- - '~'r~ ~ i 10-77liO C1101101111OMIston %tlay. My 14. 1«W Harris and Hampton clash over health care, taxes When ftilly aenplemented, thse cits woul leave Ontaio with the lowest income tai rate ini Canada. "We bave alrady saved a typical, liard- working Ontario family $1,385 compared to 1995," hae said. "Ou r furdier 20 per cent income tai cut will mean another $625 in * One-on-One Service and Support eGuaranteed Resuits * Focusing on a Lifestyle Change DateUne Drwry - MWy l4th, 1999 by Jessica Welletead and Katie Murzin Hello and aralcomae ta aid aur raadarsl Wa hava a lot of axciting Drury nears to report this areets so, arihout further ado ... Many congratulations ara in ordar this week as ra calarata tht numarous accomplistrarants and talants of aur students hart et Drury. Piratai et, e big round of eppisusa la in ordar for the Drury studants Mho con- patad in th Tacirnical Sils OlyMpica duin tht lest wask af Aprit. flha oMwng studants achitvad gold- aradal standings wlnila competing et tht Hilleon lavai: WiII Casaraî for Deslctop Publishing, Sera Doutra for Graphie Dasign, Jeuf Bloamknl and Creug Radcliffe lor Internat and Jerrod Bfinch and Noah Hidks for Talavisiot Production. Congratulations to att participants and their hard-arorking teachers - you'va made Drury proudl Anothar Drury studant lo ba congratutataed la this year's vatedictorian Tom Gilaran. AlthOgh Tom noar hes tlhe huga rasponsbitity of rapresenting tha graduating deass, watt confidant that ha MUt do an excellant job! Doing ai exellet job is wMat got Aprt's Studant of the Mourth, Jana Mutlgea. her recoginition. Jean is ai enthusiastic: and clreeruu studait Mo apandes har tomn as tht mainager of the echool store and as a maruber cf thre yaboc staO. Jenn us aIea an activ peur helper aid u Oue irrtiator of Ira bainar-that E.C. Drury tu- dents aid mtal signed aid sent ltir du deuUs ai Colunin ilgIr Schoot. Carugratuations Jean, and kuep iia# great wofid Onr aflnrua, congratui id uab thui#"-Wu are due toilie atudestof bbUrat*eelana's Grade 11 .dttitilanui Mho ie t issien lzluug 1n4da w#aU« ta help promoteii tItis, yerlcho production of tire W uuueme-oend 1>raculayt. Ovw arii We 2 vmseles&ur students valla "i Itiartcupate ln adhr- Me& sucli i 1ire-uatta binci Fsmt, 4hu EyOWe Aastiý **u Somse C*isa5 wnd e Fa0,r Morete blobatar. PaUSe peatormnoce ai t" plW IIa Ireld oui tr avanunga of tilsy le, Ir and 2t& et -11»p.re. Iry soi cS«jauy ud-1tWeiYujCO5 l& t M. Iapt ae ~ ~ ~ uhnç mîdr.h*ays' LtrOI5e1uaAtr mwSCa ww ïe'ftend4sU wffia aree sljsre~'Rue eM. iva em luat am iurçe lb arat4hlitarary hmnti aulalsaet rtr * from *MM on page I However, Mr. Hanris said bis tai roll- backs help eveyone. To keep Ontauio on track, he said lie would reduce the provin- cial incorne tax rate by a fwlther 5 per cent on JuIy 1 - the first instalîment of an additional 20 per cent cut. fiefr pockets." Mi. Harris said he's aloedy begun to eut rte provincial portion of residential prop- erty taxes by 20 per cent. And together, the two tai cuts would give $4.5 billion back to Ontarians and would create 825,000 new jobs. 