Celebrating détermination of women By IRENE GENTLE jThe Champion Just seventy years after women were Iegally declared 'persons' in Canada, an upcoming art exhibition wili help illustrate exactly how far the ladies have corne. Two local artists wilI be taking part in an Art Gallery of Mississauga show that celebrates the decade-long struggle of five Prairie women 10 have femnales legally considered persona in Canada. The show runs from Jane 17 10 July 25. Nellie McClung, Emily Murphy, Louise McKinney, Henrietta Muir Edwards and Irene Parlby won their historical caae in 1929. Today, home-grown artiats Bey Didur and Brigitte Schreyer will be joined by Mississauga area artista Patience Monrisey, Joyce Morris and Janice Mason Steeves in the upcoming exhibit. AIl five are female artists with long, strong mots in lte Prairies. The show is the brainchild of the Manitoba boni and raised prinîmaker Ms Didur. Almoat since moving 10 Ontario, Ms Didur has been trying without succeas to bring a Prairie show 10 this province. "Manitoba wouldn't send their things here," saîd Ma Didur, who now makies Hornby her home. "It was one problem afleèr another." After le arning that the stars of the famous case were being commemorated with a statue in Calgary, Ms Didur decid- ed 10 shift the focus of ber show slightly. "People don't realize that if a woman waa bon in Canada and is more tItan 70 years old, they were not boni as persona," she said. Women and women's work has been a focus of Ms Didur's since ber mother passed away in 1988. Photo albums and a diary inherited then ba's been an inspiration in Ms Didur' s efforts. "Al the work I exhibit seriously is about women's work," she said. Event so, there is no obvious theme in the Five Women Froni The Prairies show, which features lhoee printmakers and two painIers, said Ms Didur. "Really what we decided 10 do is not work towards a Iheme. We're just going 10 do our work," she said. "As far as I'm concernied, everything women do is women's work."1 Watettolour artist Brigitte Schreyer waa boni in Germany and carnies around a German accent that bas stubbomnly resisted te years sIte bas spent in Manitoba and Ontario. Despite Ibis, mach of who sIte is as a person and an artist is courlesy of ber time i te Prairies, said Ma Schreyer. 1,j went there (10 Manitoba) when I was -e CHASM on page 26 S GEORGETOWN CINEMAS e235 GUE;LH STREET 871-199 * THE MUMMY É Delly 6:456- 9:15 pi.. Set & Sun. 2:00 p.m. Fnl ghumrng Sceme, w'oleice 0ENTRAPMENT F0] Set à Sun. 2:99 p.. SNEVER BEEN ] KISSED Delly 7:0- .00 P.5L. Se 0 :s ta o .0 pin ___________ p dIan Champlan, Friday, My 141 999-1 - ABVEKrISEMENT - ARTS/STARS By Pat Adams The people you will read about ln this column are your nelgh- bars. You meet themn shopping ln Loblaws, The Canadian Tire store and ln the lune Up for Sam's Cheese at the market. 1 hope ta Introduce you f0 their creative side by turning the spoilight an just a few of Miltn's stars of the arts. TA"E TWOII! Sandy Bennett and Helder DaSilva, bath members of the .Milton ployers. have just flnlshed fllming a full-length feature film tltled *Dylng Culture.» The film Is science fiction lr) the film noir style. Helder plays the leod raie af a detective turned private investigaor and Sandy has a castorrlng raie as a waman af mystery. The film was wrltten and directed by Jarrad Ferris from Ookville. Currently in the edltlng stage, the film will be an entrant in Robert Randford's Sundance Film Festival scheduled for jonu- ary 20-30, 2000. The film has been entered in three cate- gorles including best foreign film. The Sundance Festival offers new filmmakers an opportunity ta be seen by potentiol distributors. New York investors who have seen the film are quite enthusios- lic about its potential and nego- tiations are underway for future financing of Ferris's other scripts. Sandy is currently appearing wlth the Players as Bobb in The Last of the Red Hot Loyers. Helder last appeored with the Players in On Golden Pond. THE SOUND 0F MUSIC In an effort ta provide a relaxed otmosphere for his customers. Brian Trevaîl, the Manager of Loblaws has been featuring local area musîclans on Saturdays and Sundays. The sweet sounds of the Milton Choristers and area jazz musiclans playing soif jazz con be heard throughout the store. in the next few weeks fea- tured artlsts will include: Michael Brown, May 15, Danny Brooks, May 16, Vivian Clement. May 22, Michael Brown, May 23, and Andrew Burton, May 29. Brion Trevoil and Loblows olso provides a spoce for the Fine Arts Society of Milton on Tuesdays for their Point In. A Bouquet of roses ta brion and Loblows for their generous sup- port of the Arts. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Watercoiour artiat Brigitte Schreyer prepares for her part ln the upcomIng Five Women From The Prairies exhibition at the Art Gallery of Misslsauga. The show celebrates the 7Oth anniver- mary of women belng Iegally declared 'persona' ln Canada. PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE PROPOSED RECONSTRUCTION 0F DERRY ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD No. 7) AT BRONTE STREET(FIRST LINE TOWN 0F MILTON PR-1594A Mmt Regionai Murnicipality of Hakon is proposing 10 reconstruct Denry Rond fromn approximatly 300 ma eut and west af lte Broute Slreet/irs Urne Intersection sand Pirst Urne/Bronle Street fromn appraximately 130 ru souda of Denry Rond ta approxinatly 60 m rnorth of Derry Road. Reconstruction is requimed ta improve intersection capacity. rond drainage, roadway safety. structura condition af lte pavement and tu upgrade die e'ingn taafic contail sigrna Mmsen. A Publie Informa-ion Centre wll b. beld: DATE: Trsday, May 20,1999 TME:5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.n.. LOCION:Milton Alliance Churcb 2850 Derry Road, Milton l'be Public information Centre wiii bc an informai meeting ta provide inleresteli membera af lte public. especially titose owners and tenants whosie propesties front onta Derry Rond or FinIt Une/Branle Street. wilt an opportunily ta discuss ie project witit Regional representatives. Subject ta conmients received, te design witi be finalized and the project wii proceed ta construction tentativelly sciteduied for 1999. If you are unable tu attend te Public Information Centre and wish ta provide commenta or receive furlier information about Ibis praject, please contact: Mr. T. Finelli, Design Supervisor Regional Msnlcipality ofRHalton 1151 Dronte Road Oakvlle ON L6M 3L1 Tel: (905) 825-6030, Ext. 7615 e-mail: flnelllt@reglon.laaltom.on.ca w w ~hakuca DATE: TIME: LOCATION: wwwýregionjwtonm.ým