Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 May 1999, p. 27

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rflIe ~ Classified MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM i/estonem i u! Il ità II Ses Today's Champion for our new «Mdetones secion. Tb announoe your special evsnt, calI 71w Champion l Classifis Department at 875-3300. * o:i-ations- 1 to an 'and Susan Haslem (nec InIge) L25TH, WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Love CRAGO, Gordon Affan - At Joseph Brant Hospital on Sundey, May Mt, 1999, following e lengthy Ilfness, Gordon Cragg cf Mount Homo, fcnneriy Rockwocd, belovedi husbend cf Stalle Cragg. Lovlng father of Don and fils wife Debble cf Kilbrlde and Kevin and hie reife Marcie of Freelton. Alec loved by grandchildren Stephanle, Jonathan, Nicholas, Christopher and Daniel. Dear brother of Eddie, Harold, Gladys Bcwler, Joyce Kowalsky, Bob, Melvin and Winston Cragg. Predeceaed by brothers David and Clifford Cragg. Funerel Service wdil 11e held on Tuesday (today> May llth. ai 1sm. et St. Georges Anglican Church, Lowville. Interment ta fol10w in Halton His Memorial Gardens, Burlington. Arrangements through di1e J. Scott Early Funeral Home, 21 James St., Milton. McCLEAN, BattIs Jea - Aler a courageous etruggle with cancer et her home in Milton on May Bth, 1999, Betie in her 66th year. Wite cf Stan cf Brampton. Lcving mother cf Sharon Mc- Clean of Brampton, Ron McClean cf Vancouver, and Bill McClean of Calgary. Fondly remem- bered by lier granddaughter Ua Jagmohan of Brampton and lier grandeons Shawn Berry of Vancouver, and Ryan and Jason Mcdlean cf Ha- miflon; and her great granddaughters Alexis and RWyah. Sadly missed by lier brothera Fred dur- rie cf Georgetowen and Don Currie cf Mssaissu- ga and sistere Bemice Hergott of Actcn and Au- drie Neauft cf Milon. Predeceaeed by scn David Mcdlean, sister Barbara Ann Titus and lier moth- eta Ethel Currie both of Miton. Floee say Lt bout 487 Lamnier Ave., 878-288 190 Ontario St, Mîlton 878"522 Monuments Markers e Bronze Maikere Cemetery Letterlng BIRTMDAY LV HAPPYIR7THDAY I "ISHYBE4R" 1ALICL4 LAY l2th, 1999 Lots of Love Mom, Dad, Mary Anne SGreg & Gram_, z-'~ ROYOE, Lydîa Sheldon - In lovtng memory afia deer mother, grandmather, great-grandinother and Ffed wholeft usal year ega May 11, 1998. Although we amile and make no fua Na ana misses her more than us Anid when aid rimes we ait recail Thats wfien we miss hier moaf cf ail Alwaye remembered and loeri by Ed and your amrrly RE TEE Masge Thrapoat now accepting appcintments: $20. intradctary 1/2! tir massage; $27. for1/2 hour, $45/hauir. es cdling alec avail- abl1e. For more information cal CcneMacltiyre RMT. (905) 878-5844. AUCTION SALE THURS. MAY 13 AT 5 P.M. At Hume's Auction Farm, 9313 4th line, 3 miles northeast of Milton. To in- cluded appliances, furniture, coins, and gematones. Sherwood & Gordon Hume, Auctionetra 905-8788 854-0941. Raward. il pc ueen Anne, 011e rrywo od Diningmoom se.Brand new, jariipc:eac $11.ý000, srfc $4500. 905-587-4042. 8 CHROME chairs, vi- nyl, 2 tables. 4' In dia- mater. Arborita. $l25Jboth. 878-4421. UED, black wrought iran cenap Ouaan cithopa- die mettress/f rame. Haver opaned, coat $1,200. Sacrifice $490. (905) 567-4042 GOLF belle for sala. $6/dozan. Cetl Andy, 878-5844. KING BED. X-thlcc Orthopadic Pillowtap, 9Wl& frame, aritin plas- tic, coat $1,500 sali $625. (905) 587-4042. POOLS SALE, 168I. X 24 fl. c.d. ratangular aboya giound Kayak Pools. lncluding decke, fanding, lier, 2 laddars, Sand filter, pump & mo- ltr etc. $5.,995. 1-800- 668-7564. RECLINER. $75. Pieas oeil 878-7556. WALL Unit w/puilout ber, bcokcae. Rowing machina. Beet offer. 