'DJalton McGuinty andI the Liberals did everything they could to fight tax cuts. They voted against every single one," Mr. Harris said. "Dalton McGuinty is wrong when ha says we can't afford tai cuts. The reality is we cannot afford not to cut taxes. Tai cuts keep us competitive. They are Ontario's recession protection." Refemrng to demonstrators who have attended sùme of his recent carnpaign avents, încluding about 20 outside Halton Hilîs Place Wednesday evening, the Premier said hae works on behalf of "peo- ple wlho, by and large, don't attend protes and for people who don't get cov- ered on the nightly news. "If Ontario's leadership caves in to demonstrators and special interests, if you let them drown you out, if you let them drive décisions, the people who'll really pay the price are the people who quietly go about their lives - the people who work a full day, pay their taxes, respect our laws and pull their weight in our coin- munities." The party leaders' visita to Milton wera among several of theïr stops across south- ern Ontario on the campaign trail Wednesdy. orau "A" uuw MNJUDEYMI SU SCU JacwUft mua Grade "X" NOet ai DHS *y Jacqusie Basa and Mdaris Cheskey Vet again t is the end of another evenifu wesk hart at M.D.H.S. Furet af ail we would tike ta say congratula- tions ta the Chetritadere regaring their resufts et the Provincials on the wekend. On Seturday the Cheerleaders had as outstanding performance and ranloed second et the end af the day. Hawever, tht competitian was stiff and on Sunday their final ranking was savenlh out aI farty teaars. The team made a good effort and thty representtd aur schaal with lots af spirit. Speaking af chaarleading, hare would you fike ta ioin this sport in tht upcoming schaol year? If yau would, tryauts wilt ha hald within the at ftw weeks sa bt sure you are in shapt. Samt af this years tear will be gaing around ta tht feader schools ta recruit new nembers. They wvitt especially be look- ing for strong bastes, as the team thie yaar was Iargelly campaeed of emnaller girls. Thtrt will be a once a wtek practice in tht sunner lor tht ntw teaar. As lot prectices during tht schaol year, thay wil ha htd afier achoal as appostd ta insanely early moming practices. Once again tht Cheerleaders are collecting A&P rectipte and these will be goinig towerds next ytars teare. Have yau he an a school sports ttam thie yar? If sa, yau'rt invited ta tire Aîhletic Baiqett. This event MIl be held on Jatne 9 and le a erfu and da until 11:00 par. Awards vÀutalso be gliven out, so dont arise Ët. Tickets am $12 for thuediaar and damc Win if yeti lut wieh Iealtuud tht dance you cen do Otoc 0 for aaly $6. Sales af tckets wil sat Mati wesk. potinta the announceartats far furiber dama. As eM uesy blave setiSac, Prafacts.N sai r tickete Ws watS. Tt pize farthis ralfe* sjarply enmugl tirst gizt e a Wente t bike, second puise ie a pisonal CO'plWtr and Itrr orre le a hut jug af cady! If a* Prtlact bits sot yel aproeched ybwoae nadir auMedy with yaur lqouieto lapê)mat a ticket Thra draw will ta i lred en Tûtsdiy t*y 18L with tirSw d aI New approecrig,Nul mmau *Ma ene as gtttingosr Tt yati ne saun etra stsudvme?,Mit sùlog an Wednasday 4Yr 19 vomi twish wll» gwted. Scheel stelf wlll be preparng tecl 'Wednesday-m 4Wra 8Ir9 - âmie là fer.tla.ow utarie Secondeuy Sdeobl prograr. Coneeqeeent, sludans wtl hiean *s* dismvsataWopro $Webl 1I3X, &eta M ruS aO;ock upstudnes et tIhe areqeddisarlesel ~t~t lir schaoc. Tt&,*&t very much for mugead hava a arenetta waalcendi r Awareness 'To g«M sake" iot age andI can therefore Is brogh to you courtesy of Organ Retrieval andI ~ - MO0R-'i niav.ç an Photo by GAFM PAINE NDP leader Howard Hamptonl spoke out againat privati- zallon of home cmr dwling hie visit ta Mlon Wednesday. Local MWP candidatle Jay Jackaonr (lait) looka on. -n