I~I The Canadien Champion, Frlday, May 7, 1999 - 9 Sehool closure decisions on hold for now: public board By DENNIS SMITH Special ta The Champion The dreaded scisool closure lista have been put on ice for as least a few montis by tise Halton District Scisool Board. The bsoard bas put its scisool closure policy for elernentary scisools on bold until Jtsne, 2000. And it bas put ita secondary achool accommodation management commit- tee on hiatus until next September. Oskville Trustee Deishie Marklew urged shelving ciosure and accommo- dation revïews to stop "the pain and anguisis" of communities affected. "My main concemt is that according to tise policy, staff would have to bring back a (closure) liat of elementary scisools by tisis lune," aise noted. "We've just completed a look at this policy and I don't lisink it will tum out any differentiy." 'Me board recently voted against a proposai to close three eiementary scisools - Chsamplain and Fairfield in Burlington and Oakwood in Oakville. The board was considening closing achools at botis elementary and sec- ondary levels to obtain provincial funding for new scisools. Ms Marklew isas srgued since tise board isn't willing to close scisools, furtiser staff and trustee time sisouldn't be wasted on formaI accommodation reviews. Milton Trustee Erica Andrew agreed. "It's juat expensive and ineffi- cient and a waste of time and money at this point." But Burlington Trustee Michael Ellis said it would be uaeftsl ta review- îng secondary scisool accommodation. "I think it' s a completely différent issue." Mr. Ellis has argued secondary scisools are more flexible in tiseir usage and studenta nreding busing are older tbtan elementa-y pupils. Oakville trustee Lysin Roberts made a motion to put tise board's secondary accommodation management commit- tee on hiatus until September. She said the board needs firsi to examine the upcorning C.N. Watson consultants' report, plus staff and strategic vision reporta. "Unitil we have these tbings done, we haven't givesi tise committee much direction," said Ms Roberts. "«We have serious issues to look at." Superintendent AI Greyson saîd a preview of tise consultant's planning report and projections hss just arrived and is being exsminied by staff. Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Milton the Church on the Hill 878-2411 Bev. Dr. Mark McDennott SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 a.m. - Holy Communion 9:10 a.m. - Informai Eucharist 10:30 a.m. - Sung Eucharist Nurseryj Progras, Church School & Coffee Hour ~!W5EELCHAIR ACCESS T55O1JC1 PARKING LO)T DORS §t NIT CHuS' 123 MAIN ST.,' MILTON, ONT. Mînletere: Rev. B"b Hyde Rev. John Uetham Dimotor of Music Judy Hunter SUNDAY MAY 9,1999 10:30 a.rn. INTERGENERATIONAL WORSHIP CONFIRMATION AND COMMUNION Nuarsery Cari Available Farilities are fulily wbeelcbair accessi ble visit aur Webelle: http://ww.globaserve.net/-afpaulsmitanl Pmyera for Peace in Kosovo daify in thse Sanctuary 1:00 - 1:30 p.m. HOLY ROSARY PARISH httpilwww.golds.neti-wts/haniitonlp-holyrossa-m.html 878-6535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) HOLY ROSARY CHU'RCH 139 Martin Street Mass at 5:30 prn Saturday 9:00 amn, 10:30 arn & noan Sunday OUR LADY 0F VICTORY MISSION Milton Heighs Mass at 10:30 arn. Sunday ST. PETER'S CIIURCH 9th Line & Britannia flMass at 9:00 arn. Sunday Rev. Eari Taibot, P.P. SBANAl If you desire with ail your heait frlendship wlth every race on earth, your thougisi spIritual and positive, wIli spread;it wiil become thse desire of others. growlng stronger and stronger, until Il reaches thse mind. of ail men." - from thie Boholi writings *LOCAL:......................................... 878-0011 REGIONAL: ........................... 1-800-433-3284 GLOBAL:............................... www.baisai.org MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-2022 10:00 a.rn. - The Lords Supper 11:45 a.rn. - Sunday Sohool 6:30 p.rn. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.rn. Prayer and Bible Study Being justifaed freely by hîs grace through trhe redemption that is ina Christ Jesus. Romans 3.24 4 Mont,Where Would We Be Without Yos? Tise young preaciser was shocked to isear tise well- known evangeliat utter tise true confession: "I have spent stme of tise happirat moments ai my lufe in tise amus of another man's wife. Same may be alarmrd, but it is truc!" Then, fallowing a dramatie pause, tise evangeliat added. "By tise way. that womsn was my motiser!"I The audience roarrd witb laugister. "I've got ta use that" tise young pastar tbaugbt. A frw weeks later, as be was speaking toa civic group. tise phrase leapt ino bis mind and be exciainard; "I bave spent anmte ai tise bappiest days of my life in tie ana of assatier man's wiie." Then, alter anatiser long pause, tise yausss man muttereti meekly, "But for tise Mfilton Alliance Church 2850 DEIR!Y 111. <lsesee tise arsi ad Haijli) Sunday Sehuol for ail ages 9:45 a.na. Worshtp Service: 11:00 ams (witis child rare provided) TId week'o sermon titI.: -ONE FOR ALL &r AIL FOR ONEI" *-Please juin us tItis Sunday as we continue aur "50 Day Spiritual Adventure" entitled "Promises Worth Keeping: Resalvung tu live wlsat we aay we believe." Outr services wuil include dymamir worsmip tlsemes, humarausç draias and lively sioging. We look forwand ta seeing you cm-For more info leAçe rail our office at 878-5664. Y:.45 a». SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR EVERY AGE 10:4 5 a. m. 00t MOM, AFUNNY THING HAPPENED AT LUNCH TODAYI Nursery Cars (0-2) I ~ Chidrena Chusefs (3-11) Fre gpf for svry Mon in aflendasce - am. service Socilet ol Srvic Ioe in CHlldren'f ar M MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT SEMINAR lifeo aime I can't remember who she wss." Mom, wbere would we be without you! There is absolutely no doubt that mothers have a It waa tise papular Christian author, Chuck Swindoli, powerful influence on our lives. A ch.1d's character is wbo wrote: "Whatever else may be said about the initially formed in thse tender arma of a loving matser. homne, it is thse bottom line of lie, tise anvil upon which <'71w fuéture destin> of the clsild tsailwiys thse work of attitudes and convictions are hammered out. It is thse thse nasalise' . N«ko place where life's bis corne due. the single mast "'Alf Liai 1 ia n millir madise me. 1' influential force in our eardisy exiatence." . J jusn Q.tuwy Adamn Mom, yau maIre a différence! We value your contra- "Ail liai I hav'e ever icconapltshed iana mytj'e, 1 owe bution to our livra and to our society! You are special! tsi nsY m"le." L Mam, may tise blessings of God be yours, flot juat on Dwlght LMoody Mather's Day, but every day. Joan ut i s local bouse "My mollir wax the surace from wlstcl 1 dens'ed diu oi worahip, as we psy tribute to your efforts this gotding prnc4'les of -y, ife."I Sunday. Please see tise directory for a schedule of - John Wesley service limes. sýý Thse Salvation Army Churois Mliton 100 Nîplesino Road, Unit 3 Paetore: Captaine Dan and Wendy Broome SIJNDAY SCHOOL - 9:30 AM MORNINO WORSHIP - 11:-00 AM WeekIy Programmlng for ait agee For more Information pieuse Cl 876-2420 The Ladies Felawehip Group presents "An Aliegory ln WooI" with Shepherdesa Dorathy Wight. Tuesday May 4, 1999, 7:30 prn. Deàsert and Cafte. ta follow. MILTON ~'* Corne share in a Christ centered, bible believing, friendly fellowship ait the Hugh Foster Hall Brown and Mary Streets. SATURDAYS Bible Sohool - 9:30 arn Divine Service - 11:00 arn 905-846-0729 VIOTORV UIeUa OHUNON Has churcis juat been a waste of time for you ina tise past? Has cburch ever answered tise reai issues and questions of life sucis as jobs, marriage, famnilies or finance? VBC is a churcs where you can flot only know how ta get ta beaven, but wbere you can also know bow ta handle tise issues of life here on eartis. Check out Pastor Charles Boyce Wednesday eveninga on Cableworks 14 in bis "Wisdom for the Week" segment *on tise cable tv show "Plugged Ina!" (5:30, 6:30, 7:30) 10:00 A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP MILTON LEISURE CENTRE (BOARD ROOM) (separair services for childres 9 years asd under) "Living A Victoriosss Life By The Word 0f God" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Email: chayce@imsserhop.net Saturdy5-St May, 7 -8:30 pm Hugh Foster Hall 53 Brown St. UNLOCK THE MESSAGE 0F THE BIBLE... Tips And Tools For Reading the Bible Effectively. CALL TODAY TO ENSURE SEÀTING! 1 (888) 811-m8820 Considening issues of communication, ~" conflîi, persnahty & finance! r e Se1a i \i, 0i _O E(oe nih oa in Mitn