878-9161. I #-« s« -e SAT. . MAY 15 T 7:06.M (C m oer of Whelh) Duinin m et, lsstp, 6 chadrir, freze, ward, Iawn tectres ihupentd m, etc.O Statio Wa on0tI es, 132f 0 m. GARAGE VN SALE SAT. MAY 15TI3lA 12 A - PM 726e of 73hSE DRIVE GARAGE SALE SATURY MAY 15H-A-4P SURA MAY 1 5 PM-3P NS HPPANGE AR GARAGTE SLEI SAT. MAY 15TH. S8AM -1 PM 326 IA A3 YE VE WEHVEOMETHIN FOR EVERONE?? WE ILSE HAICOART - .M - 1PM SHOWGE SALE Mapoti Shoppn Cverne MITOeNM DISTIC Sun. MuyOLS Gra elecion Af GAntE Lique SandY 5H Country draft Store I 905-854-9927. Craft Sale CEDAR HEDGES instelied. Starting et $6-$8 per ISeasoni running 1t. Coal Indludas trees & pi anti g.th . doz. 3-4- $45., 5-6'- $68., 7' - $78., 8' 13 8 + and veriaus other lendscaplng. Steve 19553 875-30 10ciRbr1-905-691-2154. Pies a el coile. GIANT GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAYV15 4251 HENDERSON ROAD <Cpmer Hwy. 25 là Henderson) New brasa & copper items, cielts, knick knscks, ceramics, ahh aie phanta etc. PRCEESTOC CRITY GARAGE SALE SUNDAY MAY 16TH. A i-4 PM 7368 APPLEBY LINE BETWEEN DERRY & 14TH SIDEROAD UNIVERSAL WEIGHT SET, FURNITURE HOUSEHOLO ITEMS, ODOS & ENDSI NEIGHBOURHOOD GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 15TH. 8 AM -NOON KINGSLEIGH COURT GARAGE SALE SAT. MAY 15TH 8 AM -NOON 855 ANDERSON AVE. GARAGE SALE SATURDAY & SUNDAY MAY 15 &MAY 16 8 A.M. - 5 R.M. 6499 TRAFALGAR RD. (Front Housea- batwaan Darry à Brijtannila) WEATNER PERMITIMG Somathlng for Everyone PER Ld7îALE 9 A.M. - NOON or whîle they last 8649 APPLEBY UNE (APPLEBY & 401) Seedinga & Divisionse- ecme annuels & bienniais Great Priceal MOVING SALE MAY 14,15 &16THI WE WLL BE HERE ALL DAY 316 WHEEUHAN WAY, CAMPBELLVILLE. Lota of Fumishinga, Mauntain & Recing Bikes, Clcthlng, Book. Tons cf Stufflf CEDAR Trees for badg- es, 2 I. to 7 fI. aiso pot- lad cadets, epruce & pina. 1 Il. ta 2 I. rockary atone, f lag atone end lance posta. Smrait land- scaping lobs. 853-5694 ai*r A n m BROOKSTONE FAIRMS affaring quaiity care, reiaxed fedility, quiet hadulng. Lassons availabla. Indoor & Out- door erenes. Cail 875- 0592. WuÉMu±e fr for Port Credil steel disl. Doties inci: slip- ping/ receiving, order fliing machine opera- lion, torkil, castomer service. Heavy lifting. 'G« lic. Esc. Eng., math aptitude, melai slop exp. essets. $10.05/lr Appiy: 848 Lakeshore Rd. E., Mississauga, (2 blocks E. of Cawtlra); Ion: (905) 891-3990; e-mail: hiring@access metai.cors. SUMMER IS COMING! Enaby hling nîhers? Wouid you like 10 work in your Owa commani- ly? We're lookin for motivaled people to canvasa on behlf of registereri charilies. You provide a neat appearence, cheerfl altitude & we'ii provide ful training, loudy rate, bonases & lriendiy group 10 work with! Rob 908-454-7420 Maifexble FIPT Ipositions 10 flii INo exp. neccessary I ITraining pravdedl AUTO LEAN Lube-It requirea Lube Techni- cians & Autamotive De- tailera for fast paced ahop. 1 Manegement position.avelieble. Hand in reommes et 925 Main St. E., Milaon. BUSY Restaurent re- quires Short Order Coo1k. 2 pm - 9 pm Fu? or part Uime. $9.00 par bour. Apply in person The Ice Hausa, 19 Main St., dempblviie. JANITOR required sp- prcslmataiy 2 1/2 hours par dey. Golfing privileg- es. Piese aoi Dannis et Homby Gien Golf Course, 878-3421. raquiras COUNTER HELP Ai Shifts. Paid training. Uniforme suppliad. Apply In prson to: 8501 Hwy. 25 North, Milton PESONT1 Doge, Cats, Birds and Exotio Animais neseddfor TVoomemiais, serieas1ne I catalogues and brochures. Send eicture with name and phono number with infoon pet 10: P.O. Box 58541, 197 Sheppard Ave. E. Tor., M2N 3A8 h 1

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