rough cul l'o6' 10' aak lumber, cemeni mixer, Skiil F.D. 106 ceedeater, Fard 5 H.P. snoc blaser, Stewart caille clippers, shop vac., skili sac, cagan type barn scale, 5 H.P. ratatilier. Clipper ianning miii, wooden palieys, misc. harse reiated items, set ai single cari harness, oid farage, caler iraugh, 2 H.P. Partable Air Compressar, 20' Lawe Bay osen maser, Air pig, Sala Pack sprayer, electric lencers, electric matars, jig sac, 1/2' impact gua. tance sireichers, steel lance pasis, hydraaiic jacks; raund oak pedesiai table & leanes, pressback chairs, Hoosier cupboard, W.E. Weiding 3 gai. crack (Brantford), Aiaddim Lamp, 13' braad Axre, iran and brass bed, bentwaod chairs, misc. glass and china, tam stand, de-humiditier, patia set, cash tub stand, cringer casher, 120 Vailini Accardian, odd dressers, cagan type barn scales. Many more househald & farn relateri items la choase framl (HOUSEHOLD SELLS FIRST AT 4PM). Lunch Booth an Grounds. Jlu Moawte, flte &9in Li., <US) 6804778, Wate iew ay Jenny Happy HA PPY "ILISHV BDi 1999