/'É rle~o pointbwtwr Olympie goal mnAthens By STEVE LeBLANO Laying the groundwork for future successes, and possibly an The Champion ultimate dream reali.'ed, she finished a respectable l7th in the Stephanie Taylor is getting her feet wet in much bronze fleet of the Europe claaa (ainglehanded boat) - the hsgh- largr wter thee dys.est level for women's sailing. lagrton s e silor - wh nrcntyasbs eae It's a whole different bail gamne in a place like Australia, it's so the Canada Summer Games and Canadian University windy and wavy that just staying alive out there is kind of an Championsbips - has now ventured onto the global front begin- accomplishment," quipped the 21-year-old, who just completed ring a joumey wbich she hopes will culminate with a berth in the her first year at Queen's University. "I did pretty well for my lirst 2004 Summuer Olympics in Athens, Greece. finie out and Canada qualifled for the 2000 Olympies, SO overail it . Taylor took the first major step towards this lofty pursuit over was a great experience." . ,.y the winter when she traveled to Melbourne, Australia and coin- Taylor - who placed fourth among Canadians in Melbourne peted at the World Chanipionships/OlymTpiC Trials. *see NEW on page 31 PUBLIC NOTICE 3 INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT DERRY ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD NO. 7) AND BRONTE STREET/FIRST LMN TOWN 0F MILTON PR-1594A Notice la hereby given pursuant to Sections 297 and 300 of ibe Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45 a anicndcd, that flic Council for flhe Regional Municipality of Halton propotes at its meeting on Wedneaday. June 23, 1999 ai 9:30 a.m. to pasa a by-iaw for flic intersection iprovementa ai Derry Road (Regional Road 7) and Broute Street/Pire Une, Town of Milton. Plana abowing the proposcd. work may be inspected t the Planning & Public Works Departnent, Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Broute Rond, Oakville. on Wedneaday, June 16, 1999, at 9:30 a.nr uic hHaltou Room at Uic Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Broute Rond, Oakville, Ontario, Council through ita Planning and Public Works Coinnuce will hear in person, or by bit/ber Counacl, any peraou who claitni that bit/bier lands will be-prejudicially affected by flic said by-law and wbo applies te fthc Regional Cterk ne later than Tueaday, lune 15, 1999 te bc heard. For further information, picase contact Mr. Joseph Choi, P.Eng., Manager of Deaign Servwices ai extension 7610. From: Milton/Oakvi (905) 825.6030 Halton HUis (905) 878-8113 Burlington (905)639-4540 JOAN A. F.AGLESHAM Sailor Stephanle Taylor la iooking ta quaity for the REGIONAL CLERK www.regoILhaltotLoti.ca 2004 Olympie Gamnes. M ME(YROi Y515 CPermanent Hair Removal for Men & Women L With Verifiaible Steriliz-aton - Facial - Bikini . .Eyebrow e*Arms Bosto .Legs -*Underarms LENNEA C. MORLEY C.E. ,ot n May 14, 7:05 pm Groduote of ECC RED Box Labatt Blue Light $ 1 ,000,000 Blosti t Member of S.O.E. C.O.PE FRE EConsultation by Appointment BSton, May 15, 4:05 PM <0)8814 RED Box Honda Jr. Jays Sciturdays RELOCATED TO. 550 Ontaro St. Untt #16, Mltn Bos5ton, May le, 1:05 PM RED Box Spectacular Sunday Boston, May 17, 7:05 PM 0 RED Box Det-'roit, May 189, 19, 20, 7:05 PM FOUR A LN TIGERB Maiy 18 - Tim- BR Mort TuesdaytTY E FO £9 Draw for prizen. -Extra Long *Ecpîni.Spin :Mpe Ttnium Magna-Extra Contrai i 1' E gus=, 11O OUTSIDE TORONTO 1 8880OK GO JAY MW (905>67.734 OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT www.lIueiays.ca RIM MILL 3145 Faw S ii SKYDOME BOX OFFICE -GATE 9 8:30am -6pm, meen days aweek -. '- <95043 C l:( 6) 4 12 4COMMERCE COURT 8:30am -6pm Manday ta Fniday or:Mn oF. 0mt p S.900at 53p.Su,11mt 5m Call (41 ) 34 ul23 OR ICKETMASTER LOCATIONS. I