Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 May 1999, p. 20

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fl"Tha flannelian (lhamninn « If you have any questions inewe professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 Dr. Tong Wmn'e Tooth TaIk Towne Dental Group TnH.Wn Milton, Mail - 55 Ontario St. B.Sc., D.D.S. (905) 876-1188 Keep Your Teeth For A Lifetime Dental Care For Seniors it's a common mythis as se get older we will loue sarie trets and eventualiy eil up witis dentures. Tise reality is tisat witis proper rare and maintenance, your tertis cas last us long us you do. Tisrre't nothing natural about Iosing terts. Torils are last bocause of dental diseuses tisat attack ose teetis and gumo oser tirae. Cura dis- rase is reponsibîr for more tisan 70 percent of tist ioss. Otiser commarin causes of tootis loss in aduits are root cavities, moot canai infections and wara out filiings. Unlike ther casities of aur youUs, many of tbrse later-life problemo cani drselop witisaut showing any outwaed sigas iike pain or sweiling. In Use very early stages, guru disease can cause soreness, biording and puffinesa wisere your gumo meet youe torth. As Use diseuse pro- gresses, the infection attncks and destrays tise bonte tisat supports yaur tootis. Guru disease will aiso cause yaur guras ta recede and expose tooUs mots te avssies 'and makes tortis sensitive ta bras and col. Thsis condition affects about 8 oui of 10 people by age 40. Olten it isappens ta gradualiy tisat we don't notice tise changes hacause we gel use ta tbrra. Altisaugis gum diseuse is tbr mat corarou aduit dental coraitt tisere are a nurabr of otiser conditions tisat can develop witis age nosed~~~ thCaie hyare t trat Viyln as Hy euardoodl checkups~ ~ ~ aeeemoei porant w gal loer.Wngs roe ShWQMo REIENTL& OMRIA Korpng p wUs renape n deaaingd ca c e ba ardoiae in tise maeketpîace isappen an fast we can't keep up. Sa don't! Drenente ta suit your own peruonal nerds snd deoires. Wsîlcoveringa can acisieve Usis. As Usey are no diverse in cisoice Usere will always be someUsing ta suit. Country, tradition- aI, textured, contempoesry & wild peints abound. Try mixing andl matcising. Be original - put it on tise ceiling, rua borderu vertically, use 2 top & bottara - use it cee- atively. Dresa up your poueder ron ta Use max. As a decarator 1 saine- timen auggeut putting s wsllpsprr on Use ceiiing, beinging it down about s foot ta Use iseigist of Use door, Usen mun a border st Uhs point andl a coordinate down. Tisis msken Use roora appear tal and elegant. Cisoosing dark ries coloura looks great. Aid narie accessaries, touent, s peint or tuea and WOW! Your guesta will ba in Use Ioc, ail nigisi! Kitche look great wiUs ueallpsper toci. Being Use ciseerient main in tise bouse. wisere eseryone morts, use beigisi wisiten, yelloues, anil bluen and greenu. liail can go eiUsrr ueay - it dependu. Be careful of anripes on s staircase s tisey gise iseigist, but an open florsl or a dsmank can aId Use finisising tours ta, Usai boeing ueall. Lstly, if you hase s problera watt try an anaglypta. No, it'sn ot s linesr but s texturel papr ueith sarying efforts Usai in applird mil thbm painteil. It cames frotta EnglaI ad bas bren arounil for ages. Corne ia Coinfi ad ue wili show Dr. RK.N. Strohâan OPTOMETRIST 106 Wakefield Rd. Wakefield Professionsi Centr, Milton, Ontario Dr. Ron Strohan 878-5882 OPTOMETRIST Houri: Mon 9., Iben 9.7:30, We., Thuri, Fr. 9.5 Are Sunglases Just Sunglases? Wbrn we fsnd ourarives sensitive ta Use outside sunlight, ne tends ta squini, and we raay reacis for a paie of "sunglasses." It ta not tise darknesa or tise coinur of tise suagiassea which wlli make ynu fuel more comnfortahie. Tise reasans for nue sensitivity ta tise light are not oniy tise beight- neis, but also: I. Uncorrected