Reding needs pitching By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Bishop Rcding's girls solîbaîl squad need flot be concemred with getting over on opponents. Getting the bail over the plate seems to be a tough enough challenge for right now. With ace hurler Carolyn Coates still on the disahled list thanks to an ankle injury, manager Bob Shurge han been scrambling to find anyone on his youthful roster who can deliver some effective pitching. That search continued following Tuesday afternoon's season opener - when the host Royals struggled with con- trol from start to finish and were humbled 15-6 by Oakville's Q.E. Park Eagles. Surprisingly, BR held a 5-2 cushion at the midway mark of tIhe contest. The cruel hand of reaîity wouldn't be stayed for long, however. Jen McBean, Heather Townsend and Tara Elke - who shared thse mound work -surrendered s dozen runs over the last two innings, incîuding seven in a mercied fourth frame. Thse Royals' blatant inability to, locate the strike zone opened the floodgates for Q.E. Park, whose late game scoring surge included only four singles. Fielding hy thse locals was a lot stronger, thoughi wilh so iew hils ilhese etflorts werentt much of a factor in the outcome. Shortstop Meghan Williams highlighted the aftemnoon with a double play in the third inning. 'Mis Iooked to be the tumning point, an her teammates had canhed in four nons just s few moments earlier to take the upper hand. Nice blocking Also providing steady defence were right fielder Stephanie Pender and Elke, who was the catcher through inningo one to four and did a fine job blocking the plate. She also brought home a couple of nons vihile McBean, Kim Durante, Stacie Haringa and Sara Wood scored an welI. Leading offensively with two hits apiece were Haringa, Wood and Alison Kidd. Elkie and Durante recorded one each. Reding's three game home stand resumed yesterday against crosstown rivais E.C. Dnory. Results were flot avail- able at press time. Their next challenge comes Tuesday versus the Loyola Hawks. Game time is 3:30 p.m. McGuffiàe feels optimistic a from SOLID on page 22 Hitting: Surprisingly promising despite a batting order that features several rook- ies. A number of young players look oeady to step up and compliment offensive lead- ers Adams Finkbeiner and Nathan Perrotn, whose natural ability and winter training should translate into big numbers this spring. Pitching: If there's one weakness right now, this would be it. Finkbeiner - who has great movement and can control the tempo of a ganse - will be joined by a young supporting cant that won't be over- powering but appears capable of logging some quality innings. Defence: Catcher Mike Leishman and Bud Hall, who' Il play either shortstop or third base, wilI be thse bright spots in a solid if flot spectacular defensive unit. The tStangs have no predominant starters at the corners yet which is a major concemn. May need to win some high scoring games this year in order to go far. Bottom Line: ttWhen I firat saw how young this team wan I did some hemming and hawing, but now I think it might be to our favour," said an optimistie MeGuffie. ttlnitialîy this wan suppose to be a rebuiîd- ing year but now I'mn looking for a little more frons these guys." Opening Day: Saturday, May I in Glen Abby against Loyola at 12 p.m. and at Bian Best against E.C. Drury at 3 p.m. Cas f Karate Lîmît one coupon per pemson. Exp. May 14 I FIGHTING GRIFFIN MARTIAL ARTS 465 Main St., Milton, On. L9T IRI 1 ~ (905) 878-8941 teamns and players for its upcoming qeason, The cost of either thc comnpetitove or recreational conference is $100 per person or $1.300 per tean, Th~e MBHL offers a 15-week regular season plus playoffs. Games are played Sunday and Monday noghts. For more information, cail Fab Giannuzzi at 875-2688. REGION 0F HALTON p CIASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STUDIES HALTON URBAN STRUCTURE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION and MILTON WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT