How wîII development affesct our environment t ram PARKWAY on page 6 The construction of the parkway facilitates the Milton Urban Expansion Phase 1, with an estimat- ed 50,000 added to our community. How will the increaaed population and traffic affect air quality, water quality, and our quality of life? Take a good look around you this spring. Breathe in our fresh air. Listen carefully this spring to the songbirds retuming and the breeding amphibians. Taste our delicious Milton water, fromt cean underground apringa. The water is dlean and tasty because we have not developed on our aquifer yet. Enjoy the fresh fruits and vegeta- bles gmown on local farms at our farmers market. We have had it pretty good here and I ant very thankful to have lived in this town duning the pre- development years. Now, look to Mississauga. Look at the develop- ment ail around us. La this what we want our chul- dren to have? In my opinion, we have had enough development in the Golden Horseahoe. Somneone needs to say 'stop'. At my meeting with the James Snow Parkway EAS Team, I was requeated to withdraw my request to bump up the study. I was told that even if the study were bumped up, development would proceed as planned. I would like Halton Region to reaasess this pro- posaI and I would like to hear wbat others think of this report. The report was placeri in the Milton Public Library on April 6. Please write to The Champion and your elected representatives. Diane McCurdy Milton E0 Vta ~t~ ¶ I Letters welcomed The Canadian Champion welcomes letters to the editor. We reserve thte right to edit, revise, and reject letters. Lefters must be signed and the address and the telephone number of the writer included. Mail lefters to: The Canadian Champion Box 2,48, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9 or leave themn at our office, 191 Main St. E. il 5É'iîR D&idre Friend Fou4ndaction To Promote adc 5treriqtheni: 13onc Marrow Rebearch Communlity & Ethnic Awarctne55 Family & F'ticrt 5upport For more informat.on or to contribut. items, please CalU 875-1296 Draw*i p.t Than~YO~444~'o~oafw !eing merchanis! Mn Il Ail ai L :i 55 O A I ST S. (95 878390 ITIF CANADIAN CHANIMON- *O UR READERS WRITE Halton R-eoional -'tc and Miltoni Mail Police Week Thurs-Fri-Sa Ray 0 3-0I5th polie vehdilen display 4Meet and Greet Officers from: Halton Regional O.P.P. R.C.M.P Canada Customs & representatives from police-related organizations. and on Saturday May a 5 corne to the "old" Loblaws for a Giant Community rarage Sale ai pireceeds te