vision is a major source of our discomfort. Assytbing that is not seen cleaeiy is actualiy a source of glarie. Sa weaeing proper prescription ryrsear wiii resolve 50% of your srnsitivity ta the soni. 2. Ultraviolet radiation is another reason we tend ta bo sensitive. UV cm bons your corura, and lease yau vrry photophobic (light sen- sitive). Yau raust be sure any ryreer bas UV filtering capabilities. And if it dors, dors it fliter ail of the UV spectrura, or just a portion. Bewnre of sunglasses wbich clinr to flter UV; in actual fact any piece of plastic or glass wili filtr UV ta sarie ratent, but not enaugs ta protect yeur valuable ryrs compirtely. Coloued iruses claiming to bo bloc blockrrs raay not prateci your ryrs corapletrly. 3. Reflective glare-beight sheen sehen near water, or on tise rand white driving is the raout significant source of aur discomfort in the bright son. There is anly one optirai tens whsch will pratrct yau frora Use source of glare. It is Use poianized iens. frn oh GL RE G J.d LUVNC a. Sc., as Corcigyrvso h. FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIROPODIST 350 Main St E., Milton, Ontario, L9T i PS (905) 8784479 1 A Princse Anne Dr., IL Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4W4 Grog J. L.aroene e (905) 702-1611 B. Sc., 0. Ch. Mob fthe Ontario Soelofy of Chlropodiat and TMOntario Collage of Chlropodlsa Q: 1 have teaderneus on tise back of iny iseel. Il feels very uncomfortahle againat the baek of my shoes. What could It be? Hnw ia il uaualiy treated? A:This couil bc anc of nsany different peobieras. Tise two raout cormaonly sera prabiema would ba: i. Acisillea tendonitis - On Use back of youe leg tisere ia a long and very atrong tendon whicis inscrta an tai ther top portion of your bort. Sorartimea thit tendon can ba utretcised and irritait- ed ta tise point whrre every otep borts. Thsis can be cauneil frora oserune injuries, poor footwear, anc leg being ahanter tisan tise otiser, mondle weakneau ors astructurai problera within Use foot. Treatruenta for Ubs couid inciode utretrist, beel lifta, ostisotica, pbyniotbrrapy or even an injection. 2. Caicaneal exautouin This in a bony burap founil an tise back of lise beri, more ta tise outside of Use foot. Tis spot onu- ally iu palpable andl can become quite reil and irettateil. Tisa bump becomea tender frora constant rubbing of tise beel, in fantwear. Tise cause of tis problera it a structural problera wiUsin Use foot or improper footwear. Thu can be treateil with padding, ortisotics, change in footwear, or pisiotiserpy. Any of tise abose raenîionedl conditions shoulil be assesard before coramencing any fora of treatiment. Tne clîsnic offers extesnded hours. No referral is snecessarij. House cails are also available. TU9 Donoy 86 Main St, Multon PIIYSIOTHERAPISTS 876-1515 Q: pru not going fora goid medai, but tiUwaBttO ti ts>aceve esy peruonai best in sommer sports. Can you offer sonne tips? A. Sssnmer is a terrifie lime to enjoy outsloor sports and fitisess activities. Doing well in your cisoice of sport and having fuis are important, how- ever, equally important is preventing an injury. Firstly, examine the sports you like most. What type of exencise do they provide? Does tise sport help build body strenglis or muscle endurance, improve flexibility, promote co-ordination and balance, or provides a cardiovascular work out for your heaet and longs. The activities yos choose should provide an optimum, aIl around body workost. Tbink about ail of thse componentu of fitness - aerobic fit- ness, flexibility and strengsh and participate in a vaeiety of activities tisat togesher wili offer benefits in ail or most of te sras of fituesa. If you are shinking about cardio vascular exorcise or muscle endurance try swimlning, walking, roller-blading or cycling. Combine