Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 May 1999, p. 30

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Irish welcome beèkons girls Tise Milton Monarch juvenile girls' sea- son wili mun a littie longer than usual. .That's because the local basketball teain has been invited to conspete againat several teama in ireland in early Aýuguat. Ten hoopsters - including Sharale Dempater, Anne Gleeson, Mary Ellen Gleeson, Jaclyn Hunt, Brooke Johnson, Zen McManus, Jessica Simpson, Carmen Smeitink, Nicole Walker and Erin Walsh - will battle junior national and senior teama from across Ireland. To raise funds for thse trip, thse players will hold a boule drive this Saturday and are asking residents to have donations ready for momning and afternoon collec- tion. Tbey will alto bold a barbecue at Loblaws on Sunday, June 6 from 10 ar. to 4:30 p.rn. and are in the rmdst of orga- nizing a giant garage sale. Anyone interested in belping sponsor either the team or an individual player can contact coach Martha Gleeson at 854- 2714. Solid showing Monarch's girls teams shiowed strongly this past season with topnotch perfor- mances at a number of toumnamenta. The juveniles competed at several 'AA' events, despite only being a single 'A' team, and gave opponents a mun for their rnoney. They were championsbip finaliats in Kitchener and made it to thse consolation flunt, McManus and Anne Gleeson did the majority of the scoring. Making up an impoesve supporting cast were Dempater, Smeitink, Walsh, Rebecca Austen, Patricia Jacklein and Stephanie Leea. Meanwhile, the midget girls highlighted a superb season with a championship vic- tory in Norfolk. They alao took second in Niagara Falla and third in Cambridge. Diane Humberatone, Alicia New, Krista Nichols, Amy Prisniak and Jessica Simpson weoe ail reliable scorers. Splitting the votes for moat improved player were Kelly Fricker and Heather Stephens. Comebackfallsjust short for Drury So near and yet so far. That's been the therne this spring for E.C. Drury High's boys basebali tearn, who have lost a one-run decision for each week of the regular season. The Spartans' latesî bout of heartbreak carne at Bian Best Wednesday when - after a valiant corneback carnpaign - they were trirnred 6-5 by thse Loyola Hawks of Oakviile. Drury, now at 3-3, rnanufactured four muns in thse sixth inning to baîtle back frorn a 5-1 deficit. Jed Cosby cashed in Chris Hunt and Mike Austen on a double before a sacrifice t'ly by Ryan Harper brought in Craig McDonald. Cosby knotted the score on thse same play, when the Hawks' overthrow ta third base allowed hirn ta steal home. Loyola would eventually burst their bubble in the final frarnc adding another mun and then registering a three-up, three-down inning on the strength of a double play ta blank the Spartans and escape with the victory. Cosby and Harper each had two bits and two RBI ta Iead the locals offensively. Unfortunately this plate pop didn't extend out ta the rest of their batting order, as only three other hits were Starting pitcher Jon Grisold gave up three runs in the first but then settied down and was fairly effective over the rest of bis four-inning lirnit. Reliever Jobnny Gleed shut down the visitors in the fifth and sixth before surrendering a one-out single to centre field for thse go-ahead mun. Providing exceptionai fielding for EC were second basernan Kyle Donnan and shorlstop Evan Jeans. Thc Spartans wili compete in the Corbetts Tournarnent this weekend, facing Brarnpton's Turner Fenton and Thornlea in round robin play tornorrow aI Burlington' s Millcroft Park. Garne tirnes are 8:30 a.rn. and 2 p.m. rcspectively. Dateline lis a free community events listing for non-profit hroups. Fax Dateline items to, 878-4943. No phone calls please. _ r I À1~hh. Player of lte OMMu Sponsoisd by W> ' DalryQu May 21-23 Roolde Bail Rap Tournament Jun. 5 SelectTim Trioute (lut) June 12 Photo Day ut the Boynm Comnmunlty Centra (couchas wlN notify players) Junal12 Select Tim Tryouts <2nd) Juna 27 Siilse Day-Rotary Park T-Bail I Rookia I Momquito 1 Poe-Wao June 29July 2 Mid-Ssason Braik Juiy 9-11 Select ToturmentM(v.rious diamonda) Aug. 9 Hous Laue Playoffe Begin Aug 14 MMBA Dance Aug 21 Housa Langue Championship Day Rop Spanuora Roxul Corbatt's Expedita Plus Milaon Lions Club Future Stars Milaon Laglon Optimiat Club ~ Pick-up Window OPEN Sun, - Thurs. ta 12 mid. Fri & Sat. toi1 arn FREE BIGGIE SOZNG WITH, ANY COMBO Milton M inor Basebal Viait us on thea w.b @WWW.s1iinc.net-MML B asufl sauon la upon us. As an openlng pltoh w. would HMa ta owludg uN the volunftas who hav @tsppd up ta th. plats thia ymar ta maka tiNa saison possile for thea youth of Milan. A hurdait thanka ta the taim sponsors, board mamrbars, umnpires, end coocha. W. wouid mu isa1k ta thenk thé Canadien Champion nid local businussmu, wha togethur are supfl impce for this cal umn. Bo muka this yamr tiraI stop for ad Inonmation for Uh. 1999 saumon. Aima naw thlm yuur la aur presence on thm vsub ut the aboyeauddrmss. Hm you wdl find Information about upcomning avants, the MMBA orgunizition mnd contmcts. Plasa fiaI free ta contact any board mumnbar w1th idas for this simce. You muy dia remch dhu wub designer, Lary Sa«wk, ut MMBA..BOARD@hOtfl.coff Lira PUAY BAILLI Thank You To Ail Our 1999 Team Sponsors Without your generous support this sason would not ba possible. Plissa show your &pprocialo by fraquenting thase estabisahments. Loblaw Markets Milaon Profisalonsi FireFightem's Association Aple Auto Glass DiyQen Austin & Noble Insurance Brokurs Mlon Transmission BosAt «,ce Tw oniomunications Home Cinemu Vidua Bruca Hood Travel HunitPyouJth Chrymiar Creativa Mrnorimis Towna Dental Group Llfaatyte I Car Guys Karmax Knights of Columbus Milan Juyceem rGorrud's Auto Grou W s Ksntucky Friad Chlcken Cunuian iraNeill Transportation Thade Doorena Select: Sponsors The Canadien Champion Milton Chryaier JO ianJy McCualg Insuuiwce Ltd. Wallace Pontiac Carefrmu Mini StauRnaf idsru c TWICE THE DEil. *ELV Pizza igs-Lasagna Cali... 876902*22 .1 (omb G, WINGS 3 Ct eu- Mrn1,1i - on it SkilIs Day 1999 Sunday June 27 Sponsored by Wendy's Expanded ta now include T-Bail, Roakie Baill Mosquito, and Poo Waa. Volunteer Needed Sis Day volutara a nmadd te, ca-ordinata uctlvtm for lia day. if you or you orguniatian wuld IMe ta hélp Plasa contac Larry or Drarne Sawchmic 0 878-1 W4 Raffle Items Wanted if you or your orgunizatian wouid iiks ta clonats Rems for a raffle draw, plusse contact Larry or DrIn. Swchuic Cg 878-1534 Thank You To the Opklt Club and The Nscar PNÉ For providlng spae for aur mestinga. Zb 0anabian * - -' - I î/ Mark Your 1999 Calendar

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