FThe Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 11,19 -2 WE PREDICT A LONG SCORCHING SUMMER BUT OUR HOT DEALS WILL KEEP YOU COOL AIL SEASON LONG! LET GUS MOWBRAY LTD., COOL YOU OFF WITH A LUXAIRE'AIR CONDITIONER L UXAIRE® PERFORMANCE PLUSTM AIR CONDITIONING Stay Comfortable, Save Money. H1110À i O7iioiix This compact, energy-efficient unit wiIl keep your home comfortable on the hottest days of the year, effectively Iowering humidity tevels while it maintains the desired temperature. lt's an air conditioning system you can count on to cool your home, at a surprisingly 10w operating cost. ENJOY THE QUIET 0F A LUXAIRE PERFORMANCE PLUS SYSTEM WITH LOW SOUND RATINGS. GAS FURNACE SAL ES & SERVICE, AIR CONDITIONERS, HUMIDIFIERS, ELECTRONIC AIR CLEANERS, POOL HEATER SERVICE & GAS LINE INSTALLATIONS. CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE ESTrIMATE! GUS MOWBAY LTD. 751 MAIN STREET EAST MILTON, ONT.