RE-RATING NOTICE 0F PUBLiC OPEN HOUSES The Region is holding twe Pubtlic Open Houe te ptnovde intetctted individeals an eppnntnty te coment n the attene nnted sadie. Please nien us atite loation taeiew either tudy: Pal ne..ntace alat Seginui t oriu Plce ecMentin ecnar c Ttte Hatn UJetan Stnucture Plane t nut a pennete te prnnide seicing infrastute fnt the Region et Hatettt repacte te presteures fonent utttan gtneeth. Ptejecn litted in the Vtater and etantenater Scevcieg Mattet Plat Reeientt 1998 ete planned in annettiacce wttt the Class Ennwacnmental Apalmt e M n Watee antd Waetewatee Pmjlede. A tenten oftthe Masten Plai t eieg ettiettaken te atidreen a entail tumben et eneine te peojece etictt ane te be belit tnt the tnrt pthaseo ntttelnpmcnt in Milton andi Haten HIles (6,200 cent homes and SttOa700 actes ofteeplenct lands)l. In accrdace cth thccmmi me t o t in the Ma tan he Reprposestnamete ate Plan. The tallngn recee.mendud rennuie.. indude: New Ekdleti the adtion ot ec etevatei natet tank en Miltnn ende te provide a cepacate Latte Ontario vrater eepply in Miten tnent resideent Pucelle fine Wastewater Main ,eettatca,: tetecatien oftthe propnned Feett Lice ceastenatet mtain te Miton Necw Plapag Stan ai ew tMidulSM& Colker ad: the addition et a nennastentatet peeepitg statin je Mileen east et 16 Mite Ceee. ttetwteen Decy andi Btitaeea Reatie RegionatlRondtit25 ntermediale Waafeeeîte, Plamping Sttioan: teviike te thet pnepnntd locatin et a eatenatet pinigestitin ie Miltoen ttet nottt et Lee Baeet Reati et the Reejentt Vaete Maeagneent $ite Pemacteen Mite Creett Wasiewater Main andPanpcg Statieon Re&em: retecatin ef ttte ptepnntti wasenatet can tnt cast cidc te wet elde et Feurteen Mite Cee. nottl et Uppet Mnidte Read anti a nee pectpieg stat at the Mid tiate Waetentatct Tteatent Plact in Oalitntlte These tevisine ae te ptnntde a cnet etfective nttnicing etnategy ter ethan expansion antat eetirety %vitin Halon Regin te a tely etannen ntith cae environmetat impact aen omnity disruteio The Rcgtnn is aito conductieg a public meeting purneant te the teqeiennenet Schetiele Ce ofc the Is nvironeenta Aantenmenl tee Municipal Watce andI WVatentate Progene. te tentent the Regines plane te teck atitila ntastentatetteatnn capacity at the Mitten Waetencatet Steatneet Plant. The eRonproet useeteeeembr ttane ira tort ntyecnt esrted te Plnt, 9 ta epdate cpactuddî1,00 ld. The obtjective of the etetiy je te incteant capacnty wttie maintanng the ceatet quality ie Sinteen Mile Cteek. Výnntnn cenmeno in iet forlctnntn ntn the planning andi deign o tany oftine tnnninc, andi în9 ttc ncetid untilit" 20 1999. Pet leethner infontnr ntu cemmrent on Inn pnnped ennitin. plcenýcantaUt Mnliet Amons, nionmneat Appennals Cenntinaton RngienAn Halten, 1151 Bnnnte Reati, Qaennl1e, Ontario, L6M 3LI tren Alticesht 639-4540 ertro Itrete .etenitîn 823-6720. E-mauil t: amuý Fnttewing tieteting and tettjcd te cnntmcnts nececent asea tcnnnlt of tit Notice andi the publin netng%, the Rcgnen et Halton plant te prepate an addcndent ta tht Hatten Uthan Stucture Plat Matten Plan and cnnnplett an Ennnnnnnnnntal Study Repent Inn thc Miltonn Watennatcn Tncantent Plant Rn Rattng. Tis nntice isseed Aptt 22.1999 lean tiaglethien. Repeonal Cler Ï1ENDERVALE ]EQJESIAN COMPLEX 5244 #1 Sideroad, Burlington, Ont. (mailing address RR #6, Milton, L9T 2Y1) T ~~AAcess frm the EAST Oflly OPEN HOUSE Sat. May 8th and Sun. May 9th fromn 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (rain or shine) Bring your famnily and learn about the martyr different equestrian clubs, have a bite to eat and let the eildren have a pony ride - ail for free. LEARN ABOUT and se demonstrations of: *Hunter/Jumpers - Hanovarians - Carraige Drivers - Reining horses - Quarterhorses - Peruvian horses - Arabians - Appaloosa *Visit our website - F Hendervale Equestriau >Complex is àvauilable to Service Clubs, ( ssociations, Cli][dreu's Groups, Charches, etc. to hold their own events at no0 additional costs. For fiirhrifomto please oeil 905-827-2234