0(Ç> 'p\#711 Llp Ç - . 1o.o ý' - ' , , - r. Ç Thse Canadian Champion, Tuesay, May il1, 199-29 Located in Mississauga, OSRAM SYLVANIA is a world leader in the lighting industry. A part of the Siemens family of companies, SYLVANIA products can be seen in millions of homes and businesses, and our future is looking very bright indeed. S l s Re r s n a ie(£ (LSl-Il/O111ICil - Responsible for the sales growth of Industrial Commercial (I/C) and specialty products in a defined territory, you will oversee existing and prospective target accounits, provide timely sales forecasts by acceunt and product Une and successfully achieve sales and profitability objectives. Analyzing the market to determine future business opportunities, establishing a reliable contact network within the industry, gaining knowledge of our competitors' activities and working with the Regio'nal Sales Manager to coordinate industry trade shows will also be smong your responsibilities. Vour Bachelor's degree in Business or Marketing is complemented hy at least 3 years ideally 4-10) of dedicated field experience with proven performance in lighting, electrical or another highly technical industry. The ability f0 handle a multi-million dollar territory in an extremely competitive market is yoar key to success in this role. Vour outstanding track record in sales demonstraîtes a natural ability tu meet and esceed targets in terms of volume and margin, and fou are highly skilled in the areas of management, organization, planning, analysis, communication and negotiation. Adept with computer applications (MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint), yoa are an excellent*presenter who is capable of hsndling routine work independently and efficiently. BPOS99-01-6221 Please sahmit your résumé, by May 211", 1999, to: Yoav Kaplun, Recruiter, OSRAM SYLVANIA LTD., Fax: <90S) 671-5594 -E-mail: yoav.kaplun@sylvania.com OSRAM aY VAÀ Mlin SI * ~ - CAREER PERSON WANTED Kf you'rn vibrant wed graomed and Ilke dealing wfts lots of people In s busy, rspidly expsnding and innovative office in 1he heallh cae MMel, snd yau'rn klong for s caeer - not just a job, Ihen we "iud love to hsve you on aur leani. 25 hrsMJk. Mature person, name your salary. Phane Monday and Wednuemdy only il1:30 s.m.-1:30 p.m. 878-7158. &«M.ycE This Could Be Vour Answer. Thec peron we are oeeklag daea flot need speciflc qualifications bus rather be able ta demaaastrate a stable hlstaoy with a personal or businesa background tIsat iadîcatea penslatence and determonatian. TiIs is a foui!Urne position. Worklag tram our Dsrligton office thse Indlvldual's tale la ta totaUly manage and service a base of long establlshed clients by phone. Safetystre la an award winnlng world leader la thse growth airea of Wrkplace Health and Satety wlth oppomtuates for Individuels ta aclseauccess sander thse umbrefla of e safe, secure and maccessful International Company Rernuneratlon consIsts of a base salaxy and commission, wltIs potentIel earsslags between 40K ta 60K per annuon. If you are lnterested lnae career change, please cal Ed Aasman at SafetyCare ta dlncuss this apportuinlty la mare detail. Telephone: (905) 631-6070 PREGNANT? Decisions la make? Cali us wWe'r here la listen. 875-1245. Milestorues The perfect way to 8tlfouflce your Special Occasion. Phone 875-330 today and talk to ouiI helpiful clsslfo staff. Cariadian Therapeutc College Introduces! e 3-year program le Specialize your training in this exciting health care f ield le Begins September '99 For a free information brochure cali (905) 632-3200 Canadian Thsrapeutlc College 1 - 760 Brant St. Buringlon, O 7 B PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKER PROGRAM At Community Care Training Centres - Burlington Campus COMPLETE YOUR TRAINING IN 7 MONTHS " Hospilaels e Long Terni Cure Faciles " Melcal service Agenle Classes Stari May 31/U9 Placement Assistance - Financial Assistance may be available for those who qualify. ................ Make it RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE To lease or purchase your car or truck Hwy 25 S. et Dem" Rd. 878-2393 SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WHTI FAMILY VALUES WE - 09V - SELI - LEASE LARGEST SELECTION OF IISED VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 1991 Eegle Vista, 2 door halchback. 4 cyl. auomellc. Stere, cas- setle, sunroof. 65,300 *uuum sov 905-878-7556 profesalonel offic, non- AUTO INSuRANCE. smokinig. Available Beuf rates for most ddi- JunelJuly Ilat Suitable vers including hi her for prafesalanal couple. nuIas. Caou Warre, M.0 $11 00 inclusive. 876- 853-4284, 905-270- 1079, leave meIsegf. 1555. ACTON, large 2 bed- rooni apariment, w/basemenl, patio, Perkdng, $850 plus ufili- tea. als large aon bed- roons eparonent, $550 BECOME your own pu(51) 8535080 o Boss, part timeAufI lUm.(1)835a Own yaur own Mobile LARGE 3 bedroom. Sign Franchise. Full Country, close la town. training, flnsnclng. 1- Wll be frehlydecoref- 800-854e0415. edeand reedyfor June -151h. occupency. $975.per mo. lac. heal & appllances. Lots of MORTGAGES, Low perkdng, laundry facli- rates. Na feus ta quaI- fie. No pets, refernc- lie borrowrs. Self em. es required. (05)85- plfoyed? We Cein helpI ZM lb. Personal Mortgege Graup. Richard, 05- IMILISIDEI 336-9966. IT WERS -821 - IMILI.SIDE DR, I MILTONI1 COMMUTING Profes- sional msle seolts smsll Bechelor accommoda- lion In Milton/Acton arna, thrmu4t th. week immedietely. Ken, 519- 378-1194, collec. FAMILY seelng 3 bled- mari hous, Milton, for July 1. No pets. Cethy, days, 0"558-6017, evenings 905-878- 9734. 4 BEDROOM, Milton. 1 1/2 bath, family room, bradlootned, fenced. Available July 1si. Ref- erences. 854-1023, 854-2357. NOW LEASING 1 &2 Bedrooms aVailable on bus route, freshly decorated, 2 appliances, on- site laundry, includes ail utili- dies (except phone & cable.) Free parking, no pets. References required. 905476-1249 By appointment only MODERN fwo bedrooso country spartreent cerf- trally locatedi. Phone 1- 519-853-1669. SUBLET - Downtown Milton. Large 1 bed- room, new appliancea, cerpeled, Aveilable im- 1 BEDROOM basemenl Meaaly 878-1240 spartmenl. Large, bnighl ai,87-29 &new. Sutle for sin- glle persan. Ftrstlasl. References 875-486. ýFax us sfter s p.m. M i l ours 2 BEDROOM basemenfi 1 BEDROOM in 3bOd- $300-$5, arswan- CaS ~ fieerAiel nsois $40Fmandh + uilîies, ed. 005-457-5713.So Issfb i Ml ind t,5v flrst & lest requlrnd. car 05-457-to= hydro, ceble, laundry. Avuileble tmn'.edletey recycler. o 7 87-34 $7ooâmnanlh Aveu. juIy 605946 51.-let. 005-878-702. ______ ROOM for rent. $350/month, trolt & last, non-smoker. Available now. References a must. 905-693-8430, af- terl7p.m. SMALL PRIVATE OF- FICE beauifully ap- poinled, Hall. 25 & 401. 1-905-277-9347 or 905- eu spaasos .5 oearoom, 3 befhiraom fowrnhause. New cebinets, cerpe, plumbing fixtures, etc. Btonte Rosd becking onta escerpment. $120,000.- 5% down =$800.monthly mort- gage psymenl. Na agens please. 905- 25-3973. 0M AGN " New In fown? " *U umvrldIn 3 andha or mea? " Having à baby? " Eafabilahlng a ,wbualnea? PLEAS CALL US. Ceeîm.ny Welceis Unda ...854-1563 Marilyn ..75-0519 BrIdaI Shirley..878-7046 Tracy L ...876-4330 I.slnhssprefeule.I Pal ...876-4040 Celebrating a Birthday Wedding Mnniversary? Did you have A Baby A Graduation? Are you Iooldng for a new job? wanting ta hire? Do you have Something To Buy? To Seil? To Trade? Are you looking For a New Home? an apartment? a townhouse? Want to Soul Appliances? Fumiture? Treasures? Did you lose your pet? or maybe you found a pet? Need a new car? truck? boat? tradler? Phone tha Classifleds 875-3300 adaadaa REMINDER Tell your graduate how proud you are of them! Our special. graduafion section wil11 run Friday, June 25, 1999 $50.00 + GaSaTe Deadline is June 23 at 4:00 p. m. Name:________ Address: Phone:______ Message: Price: $50.00) + C.S.T. www.sylvanla.comn No piment catie or affafici.s. Ouase. Ontly candidates selecteil for an interview will le ctatactet OSRAM SYLOANIA SUa eqoal apportunity emoyetsr. Phe note tilan ast applants muet rarretin le kgati eliffle for etreloinnent in Canada. t' 14