this witb an exercise for flexibility, balance, co-ordination or relaxation like tennis, badminton or yoga. Remember Usai oId saying "no pain .. . no gain" in junt that, an old say- ing, a myth. Today, make yosr motte "train... .don't strain". Try to stay in shape througa Use winter tu ensure Usai your body is at a fituens level that will allow you to play sports wiUsout injury aIl sommer. Commit to doing a waem up and cool down each time yos exercise or play a sport. Remembr Usat if you are new 10 a sport, yos sbould progrets youeself gradually in terras of Use time, intrnsity, and fe- qoency Usat you participase te redsce yosr chances of injory. Think about wheUser your sport bas any repetitive movements, bend- ing, twisting or oUser motion Usai can conteibote to muscle airains or ligament aprains. A physioUserapîsi can offr information to reduce potential problems by assessing Use biomechanirs of your sport. That manis, how yose body is moving wben yoo hit with youe racket or swing yooe club. Lastly, remembr Usai Use most important aspect of ouldoor sport is Use fun you'll have while siaying fit! Sec yoe dormer ne regisseed physio>serapiss for Use treasmesi of an injaey or guidance for injury peevention. B.A., B.S.W., M.S.W., 0.S.W., DIP. SOC. ADM. Counnolling & Pnycholhorapy Individuels, Couples, Chîldeen & Famillen 11084, 5th Lino, Milton, Ontario Elame M. Tanner (905) 854-0801 Q:My 5 year nId wli h. nlarling school inn the fail. He la a drlicuit child that people cail "wlld". I try to contrai hies but t usuafy find tisat 1 have to give in becauae ha screama, icks and swears an ranch. Any suggestions? A: WhnYeu gve initsyour cbild' sret ig kicking and swearmng, aitended o conference on irnubiesome cisildeen. ise main focus was uit Use cafer yuu get a cbiid's behavinur under contrai, Use beutr tise nuicume for ibis cisild'n future, fice oUser important point made was usas dse oniy way lu get tise cisildus behavinur under couirai, is tu gel tise aduits in Use cbiid's life ai te ars in a consistentl assd con- trolied mrese. 'Ibis means parents, babysitters and scisuni searisers. Everysse must give lise child tise saine message - tisai negative iseisavinur brings about siegative connequences and positive behav- mour bringi positive consequrares and tisat Use aduits in bis life ure able lu conirol and keep sale, not uniy bies, but tiseaselves an weli. If the aduitu behave in a cisanlir way and screain and fight. iî is uareasunabie to expers the cbiid su du différenit. isey esspisasiaed shai famiiy lberapy wat lie most effective wsy lu brissg about tise necessary chsanges. TIhis is trise even if tise cbild bus oUser prubteins compounding tise situation sacis as Attentin Defiril llyperactivity Dinorder (ADHD) or Learning Disabilities (LD> sod even le tlsey are un mediralin for tieue cunditioes. Wben ie respoase il consitent, tise changes wMU isappen. A child whio baU guod behaviose wili fit in seitis otis and will tUs deveiup gond self esteem. Foribermore, if ha dues mai Iras lu fit in seiUs otbers as Usis age, icete isa gond likeiinesu that ha wiii develop Opposisinnai Deflant Disueder sebicsca lead lu Conduci Disurder and eventualiy to Use cilid becomini a juveaile offender, in trouble wiUs Use mue. i am eefemrng lu 'ha' in tifis rase berause it is more often boys Usas fuilose ths roate. Is famiiy Userapy, yuu wiii leara bow to effertiveiy use Use techsniques Usai seul haip yuur cbiid guse up tu ha a isappy and productive eeber of snriety and esake your bonse life murs more sasisfying for yess ail. Eiayse Taier in a Certified Social Wurker is privait prarsice us surth Milton. If yu have Jaoler qautiiins ur if yu seuid like tu arrsage as a90oisiese piase calf (905) M5-Mi0. gnda ulav 11. 1999 I

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