pý I I" fft.ý1Z2 a ... zNRW.Mzbý l4ekend emSTO PuBU'f Mlton's Independont Pharmacy - Fr.. D.ti iy * 10% Senonse Obsemit A W n~ !r~h~ 48 Lwsr Am'y 7OM f. E. m 878-1881 A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 140 No. 18 Friday, May 14, 1999 40 Pages 750 (GST included) Seàame town, but different visions as two of leaders campaign locally By KAREN SMITH The Champion After NDP leader Howard Hampton stood outside Milton District Hospital Wednesday aftemoon cati- ing for more attention to health care, Premier Mike Harris came to town promising furtber tax cuts and a continued strong economy. As the June 3 provincial election race heated up, Mr. Hampton attacked the Conservative govemnment's decision to award more than $1billion in home care contracts to the private sector. He said the move coeates a situation in whicb the bottom Une is profit rather tha patient care, and agencies wnt be able to keep up with the demands of early release patients froin hospitals. Mike Harris '~last year in Halton Region, demand for home care increased by 35 per cent due to early release from - bospitals and our aging population," said Mr. Hampton, who was greetcd by a sinali cmowd of supporters. "Patients are sent home to hospitals sicker and quicker." Later in thc day, Premier Harris empbasized that a balanced plan - including tax cuts - and Uic strength of purpose to sec it through will guarantee Uiat Ontario's economy stays growing and 'Blueprint' ineludes icorne tax culs During an early evening Conservative rally at Halton His Place, Uic Premier said his 'Blueprint' charts a new course of lower taxes for Ontario - on top of Uic 69 tax cuts introduced in Uic Harris teain's first Uiree budgets - including a 30 per cent cut in personal income tax rates. He said tax cuts to date have helpcd fuel consumner spending and have made Ontario a more attractive place to invest, resulting Photo by GRAHAM PAINE ini Uic creation of close to 540,000 jobs since 1995. But Mr. Hampton said Uic provincial govemment has slashed R u g g e tak d o w n$1.97 billion froro health care to give a tai cut to Uic wealthiest six per cent of people, and added Uiat Uic NDP is coinmitted to stopping "Ainerican-style, for-profit home care." A Milton Mustang grapplsd wlth an E.C. Drury bail carrier In boys rugby action Wednesday at Milton District se HARRIS on pags 10 HIgh Sohool. Ths vlstingr Spartans won 36-3. "-Boy seriously hurt in bike accident Effitorlul Page6 A 12-year-old Milton boy suffered seni- The boy was walking westhound shortiy District High School, where hie remains in Batele 18 oui injunies wben lie was bit by a car wbile before 5:30 p.m. when a southbound 1983 intensive care. .lg Sports 27 -31 walking bis bike across Ontario Street Buick stnick hum, south of Parkway Drive. No charges had been laid a press time. * h.autiy8 WN do dea ( 2-3 Saturday. He was rushed by ambulance to Milton The investigation continues. Work Wortd .Zloers ir 00 - iml lhrs dow Ii W JI. a i M Miet ou MWu ooml hie tuOya Wu wawd Mk ta thaik oew asalran & "a*d foraahhgoeffh&W 10 vev suah àunai Wakjbd foewd toaeeh ym ou Wa UNalIan foeiuiy ym Ionan lbma,.bsr - "W. neam your bud and w.'U coma. right to yoear doer to get it1" 45 OntSkl St. N oust _ào W nOm) 8 84 3