28-The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, May 11, 1999 arIns call(46)22g32 e Driverabourer with DZ license wtiling to asasist constructon cmew wtien flot driving. Owii transportation required.. In interested please oeil: 905-829-5509 or fax resume to 905-829-2795 GROWING BOX PLANT IN MISSISSAUGA REQUIRES THE FOLLOWING: J Exporlenced Corrugated Press Oerators - (Floxo) Ci Gneal Lab.ourer 40 hrsf wk. Steady afternoons, Mon. to Thurs. Q(\LPBrick 2082 Queansway Dr. Burlîngton, On DZ Dump Truck Driver *fulitimo DZ Boom Truck Driver sParl-time Only those experienced and able to work with littie supervision need apply. Cal! Dave or Jerry 0 634-7707 to arrange an interview requires an EXPERIINCED PARTS OUNTERPERSON EDA System Knowiedge an asset Plesse Contact JUDE BARROS - PARTS MANAGE PHONE <905) 878-8808 FAX <905) 878-553 perience and Gas FZitter Il. Experienced appren- tics wrll aiso be consid- mmed. Plesse subreit re- suma ta M.A.R.C.H. Mechanicel, 785 Main ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE REQUIRED For Forever Young Canada's leading publication for 50+ consumera The idemi candidate for this progressive position la an enthusisti, gost-orfented self-starter with an establlshed trsck record In advertising sales. Responsibilities include the developmeni of National multi-markei accounts in Automotive, Packsged Gooda, Pharmaceutica and Financlal categories. This diversified position also includes a rotait temtory wIthin the GTA. The candidate for ibis position wvili be baaed tram the Oakviiie office and wiii be required to report 10 the office daiiy. Compensation includes base saiary, corn- petitive commission package and automo- bile aiiowance. To sppiy for this exciting opportunity, please contact Csthryn Oliver ai (905) 337-5554 or fax resume 10, (go5) 337- 5571 (Osievilie office). Deadllne b appiy for this position le May 19, 1999 An exciting assistant manager position la required at a busy growing rotait store In Milton. The candidate muai be energetc, weii organized and have strong seiiing akilis. Prevlos retait and merchandising expert- ence wouid be an asset. Weely hours must be flexible 10 include somne evening and weekend shilt. PMesse submit resume and salary expec- tions in confidence to: Box 2316 c/o The Canadien Champion 191 Main St. E. Milton, ON L9T 4N9 CreErt iani Atsistn *mr' Fuecine th Buingon aion n 99 plcsms hav aCtongputrlzedn backroundsevelecp es ow n Waelh o nscllExp eered Serons ar In resum ta:70)7283 232 In airview S, M 1h tSahipper/ ver er xpnnepo prfre. n er vice A suiteane euired.e "aar commeurtee Wath expsenc.Pesa Fradresume to BtyPcico 7-22 Umensealwer, - otxeeairl nne re FAIRVIEW ___ NISSAN M 11 Offeru mn exceptlonal opportunity for an AUTOMOTIVE SALES PROFESSIONAL We provide unlimiited poiential for talenied teamn players. Please cali Brian or Phil at 681-2162 FIt olyako1 simple cail Iand yourl DUE ta our continued Iad will bel growth we requirea res- r ai al idantail commercial Phone HVAC Service Mechan- 875-3300 ce, HVAC Installer and Sheet ea ehn. Minimum 3 vears ex- Mississaîg mitaI slamping anl spning mfg. co. oequires an Experiencod Maintenance Mechanic Good wages & benelils Fax resumne to: 905-568-1929 Trimac Transportation Services, Canada's largest transporter of bulk commodities, Is looklng to fill the following position at lis Oakville terminal: JOURNEYMAN WELDER TANK EXPERIENCE AN ASSET We offer excellent career opportunities wlth a competitive salary and costiprehensive benefits package. If you are interested in joining our team, please forward your credentiais, in confidence, to: John Corrigan Trimac Transportation Services 2284 Wyecroft Road Oakvilie, Ontario L6L 5N2 Fax: (905) 827-1608. Auto