- ~ ~ E YOU HAVE RIGHTS! A 'SET 0F STANDARDS' 0F EXPECTATIONS TO RECEIVE when travelling via air transportation is being promoted - A CONSUMIER BILL 0F RIGHTS - so you, the traveller will know the level of service you can expect to be provided. At the moment the airlines can cancel, delay, alter, or whatever, any flights they choose. They can delay refunds, do not have to provide overseli information, fare options, lost baggage delivery timing - ail are areas customers have to accept what they are told. A National organization, THE ASSOCIATION 0F CANADIAN TRAVEL AGENTS (ACTA) is lobbying to have this approved in parliament in their clients' interest. It follows a similar action taking place in the US. This as a restilt of so many delays, fare changes, and the lack of communication when changes occur, causing havoc in some cases, and much fistration in many. ul www.passengerrights.com A WEBSITE TO RECORD AIR TRAVELLER COMPLAINTS EXISTS for passengers to tell their talceof 'woe' during a teent flight. Passengers put on wrong fiights; passengers sitting in airports for hours because their connecting fiight was cancelled - even when it's a problemn with nature, i.e. an ice storin - there are many problems which develop (certainly for the carrier first, but their handling process often leaves somiething to bu desired as many who have been in that situation will attest to) and for uninformned travellers it can bu chaos. THE SITE IS - www.passengerrights.com - give it a look. We know somne travel agents who will gladly assist their clients to register their complaints via this route too! DID vOU KNOW DEPT: THE FIRST COUNTRY TO SEE THE NEW MILLENIUM IS FIJU: If you are there on December 31 this year you will bu able to 'straddle the date line' into the next century! TRAVEL TEPOF THE WEEK Does anything sound as nice as a 'SPA GETAWAY'? There are many companies offering this type of travel now, or you don't even have to leave the province to give one a tiy GO FOR IT - YOU ONLY LIVE LIFE ONCE! 878-2886 16 Martin St. (downtown) AISo in Hiaton Huis, Oakyfie and Clarkoen www.brucehood.com c0%>ý p SWIM BOTQ A T IlE9 'kÀ KLAP T SECREl IN TOWN i4g4tso(caèW4 4ye & aâioe/ i Et 30vuraaly vuay &V u;ô; V COUNTRY INN Presents Comedy Club 54 Beà Guyoltt Productions Featuring Ben Guyatt & Dan Pordani As Seen on TV Chonnel il 1F0R MORE INFORMATION >L'OI AND URESERVATIONS CALL-1176-0.)Ui 771UB 2 Iu Z- Years are chasm 0from DETERMINATION on page 25 18 and everything that was important in ife bappened to me in the Prairies," she said. 1I met my husband there, had kids there, bought my first bouse there and started painting there." Today, Ms Schreyer is comfortably ensconced in wildlife artist Robert Bateman's old home in Lowville. "It was a ready-made studio, the whole bit," she said. "I'm right at the escarpment, looking right at Rattlesnake Point." Though Ms Scbreyer has painted in oils and acrylics, water- colours are ber mainstay. -Watercolours don't have to be pastel and wisby-washy," she said. "They're very undeoestimated." TMe unpredictability of watercolours is what keeps bier interest- ed, said Ms Scbreyer. "It's more challenging than other mediums I have tried," she said. "It can surprise you every day. Sometimes you think 'how did I do dma?"' The most realistic of the five artists in the Mississauga show, bier work features bold spiashes of colour as well as light and shadow ta bighlight everyday facets of life. Being both Prairie-bred and frankly female, Ms Schreyer was happy to take part in the Mississauga show. -We want to celebrate the ides of womanhood," she said. "We are persons. We are here." *SERVICEINW 4cÀElJTff E IEpresVuW~ F R EE EsiiMATrE S Psat"gt' REPAI1 R-SI M ISirC> 1'onpon Ad. TO AIL 1cQc Ç«ck*L&MR. MAýKES -«-ý M 876-1175 Sunday, May 3Oth, 1999 ROAD 11:45 AM - 1:30 PM 18 LUNE tram Derry Road ta Britannia Road --s =-101 L-11=- rw% À0x-Vý -8 :;r *-«=» '2W ýý 1 rem WM MIL