fi.Cadcian Champion, Tuesday, Aprl 27,11999-23 Classitîied HOURS MONDAI( TO FRID,ÀýY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM ~Y~/i/estoneé; See Tbdaýy Champion for our new "Milestones" section. To I jq,~4 announce your special event, calI lhe Championsk Classified j Department at 875-3300. DAVIES, Rob & Denise (ne. Michel) are thrilled ta announce the birlh of their lirai child Jordan Evelyn, on Eaaier Sunday, April 4, 1999, ai 5:13 p.m., weighing 7 Iba. 8- 1/2 oza. Delighted grandiparenis are Lynne Davies of Oakville, Tom Davies & Vickie Cartwright of Thouion, Ema Michel & Heinz Harma of Missisaeuga and Rudy Michel of Milton. Jordan la also welcomed by her Un- cie Randy, Tante Diane & Uncle Ted and couaina Ryon & Kyte. Especially delighted with Jordan's arrivai la her greatgrandimoth- er Evelyn Curtia of Alliaton. Special thanka te Dr. Tam & PJ for Jordan'a sale arrivai and ai the nuraea ai OTMH for their carte. DERRIEN, Evelyn Margaret - bom January 12, 1924 - Paaaed away peacefutly on April 14, 1999, ai Martin Houae, Milton, Ont. Mom witI be dearly miased by huaband Frank; children Frank, Sharon & huaband Richard and iheir children Shedi & David, Wayne; Vaterie and her daughter Victoria; grandchil- dren Michael & hia mother Louita; Jason, Juatin, Eric & Matihew and their moiher Ni- cole. Thanka to EveIyn~s frienda; Altendale Staff, Milton Distict Hoapital, Mertin Houae & Halton Health Region. Serice will be held ai Holy Roaary Church, Mertin Si., Milton, Ont. on Saiurday, May 8th, 1999, ai 5:30 p.m. 1 BAILEY, Ed - In memory of my father Ed Belley who paaaed away, A prit 26, 1991. Dearer cuitf as lhe years depart He livea forever in my heart LOVE ANGlE H-OWDEN, Garnet (Ganet) - In loving memnory 0f a dear husband, faiher & grandpa who paed away Aprnl 28, 1998. We oflen ihink of by gone days When we were ail together The family chain cs broken now But memtries will live boraver To ua, he hec not gone away Nor has he travelled fer Juat enlered Godas etemal home And elaihe gatea ajar .Deeply missed by Elva, Randy, Kim, Doris, James, Olivia & Graham IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MAY 1 AT 10 AM SHARP FOR BOB & BETTY BULL, FAIRYTALE FARM Lot 1, Concession 9, Erin Tonship. Farm located 1/4 mile north of Ballinafad Rod (also known as Wellington Country Road #42) on 8h LUne, Erin Twp. (8th Line is one road easi of Trafalgar Rd.). Watch for signa on Trafalgar Rd. Partial Listing Only: Tractor - M.F. 50 Diesel; Douglas Lawn Mower w/P.H.; Work Bench; Farmi Tools; Sump Pump; Viking #1 Grain Cleaner; Good Box Trailer (2 years old); Lots of old Hardware; Bathlub w/sudc- ing glass dloors, Window Frames; Antiques and Miscellaneous Items. Ladies & Gentlemen: The bulîs have sold the farmi and are parling with many of their treasured antiques. Tractor and Misc. farm items seli firsi followed by antique and misc. items. Again, my good friend Mr. Max Storey will be guest auctioneer. Preview and registratons siarts et 9 am. Remember, 'W. always try harder" Please show L.D. when regisiering. Terma are cash or cheque with prop;er l.D. Owner, Auctioneer flot responsible for accidents. DON COLLINO, AUCTIONEER (905) 877-0117 - FAX (905) 877-7895 AUCTION SALE THURS. APRIL 29, AT S P.M. At Hume's Auction Farm, 9313 4th uine, 3 miles Northeest of Milton. To i clude, antique furniture, fishing equip. saxophone, violin, guitar. Sherwood & Gordon Hume, Auctioneers 878-4878 BLACK Cal, maie, white petches between legs, GreenishYellow eyes, named Blue. Sad'y missed. Wilson/- Woodward. 875-1628. 