-TeCanadian Champion, Tuesday, May 4, 1999 Q(uestion lingers of favouring local bidders By IRENE GENTLE The Champion What is better for Milton - saving taxpayers bv "I'm oiaei*i ~money on Town purchases or shopping locally? Tha wa te qestonCouncillor Rsck Malboeuf Policy e're folovAngposed last week with regard to Milton's particip-a ndR< age t1at Proiit here by goig outsid. tion in the Halton Cooperative Purchasing Group ayn rmbdig for small-purcbam iss (HCPG) dosT1d h realy th bes thig.11"I'm wondering if the policy we're following here by going taxpayers any good at .........................outside for small purchases is really the best thing," he asked at N M ODOcouncil. ............... Thbe HCPG was formed in 1974. Today it bas 1l core memnbers, including the towns of Oakville and Halton His and the City of Burlington. Members are expected to encourage open bidding for the pur-~ chase or rentai of goods and services. According to a HCPG report, the gmoup sayed $222,900 on 38 contracts adding up to $10.2 millhon in 1998. Milton alone saved $15,000 on the $955,000 it spent on 26 of 'ereport was issued to council for information only. No deci- sions were to, be made on the matter at the meeting. Split bîddmg DM15 cImIO - Mr. Maiboeuf wondered if small, low volume bids would be * hdfua .L" Duk.y better off staymng local while big ticket items remained under the Psm ~ o'd0 wing of the HCPG. ondusbap Lay-" 'We're talcing away business fromt local businesses. I wonder if OMM ~ it's in the best interest of the town to, do so, he said. "If we're Imm mrià6m3talking below a certain dollar value, maybe exceptions should be made toseewhatwecan do to soplocaly." Mr. Maîboeuf firit raised the issue at a community services commite meeting. - It ams again at a recent administration and finance meeting, wbich Mr. Malboeuf was unable to attend. At tha meeting, Councilior Ron Funik had waved the fiag for - local businesses but was told that Milton might have a legal prob- le if it hop o opt inand out oftheHCPGat wil. Adecision should bu matie one way or another, bu told council. 'bs it the best thing for raiepayers if we stay in the cooperative? if it is, then we shoulti stay in it" said Mr. Furik "We have to make a decision te opt out of this coopérative or not." If Milton remains in the group, efforts should bu made to ensure that local busineses are infonned of thse bids, he said. "I just hope and pray we get the mesiage out to ail thse local Wars orus It isn't the mile of council to restrict anyone fmmi bidding on a tender, sasd Councilior John Challinor "You really can't have a policy in this day and age that pro- - 5 ' 0 ' 2 52 5 ' - hibits anyone fmmibidding.Thbat doesn't do tetaxpayers any - ~Mr. Challinor advised that counicil continue to support the ~1 O ~199 ~ 49 19~ 329~ 3f - II think we're doig the right thing by the taxipayer in continu- sir* ~~ing the prcess tlat we have today," he said. 'think we lfir- il89 il =j 49 tacels3l9 jA1 9 j' B9 ly seriotis risks if we stait deciding if this council will or won't Set 129 Set $349 Set $419 Set 1499 Set $509 Set$599 buy locally." DOURE 9 Sa 39 DOUM-249 S. I Se4A8Q MBLE ffSa.58 DOU .BU .37ýStaffC areBEfMollowingSacouncil'slw direction' direc enn itn comesnesetpur- - OIIE 20 et34 OULE.49Se49 O .f289St4sDUE.69St59 OJI..3Se5 DOBE.St.79 chasing policy, said Town treasurer Jim McQueen. QtJi .259 Set.419 QUI . 299 Se .479 Q 4.319 Set 52 ..J~I429 Set 689 QUIN .439 Set.6 QtJI . .319 Set.78 - "We felt we'd given council very specific information when the KJNG ...449 Set 709 KING ...489 Set 769 .... s529 Set 849 ING -M8 Set 999 lONG ..599 SCt 999 KMN .... 709 Set 11 policy was developed," hie sald. "First of ail, there is no local »e MAYOR on page 9 's aUnIhimied ntrnt utr .SmnlarCftlzmnDlicouh1 .Fnnlgvial ww .m ltnteeh p. the Mai %telEsMlo c , 1 876-3918ý