Technician Uc. e.Required for busy import dealership. me Min. 3 years experience with imports. e* Excellent pay and benef its. Apply t0: Service Manager GAKVILLE MMA 1291 Speers Rd., Oakville S827-4242 GERRIE ELECTRIC SWHOLESALE LIMITED Gerrie Electric, Ontaio's largest independent electrical distributor bas an opening for a motivated itidividual to join our growing team. CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER Yau wii be responsible for establishing a service group in aur Burlington locatson that witt pravide the following functions: n Inside sales forsa number of wholesale branches and our automation group. nI Coordination of the technical support group and inside sales group to provide high degree of service ta customers. n Oversee Burlington counter sales. You wili develap the concepts, pracedures and the team for a central order desk at Gerrie Electric. Exceptional customer service skills, previaus leadership experience and knawledge of the electrical distribution industry will ensure success in this rote. Interested applicants please forward yaur resume in confidence ta: Human Resources, 107 Manitou Dr., Kitchener, ON N2C lU4 Fax: (519) 893-4462, E-mail: jobs@genrie.com 1 THE CORPORATION F THE X..- TIOW OF OAKVIIL Pfimarl, owill be ponsble foraD asetseof aourSxd"opi- soliciting andl oegnizing corporlte M mnsa for t Btig Mdt Pogam, you will co-orlinal ail omniiTUlcatiris iiateiais pre- parin, mcommeradng ad implernenting annual nmkding and dmielpment plans and budgts, anid sing i helction of aruits andl dewlcçamenl o aprie-pffin sraleis ywu içu n nluse p erienc e itcratiiadprnt communications, wodding weti outide cenitractoS, prnier andl designers, andl sponon p, vwm dae lopme aM isuxlasîng in a not-for-poflt enviOiiilft You combine a diplomna in Marketin, Income Managemt Public Relations or Rwmrc Develcjsmenl wihma e of relaW oIleree, and! the abillty to "opl andl public-relations skils ame key, as are prme nmkeingitalents in tte-rlaed aru An Equal Opportunity EmploMat me offer a comprehensive benefis pacageY rmte o e-dyourrm y y21,1999, tv: Humas Rcsetan:e Degserfnest, lIc Corporation of fhlb T of fOaitll, 1225 Tlpfagr Romd, PO. Box 310, *"kle,0Ontrio, LQ~ 5A6. Personal inhmaton ford M plicatien li cleteunder the au rty of dm Mnadpal e R.S.O. 1990, c302 (as amended). We d" alal applicants for Mr inimrst;h,h ord thspplicants selecta for an ileroaew wl lie contata. ln g D'sagbere'It's alyosrsl company experiencing rapid growth, requirlng additionsl staff. Positons Availabie: 11.Presa Operator Succesful candidates wii have: " Minimum 2 years experience on amati offset presses " Ability ta produce high quafity, single and multiple colour work. " Experience wlth A.B. Dick, Toko or Hamada an assait. 2. Pro-Prose Person Successful candidates wAIl have: " Minimum 1 year expenience in stripping, plate-making " Experienca with pre-prasa setup of process work. " Abilhty 10 meet deadlines white maintain- ing quality work. Candidates for both positons will be high- ly-motivated, reliable, hard-woring, sali- starters, who will be meticulous in a buay environment, and able tai work indepen- dently. If you are lcoking for a long terra position with daily challenges, fax your resume ith slary expectations to (905) 876- 1863. We are a fuît-maintenance lasse company specislizing in ciasa 7 and 8 units. Due 10 continued growth, wa require. - Licenseai Class "A"p Heavy Truck Mechanios Trailer & Mobile Mechanicu e Parts Personnel Fuli-Time, Part-Time, Weekends Baden-Ayr (401 & 97) Milton à Windsor e London If you are interested in joining a growing company that provides top wagea, bone- fils and penaion. CALL DAVE THOMAS (905) 693-0505 FAX: (905) 693-9157,