2 GOLO Bracelets euth 26 cherms. Appreisel $3,200, evailable. Have to seli. Besi oSfer. (905) 875-2299. BED, black wrought iron cenopy, Oueen orihope- dic metiress/f rame. Neyer opened, cosi $1,200. Sacrifice $490. (905) 567-4042 GAS RANGE; Caloric Prestige Series (RST380) free standing range. Feetures: self- dleaming oven, steînless steel top wiuh bleck front. Excellent condi- tion. $350 or besi oSfer. Ceil 905-878-0644. KING BED. X-thick Orthopedic Piliowiop, set/& frtrme, stilli n plas- tic, cosi $1,500 seil $625. (905) 567-4042. POOLS SALE, 16 fi. X 24 fi. o.d. rengular ebove ground Kayak Pools. Including decks, fencing, lier, 2 iadiders, send filter, pump & mo- tor etc. $5,995. 1-800- 668-7564. -, . - 1 - ,. ted ceders, spruce & pine. 1 fi. 10 2 fi. rockery atone, flag sione and feance posîs. Smal land- sceping lobs. 853-5694 efler 6 pm. CASHWAY Distribution Centre requires 2 Mate- rial Handiers for loading & ofl-loading traiders. Picking & assembling orders for shipment. Velid Forkifl Certifica- tion preferred. Fax re- sume f0 905-876-2875, afin: Jeff Kilgour. DOMINO'S Pizza re- quires Inside Staff. Please epply in personi f0 17 Wilson Drive, Milton, afler 4 p.m. dai- ly. FIRST Choice Haircut- toms requires Heirslylisls for buay locations. We- terdown, Buriington, Mil- ton. Guaranteed fsouriy + excellent commis- sions. Advancecd train- ing provided. No dlien- tele necessery. Ceil 905-815-3216 or 905- 319-9853. LANDSCAPE Compa- ny requirea personis wilh experionce in Lawn Maintenance. Phone 905-876-1808. MECHANICALLY in- clined persan to work on Trectors & Trailers to siart immediately. - Phono 905-27-4553. 4.0 Mother's Day Crafts *SAT. &SUN., MAY 1 28 9:00 amn - 3:00 pm 760 Clements Dr. ( off Chids> Milton * < * .:.* *** :. *** ee GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 1 8 A.M. -'NOON 111 LORNE SCOTS DRIVE GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 1 8 A.M. - 2 R.M. 126 ROBINWOOD CRESCENT Rein or Shine GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 1 9 A.M. -2RPM. 594 JOYCE BLVD. TRNTPON AUTO ACTON USOÉYSERVITHLE MEPOTIN Fax5 87-95> 876-23415 85-91 NO TESDA CALLS ETDO FURNITURE LAWN SALE RAIN OR SHINE! Sat MAY 1, 9a.-3 pm. 11998 WINSTON CHURCHILL BLVD. 1 1/2 mi. N. of Mayfield KiL/River Dr., Georgetown New ready to finish handcrafted furniture. Dressing vanity, dresoero, wardrobes, night tables, Corner cabinets, coffee and end tables, TV armoire, TV video cabinets, TV stands, hutch & buffet, deacon benches, bookçcases, dry sinko, sofa tables, blanket boses, CD tow- ers, china csbinets, haif moon tablemaga. zine tables, harvest table, pedestal kitchen table, microwave stands, mirrors, grandfa- ther dlock, quilt rack, and much, mucis, more. Bring a truck sant take l wllh yeu! GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 1 8 A.M. - 12 NOON 563 HAYWARD CRESCENT Hockey net, games, household items & lots more GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 1 a A.M. - 1 RM. Ramn Date: Sun. May 2 -8 a.m. - 1 p.m. 274 RANDALL CRESCENT Moving after 16 years - Treasures for ail LARGE GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 1, 9 A.M. - 3 P.M. SUNDAY, MAY 2, 9 A.M. - 1 P.M. 11151 FIRST LUNE, NASSAGAWEYA Village o! Moffat Antiques, fumture, household items~ old & new Pussey cmlin athe Mdanalde taie 905-875-2915r or Fax Rasuma tn 905-875-2910 NO TELEPHONE catta ACCEPTES ON TUESDATO PAHYLRT HOME HADWAR mm 5 SAeLES Ae., iton GARAGE SALE MUT-FMILY SATURDAY, MAY 1 GARAGE SALE 8 A.M. - NOON SATURDAY, MAY 1 662 SUNNYVALE CRESCENT 8 A.M. - 12 NOON Westemn caddie, apart's equipesent, studenîs 896 HEMLOCK DRIVE deck - samothing for everyono Baby cnib, atroiler, swing sot, etc. & lots more