g! 26--The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, May 4, 1999 MILLSIDE TOWERS 82 MILLSIDE DR., MILTON NO W LEASING 1 & 2 Bedrooms avacibe on bus route, ireshy decsraied, 2sççkliaces, os-site kiorrdry, Mrcids I ues (escomi phos & ado.) Free pdàqr no pots. tetermco red. 9M5476-129 %AL2 eraam top ttoor flat with pnivate en- trance. SmaI pnivate gardien and own parking space. Avaitabte June lat. $700imonth. Ref- erences, tirstAlast and lase requtred. 878- 0882. SPACIOUS 2 bedroom sapmnt in new hause in Country Att new ap- pitances. Ciose ta 401. Reterences. No pets. Avaitabte Juty 1 st. Îe00month. 856Ï-9259. COMPLETELY renovat- ed spadious 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom ownhouse. New cabinets, carpet, plumbing tîstures, etc. Bronte Road backing onto - e.scarpment. $131,000.- 5% down =$800.monthly mortgage payment. No agents piesse. 905-257-3973. OPEN HOUSE 318* LAURIER AVIE. UNIT #11 SAT. MAY 8, 1999 1-4 PM e ke th bs Take hold of your future by aftending the Sports Injury Management program ai Canadian Therapeuftc College Dessi dte Sit Yeu ) The 3 year Sports Illny Ma.agle.set Program is iaitsred te soit students tooking te speciaine or direct their training towards 1his excîtmng and growing heatth cars field Be in Dmnd A Graduaies wili te moiti-dtsciplined, ta demnand and reaýdy Io work: a st Etite Attetes * with Sports Toams ins Rehabilitatian Centres a in Prisat Practices int Fitness Institutes e ta Chiropractic Clisics Cal oda for ifo: (905) 632-3200 SMAL PRVATEOF-760 Brant St. BudrtIn. .6532.3200 SMALLPRIVTE OEmait: ctcmassaga5netflceoton.c FICE beauttfutty ap 1 NWebsae sua .netccess.on.cal-ctmassage painted, Hwy. 25 & 401 1-905-277-9347 or 905 No Betn plctosfrfl 99 275-6834.PA E2 L immOk1;11p efib, / /~i mol@ M.A.R.C.H. -Water Fumnaco Systema - Gaa Propane and Hoat Pampa - Air. Gronnd Electi Fumnace & Water Soures - Htstr EOicisncy Air Fitlers -Central & Romr Air & Hummd5em 785 Main Street East 876-1138 (Service) 875-2700 (Sales) DELREX ALUMINUM LIMITED .Alumtnum Awntngs .Canoples .Eavestrougha -Storm Doora .Rooting -Windows *Sldtng -Fascia .SoMI ln Livng Colours *Also a full uine of replacement Windows R77-5383 concept CabIf'Ine Kitchori & Varntty Cut'tnote Architectural Caiine j50 l R 5tore Fixture * Wb 0 Cuetom Miwork 785 Main St. East Uit 93 878-9177 PLANT & GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 8 8:30A.M. - 12:30 R.M. MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL Donations may be dropped off et The Hospital Swltchboard miter May 5 GARAGE SALE SUNDAY, MAY 9 8 A.M. - NOON 248 KINGSLEY COURT Something tar Everyane GARAGE SALEIMOVING SALE SAT1JRDAY, MAY 8 6 A.M. -1 P.M. 691 SYER DRIVE Waterbod tramelQueen size mattress -7 moritha aid, Narditracte 2 entertainiment centres & lts malt MUL11-FAMILY COMPLEX GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 8 STARTS 8 A.M. 30 HESLOP ROAD Lots of groat stutt and Canadian lire money MUL71-FAMILY GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 8 8 A.M. -1 P.M. 122 MAIN ST. N., CAMPBELLV1LLE Houseoid items, îewetlery, ctottsng, books Something tor Everyone MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 8 8 A.M. - 1 R.M. 371 BELL STREET Washer/d ar, smatt appliances, outdoor tumi- ture, toysi ltt morel GARAGE SALE SAT. MAY 8TH. S AM -NOON 317 ELMWOOD CRES. SOMETHING FOR EVERYONEII rGARAGE SALE ýSATURDAY, MAY 8 8 A.M. - NOON 110 HESLOP ROAD Toys, books, houseoki Rems, etc. LARGE MOVINGIGARAGE SALE MAYV8 & 9 -SAT. & SUN. 8 A.M. - NOON 4901 & 4981 APPLEBY LUNE (SOUTHI 0F BRITANNIA) Includes many books RANDALL CRESCENT NEIGHBOURHOOD GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 8 8 A.M. - NOON TWO FAMILY GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 8 668 & 670 HARRISON RD. 8 A.M. - 1 R.M. Tools, fumiture, toys, eioctric snowbiowor & much more GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 8 8 A.M. 412 HIGHSIDE DRIVE Kitctenwaro, fumishinga, small kitchen appli- ances, china & lots morel! GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 8 8 A.M. - il A.M. 818 CABOT TRAIL Lots of cldrens çtothes, toys and more GARAGE SALE SATIJRDAY, MAY 8 8 A.M. - 12 NOON ST. PETERS SCHOOL 700 WOODWARDJ Cali Margaret 876-1942 ta reserve Parking Spot $10 or Inside Table $5. Ai makos and modea PIN TERRY ROWLY Ce...CU PAVINQLGr) *BE5IENflA In.sus: toma257-PAVE (7283) Wnasrnt flL INOUSTRIAL FAX: tOIOtl1 i.E~ E. Unt# 7 - 9 9 * CONCII'ETE A INTERLOCK PAGEA. (418) 37041 ducts il nofs , <s, * * s> <s <s <s<s<s